I think I may have an emergency.


Feb 28, 2007
Hello. I've been reading your posts for several weeks now, and have not had a chance to post... until now.

I think I've lost my b. smithi.

She was in her aquarium this morning.
Last nite my boyfriend took the lid off to pull out a cricket she had not eaten all day, and I don't think he snapped the lid on as tight as it should have been. When I looked for her this afternoon, and could not find her I noticed that the small space in the corner of the lid, where a heat rock/light cord would go through was open. The lid was not clamped tight, and there was a small, but possible space.

She's a very small spider still. Very young, and very much into climbing and clinging to the lid of the tank. I have no idea what to do, or where to begin to find her if she has indeed escaped. I've got a big cat, and a small apartment that is positively crammed full of stuff, so we'll have to move a lot of things to get around the baseboards and corners of the walls.

I'm so terrified of sitting on her, or finding her in my shoes.

I have three other very happy, very healthy T's of all ages and species, and this is the first time we've ever had such an emergency.

Thank you!


Old Timer
Dec 4, 2006
Hello. I've been reading your posts for several weeks now, and have not had a chance to post... until now.

I think I've lost my b. smithi.

She was in her aquarium this morning.
Last nite my boyfriend took the lid off to pull out a cricket she had not eaten all day, and I don't think he snapped the lid on as tight as it should have been. When I looked for her this afternoon, and could not find her I noticed that the small space in the corner of the lid, where a heat rock/light cord would go through was open. The lid was not clamped tight, and there was a small, but possible space.

She's a very small spider still. Very young, and very much into climbing and clinging to the lid of the tank. I have no idea what to do, or where to begin to find her if she has indeed escaped. I've got a big cat, and a small apartment that is positively crammed full of stuff, so we'll have to move a lot of things to get around the baseboards and corners of the walls.

I'm so terrified of sitting on her, or finding her in my shoes.

I have three other very happy, very healthy T's of all ages and species, and this is the first time we've ever had such an emergency.

Thank you!
im not really sure what you question is. are you trying to figure out how to find her? if so...just look everywhere. there is no scientific method to finding a lost spider. i know you probly dont want to hear this...but here is only about a 50% chance that you will find it at all if its been out for awhile. just look EVERYWHERE in the room is was kept in. under everything. inside everything. thats the only way to have even a hope of finding it.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
Finding Lost Spiders

There are so many threads about escapees that you are probably best to go searching for those threads. From what I've read, it's a hunting game... go look for the spider. Evening seems to be when they are most active, but your spider may be an exception, and they seem to fancy darker places, but those are really only 'first look' spots.

All I can do is wish you the best of luck!


Old Timer
Nov 28, 2005
Good Luck

start close to the tank/cage and be meticulous about your search

and get rid of the cat for a few days, the cat will surely kill the T and possibly eat it. if so, the cat will get sick and possibly die. not a good scenario for either pet. :eek:

it may eventually turn up on its own. i had one gone for about six weeks and then - there it was - looking like: "so what were you worried about, just took a little stroll around, now i am back, can i have a cricket please?" :D

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
She's a very small spider still...and very much into climbing and clinging to the lid of the tank
Something's not right here. How big is the spider, and how big is the tank? You should only have maybe 4-6 times the legspan of the spider in floor space, and--this is important--the distance from the dirt to the ceiling should be NO MORE THAN roughly the spider's legspan.

A fall from a greater height than that could kill it, to say nothing of difficulty finding food...and as in this case, difficulty finding the spider, period.

If you do find the T, or get more in the future, please keep this in mind. :)


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
Something's not right here. How big is the spider, and how big is the tank? You should only have maybe 4-6 times the legspan of the spider in floor space, and--this is important--the distance from the dirt to the ceiling should be NO MORE THAN roughly the spider's legspan.

A fall from a greater height than that could kill it, to say nothing of difficulty finding food...and as in this case, difficulty finding the spider, period.

If you do find the T, or get more in the future, please keep this in mind. :)
But even without substrate a legspan from the lid, the spider should not be attempting to climb! It's a terrestrial species, i.e. lives on the ground. Only thing, generally, that causes them to climb is if they're unhappy in their houses... (don't worry.. it's hapened to most people before.. not your fault, its jst finding the right thing for your spider :) Something silly as in.. my personal experience.. my Haplopelma albostriatum female was housed with 7" of substrate... burrowed for a short time then wouldn't anymore.. she wanted more substrate lol! Now she has 11" and she's fine! Its simple things like this that can be done to make the spider happy....) I'd say, reaarange its house, putting substrate up high, so that if it does climb again, and happens to fall, it won't hurt itself :) (lately i've seen lots on this, but my slings don't have this, and i've never had a problem, but then.. none of mine are climbing lol except the arboreals, but thats dif :p)

Look anywhere warm and dark... that's where he/she is likely to be. Keep the door to the room where it escaped, shut so it can't get out.. and yes.. keep the cat out!! Kepp the room warm aswell... I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere... Best of luck. keep us updated!

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
sorry but i do not think you will find it eg the cat all the things in the room just put it down to experience == SORRY PHIL


Priestess of Pulchra-tude
Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
Hello. I've been reading your posts for several weeks now, and have not had a chance to post... until now.

She's a very small spider still. Very young, and very much into climbing and clinging to the lid of the tank. I have no idea what to do, or where to begin to find her if she has indeed escaped. I've got a big cat, and a small apartment that is positively crammed full of stuff, so we'll have to move a lot of things to get around the baseboards and corners of the walls.

Thank you!
In addition to a thorough search, try laying damp towels along the baseboards and checking under them each morning. Simple and IME very effective.

Don't give up in a hurry, either. I once recaptured a 1 1/2" tarantula safe and sound, more than a month after its escape. And I have 2 cats!



Old Timer
Nov 9, 2006
try to look in the warmest places, for instance under the heater. Some spiders stay in close proximity of their tank. I've heard of people searching for spiders and finding them in very close proximity to their tank. I found my livingstoni under the central heating unit below the couch. Go search at night with you flashlight, It's been said before, spiders are more active during nighttime. I don't agree with the floorspace in a previous reply. I use big tanks for my spiders and they all use the entire floorspace, I've read of people who kept more spiders from the same nest that the ones in the big tanks tended to grow faster, I don't know if there's scientific evidence to support this, but it sure is interesting. I agree with the hight except for tree spiders. Good luck hunting.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Some things that people have missed.

1.) Shine a flashlight parallel to the floor with the lights off. This will illuminate silk trails and may lead you to the spider. Also, look for eye shines. Many people use this method to find dolomedes and I see no reason why it couldn't work for tarantulas.

2.) Leave the lid of the old enclosure off. Spiders will go back to what is familiar and if it's having problems finding food and water, it may go back.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Are you sure it isn't still in the enclosure? If it is a small sling then it may have just burrowed down where you can't see it. Can you post a pic of its setup? Sounds like it may be too big for the spider. Good luck finding it.:)


Feb 6, 2007
I left the lid of my B.smithi when I was like 15, and she escaped that night. My mom woke me up the next day screaming at me that the huge hairy spider was not in her cage. I began looking and only a few minutes later, as I was lifting up the bed skirt of my moms bed to look underneath did I find her. She had crawled up the bed skirt from behind moved off it, and was clinging to my mom's bed, a centimeter from my face. It's only luck that caused me to lift up the skirt at that exact place, otherwise, I don't know when I would've found her. Obviously this did not go over well, but my mom got over it (after a couple of nightmares involving my sweet little spider viciously searching for her flesh), and I still have Clawdia, happy and healthy. I hope you find your spider, and just remember to look behind hanging fabric like curtains, bed skirts, and couch covers. -Sarah


Feb 28, 2007
I found her!!

She's completely fine, and doesn't seem to be phased by anything at all!

I feel like such a dope.

Thank you guys for your help, truly.

I've got a few questions about the other babies, but I'll post them in new, applicable threads.

You're the best, all of you.
- Amber


Feb 28, 2007
She had crawled to the shelf below her tank, and was sitting ontop of my record player.
She was laying on a Joy Division record ?