I think my A. avicularia is dead

David Burns

Old Timer
Jul 18, 2003
I think the humidity was O.K. my avics have less. I wouldn't block off the ventilation. Some of my arboreals won't drink from a water dish so I have to wet the inside of the glass on one side so they will drink. I do this once a week.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2005
I don't know if anyone else has had trouble with screen before, but my G. rosea will sometimes climb to the top of her enclosure and get the hooks on her feet caught in the screen, and I wind up finding her hanging by one or two legs from the top of her enclosure. I get her down, and she goes and hides for a while. I'm getting custom made enclosures out of acrylic which will have no screening, but rather a different type of ventilation. My heart jumps into my throat every time I see her hanging there. I've wrapped most of the screen in saran-wrap (on the inside of the screen) to keep her from getting her foot hooks in the screen and it seems to have been working.

I wonder if your spider is getting very stressed out by getting caught on there, and that's purpetuating the problem? I don't know if anyone has had this problem but me though... I've never read anything on here about problems with screen before.


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2004
CreepyCrawly said:
I don't know if anyone else has had trouble with screen before, but my G. rosea will sometimes climb to the top of her enclosure and get the hooks on her feet caught in the screen, and I wind up finding her hanging by one or two legs from the top of her enclosure. I get her down, and she goes and hides for a while. I'm getting custom made enclosures out of acrylic which will have no screening, but rather a different type of ventilation. My heart jumps into my throat every time I see her hanging there. I've wrapped most of the screen in saran-wrap (on the inside of the screen) to keep her from getting her foot hooks in the screen and it seems to have been working.

I wonder if your spider is getting very stressed out by getting caught on there, and that's purpetuating the problem? I don't know if anyone has had this problem but me though... I've never read anything on here about problems with screen before.
actually i think becca has posted about this before a few months ago, becca, correct me if im wrong but wasnt it your A seemani that was getting caught in the screen lid and you fixed the top by replacing the screen with plexi glass...i doubt that it would stress it that much. but anything is possible.

honestly IMO i think there was way to much ventalation and not enough humidity but i think she took care of that problem. and hopefully it will take a turn for the better( is that even an expression).


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2004
CreepyCrawly said:
I don't know if anyone else has had trouble with screen before, but my G. rosea will sometimes climb to the top of her enclosure and get the hooks on her feet caught in the screen, and I wind up finding her hanging by one or two legs from the top of her enclosure. I get her down, and she goes and hides for a while. I'm getting custom made enclosures out of acrylic which will have no screening, but rather a different type of ventilation. My heart jumps into my throat every time I see her hanging there. I've wrapped most of the screen in saran-wrap (on the inside of the screen) to keep her from getting her foot hooks in the screen and it seems to have been working.

I wonder if your spider is getting very stressed out by getting caught on there, and that's purpetuating the problem? I don't know if anyone has had this problem but me though... I've never read anything on here about problems with screen before.
This is a well known risk with screen tops. I have never experienced the problem first hand, but I did replace all of my tops with plexiglass lids. A T can get injured if they get stuck in the screen lids. You may want to keep an eye on your G. rosea. How soon before you get your new enclosures?


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
The A. avicularia hasn't had any problems with the screen lid so far. IMO, it's spaced so that the spider has little risk of getting a leg caught.

It was me who posted about my A. seemani. Ever since I put plexiglass in there I've had no more problems.

Before anything happened with this spider, the tank was pretty much dry except for one water supply. I've heard about people keeping them both arid and humid with success, but since I was obviously having problems with one way, I figured I needed to try for something else. It seemed to perk up a little last night, but she's back on the floor this morning.

At least it's not in a death curl...


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Stupid Me

I'm stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I wrapped a lot of the tank last night in plastic. The enclosure is near the computer, and as I was sitting here typing, I noticed the problem.

As soon as our central heat/air came on, I saw the plastic moving like crazy. The freaking air vent is pointed right at the spider! It's probably blowing it like crazy all the time. And, depending on the weather outside (which has been changing drastically recently), it's been blowing hot air, then cold air, then hot air, then cold air.

I'm moving the cage. :wall:


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2004
I am so glad that u figured out the problem! I hope you caught it early enough! Let us know if she makes a full recovery!


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2004
becca81 said:
The A. avicularia hasn't had any problems with the screen lid so far. IMO, it's spaced so that the spider has little risk of getting a leg caught.
They don't actually get their claws stuck in the holes of the screening, but rather where the wires cross each other. The seems to be less problems if the screen lid has been painted since it tends to seal where the wires cross.


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2005
i have recently acquired two A Avicluras and have a screen top lid and i was wondering what your plexiglass lids looked like, do you have a pic you could post so i might see what the ventilation holes look like?

Dr Pies

Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
I'm well impressed with that lid you made Becca ;)
Whats it like cutting plexi to fit?

Sorry if I'm messing this thread up btw :8o


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Dr Pies said:
I'm well impressed with that lid you made Becca ;)
Whats it like cutting plexi to fit?

Sorry if I'm messing this thread up btw :8o
It's pretty easy. We used a table saw to cut this piece, but a lot of places like Lowes or Home Depot will cut it for you for free if you give them the dimensions.

Dr Pies

Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
Excellent ;) Thanks for that.

We dont have those places here in England, but I reckon I know just the place to go.

Cheers Becca ;)