I had a dream my smithi molted.... I checked this morning and didn't happen.You know, all because of this video, I had a dream about these spiders last night. There were 3 of them in a 20-gallon at some school in their student lounge or something. Strange dream.
Just thought I'd share.
Joe,lets find that school and boost some T's.You know, all because of this video, I had a dream about these spiders last night. There were 3 of them in a 20-gallon at some school in their student lounge or something. Strange dream.
Just thought I'd share.
Swift's has this exact same picture with a spider he's calling Aphonopelma crinirufum... not sure if the name is wrong or the picture is wrong, but he might have them.Aphonopelma burica
Since when are mesomelas blue like that? Normally black and red. Definitely awesome looking TsAphonopelma mooreae
Aphonopelma burica
Pamphobeteus sp. "Chicken Spider"
Iridopelma seladonium
Holothele sp. "Columbia"
Brachypelma schroederi
Megaphobema mesomelas
WOW!!!Holothele sp. "Columbia"
Now THAT is a terrestrial I would gladly move out a couple arboreals for!!!! Beautiful!!!!WOW!!!I want that one!!!!
Around 3".How big does it grow (legspan) Holothele sp. "Columbia
You should comb throuh this thread again, because I did......And I'd sell the kids and throw my ex-wife in as a freebie for one of those gorgeous beauties!!!!how come no one has mention E. olivicea!!! ive only seen them on he boards 3 or 4 times..and james tuttle has one now for 175!!! i want one so bad id sell my wife!!haha
Signature worthy!!!And I'd sell the kids and throw my ex-wife in as a freebie for one of those gorgeous beauties!!!!
Maybe there's a blue form of mesomelas? :?Since when are mesomelas blue like that? Normally black and red. Definitely awesome looking Ts
I don't think you followed the correct link.Since when are mesomelas blue like that? Normally black and red. Definitely awesome looking Ts