I want a T!

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
i have only 1 T, a really boring a.avic,
can someone give me a spider for free? anykind i will take, i would really like an usambara, or a salmon pink, just anything is fine, please e-mail me if you can give me a spiderling(i really am just interested in spiderlings) thanks!,
James Kakos

Al Muoio

Old Timer
Sep 8, 2002
My advice is go outside and catch a Jumping spider or two. They are loads of fun and are daytime hunters. Wont cost you anything for the spiders. Mine eats crix.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Here is the truth about tarantulas. When we say tarantulas are fun, we do not mean that they will run and catch a stick or lick your face like a dog. They also do not rub their bodies against your legs or play with string balls like a cat. Many tarantulas will not even move unless either there is food jumping around in their cages or you try to pick them up or something. In fact, many tarantulas go through the phase of fasting and/or seal themselves off in their burrows for months at a time.

People in these forums tend to say that having tarantulas does not take that much commitment. They are right in the sense that you don't need to take them out for a walk or take them to the vet every month. However, no commitment at all will definitely turn the tarantula's cage into its own death trap. I think many of us went through that phase at first and lose the "ambassidor tarantula to the hobby" before we become really interested in them and put a lot of commitment into taking care of them.

Having slings means a lot of patience on our part as pet owners. For some, it takes them over a year for them to reach a size that distinguishes them from normal house spiders. For some, it takes them years to get that big. What does this all mean? Lots of commitment as well as lots and lots of patience.

I looked you up and saw that you are only 12 years old. I know from personal experience that patience and commitment aren't exactly a valued parts of yourself when you are 12. Maybe you are different than that and maybe you are exactly that. The point is I do not know you. I have already developed bondings with my tarantulas and do not wish them harm in any way. I actually observe all of them (especially the slings) everyday and try to notice anything different day by day. Please understand that this is not personal.

I really think the best way to start this hobby, especially if you are as young as you are, is to do it slowly. Ask yourself if you think you will continue to be interested in the tarantulas a month or 2 from now. Also ask if your want of tarantulas just a moment's urge or is it an interest that lasts. And last but not least, ask yourself, and your parents too, if your parents approve your new pets. The reason I say this is because I went through an emotional time with my parents about the tarantulas. If I were 12 instead of 20, my parents would have killed all my tarantulas with bug spray a couple months back.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
a pinktoe is a nice little spider, if he bores you then im sure there are many people here who will take him off youre hands. The fact that youre asking for an aggressive spider says something about you. Are you sure you not going to tease it for fun?


Old Timer
Aug 6, 2002
If I were you I would first take care of the living environment of your spider before getting some more. Especially since you want spiderlings, which are more fragile then older/adult T's.
And why do you want an agressive species (usumbara)? You said in the 'avic' thread that your mom is not happy with you having spiders, are you trying to tease her by buying an agressive one?
Last question: why does it have to be for free? If you do not have money or something how are you gonna take care of your spiders?
Ah, well, I'll stop now
ps. I think Avics are very nice spiders!


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I think all has been said, if you cannot afford to buy one for a few dollars, how will you feed it?


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Love what you've got

If you want excitement, you should buy a Cocker Spaniel. Tarantulas never exert themselves to entertain their owners. As far as they are probably concerned, they have no owners. There is no function in a Tarantulas life that involves loyalty. Therefore, since they are not loyal to you, you must instead be loyal to them. Patiently watch your A.avic grow (BTW, many people will disagree with your sentiment that a pinktoe is 'boring'), and as it matures so will you, and by then you will know if you want to continue this hobby, or if it is just a fad for you. Also, as far as room temperature goes, your room is far safer than your basement for a Tarantula, so talk this issue out with your parents. Show them that you really want to keep the one you have, and explain why it is not a threat to you or your parents.
But keep in mind that no Tarantula will ever jump hoops for you, and you have to appreciate it for the beauty and stillness it holds. This might be a little tough for a 12 year old to do (notice that most keepers on this site are 20 years+), so get into this hobby slowly.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
It all comes down to the fact that he made a post saying that he has an emergency. His mother will only let him keep his avic in the basement. That said basement is cold and he worries constantly about how his "boring" pinktoe is doing. I dont think under these conditions it would be wise to start a collection if you dont have the current ability to even take care of one properly.


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
WHAT !!!????

U think your avic.avic is BORING ! OH my God, may I ask WHY ?? Give it to me if it dissatisfies you. I really would love to have one....again....:(


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I used to have one years ago. I used to spend hours watching it spin its little webs. My mums arachnophobic, yet even she used to watch this little spider at work.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
I think a few other points need to be made here. One is that you are only interested in spiderlings, perhaps this is because you think your mother will be more accepting of a small spider. The other is along the same lines as the others have mentioned about getting into the hobby slowly and loving the spider you've got first. My two cents to that line of thought is that if you get a spiderling are you ready to commit to the fact that depending on the species you may have that spider for many many years?
It is hard to understand at 12 - yes, even at nearly 39 years old I distinctly remember what it was like to be 12 and just WANT something so bad - but you must remember that these animals are living, breathing, feeling creatures. They are not something that you should just think of as another cool toy, or something to boast to your friends about. Any time you get ANY pet it is your moral responsibility to care for that animal and provide it with all it needs to live a healthy life. The fact that you say your avic is "boring" says to me that perhaps you are not ready to do that. Just because these animals are not like dogs or cats does not mean that they are disposable or that it is acceptable to ignore their proper care because they are "boring". Unlike a dog or cat they cannot beg you for the attention they need to survive. No matter how lowly a form of life you may have been brought up to believe spiders are the fact remains that they ARE a form of LIFE. All living things deserve to be treated with care and respect for their lives - not just people and the more "acceptable" pets. I think you would do well to take your time to learn all you can about the spider you have, to provide proper care for it and learn to respect it's life and needs before you go getting another spider - one that you probably want because of their reputation for size and / or aggression.



Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
I just bought a A. avic last night, set up its tank and could hardly sleep a wink. I must have gotten up 6 times to check on it.

This is my first arboreal, and I'm kinda like a fish out of water. I put in silk plants and two water bowls. Substrate is 50/50 peet and verm.. Its in a large Aquatic Garden Terrariam. I,m thinking about melting some holes near the bottom for added air flow?

I'm going to scan old posts for more info.. Wish me luck.



Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002


I have an A.Avic , (1 inch +) and it has a very funny "attacking" mode when s/he literally jumps down from above to catch her/his prey below. So they are really funny little guys and sweet.

I think that works fine MrT, because I did the same with all of my Avics, adding new vent holes in the back of the cage and sides and they seem to thrive.

I think, IMHO, that "stale" air is #1 killer for Avics.
I keep misting ( not soaking) on the sides and ceiling in my cages 1 to 2 times a day and allways keep a filled waterdish in there.
I also have a fan running on low about 4 feet away, in front of cages.:)

I am not an expert, but mine have thrived fine for over 3 months now in the setup I have and they have molted twice each.



Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002

If I am right you got that A.Avic for free of of a nice person at petbugs.com. now you want another for free, be happy with what you got, once you are older you can have all you want as you will have mroe experienced. Dont expect other T's to be active all the time and run around and attack prey all the time. Most are very shy others can be very deffensive. Sounds as if you wanna play with the T or something. Learn more about the hobby.
just my 2 cents

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
sorry everyone, my T is doing fine, i have him at proper conditions, now i realized how stupid i was, these creatures are beutiful, i didn't mean to make anyone think of me as a bad person, i am really sorry!


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002

No one thought you were a bad person. Just maybe a little underinformed. Easily rectified. :) If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
No worries!

We don't think you're a bad person! I'm glad someone as young as yourself is interested in Tarantulas. We just thought we should remind you that you have to take it slow in this hobby. Glad to hear your avic is in healthy conditions.
Good luck!
The Rookie