I seem to be getting more sensitive to urticating hair.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Do any of you experience a reaction to urticating haris as little clear welts that look like heat blisters from sunburn or the beginning stage blisters of poison ivy?
No, no blisters. Just swelling, redness, hives and welts for several hours to a few days depending on species and level of exposure.

If it moves on to blisters, I may have to re-think keeping new worlders and embrace the dark continents.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I dunno if full-out blisters was the right term, but I got a tiny patch of those little clear welts that pop right away when you push on them... I had just recently gotten over poison ivy, but the fact that I had switched out my pulchra's cage in the meantime never occured to me. Hmmm... I will have to pay more attention in the future.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by arachnopunks
BTW, do not use the panty hose to handle the T's they will get hung up in the hose.
I would imagine you would not want anyone to walk in on you when you were wearing the panty hose as one could imagine what they might be thinking.......even if the panty hose was on your arms...............


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
for those of you that have not read my preachings on the wonders of HEPA filters I will write it again, I have been using a HEPA air filter running on the "high" setting on a desk where I do all my t mainenance. if any hairs get kicked or disturbed so they are airborne the filter sucks them right in. I have not had a rash for some time with this method. HEPA air filters are available at many home supply outlets (Lowes, Home Depot, etc.) target, wal-mart, k-mart, etc. also carry them.

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Originally posted by Ultimate Instar
Well, it's especially important for the guys to remember to wash their hands before going to the bathroom.;P

Karen N.
Slightly off topic, but it is also a good thing to do after handling hananero peppers...:rolleyes:



He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by Mister Internet
I dunno if full-out blisters was the right term, but I got a tiny patch of those little clear welts that pop right away when you push on them... I had just recently gotten over poison ivy, but the fact that I had switched out my pulchra's cage in the meantime never occured to me. Hmmm... I will have to pay more attention in the future.
Hey Tom,

I've been getting those more and more recently lately. Not sure if I'm getting more sensitive or what. What happens is I get a small itch, scratch it a bit and up comes one of those blisters. Then I scratch some more and rip off the blister which is about 3 layers of skin thick so then I have a nice open wound with live skin being at the surface. Then I sit there shaking my hand till the burning goes away. Then about 4 days later I start picking the scabs....

Never mind. ;P

But seriously, yes I do get them and follow somewhat of the schedule mentioned above. If I do use my limited willpower and not scratch the blisters, they normally disappear in a day or two. I've noticed that my hands are itchiest in the morning for some reason. Not sure why that is.



Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
I dunno if full-out blisters was the right term, but I got a tiny patch of those little clear welts that pop right away when you push on them... I had just recently gotten over poison ivy, but the fact that I had switched out my pulchra's cage in the meantime never occured to me. Hmmm... I will have to pay more attention in the future.
I get them my fingers when i clean out my L.Parahybans tank, they last for a day or 2 then go away and they itch too, the hairs didnt bother me untill the last few weeks now its really bad with htis little like bump things...thats why i keep mostly ow's:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Do any of you experience a reaction to urticating haris as little clear welts that look like heat blisters from sunburn or the beginning stage blisters of poison ivy? I got a little patch on my finger last week, and it went away, but it got me to thinking.... my little pulchra may be responsible.
Yes, that is very much like the reaction I frequently get.

Additionally, in regard to these barbed hairs working their way out of the skin, I've had such a blisterlike bump on the palm of my left hand for about 10 or 12 years that originated as the worst of such little "bumps" after handling a G. rosea that got spooked and kicked a gob of hair in to my palm. It has always been my belief that a number of these got burried deep in the skin and have never (and like will never) worked their way out, although it did not itch after about a week or so and has never bothered me since. That last fact is another item that leads me to believe that in addition to the physical causes for the reaction there is likely a chemical reason, and though the hairs have possibly remained imbeded in the skin ever since, leaving this "bump" as a reminder of caution, the "alergic reaction" ( or itching ) passed in about the same time frame as a normal "mild" exposure.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
subnote: That was indeed the WORST I ever got fluffed by the little buggers, and that incodent is primarily why I do not handle my T's unless necisarry to this very day.


Jul 16, 2003
how long have you guys been handling t's? this maybe a factor. or does it just happen around this time of year? maybe it is some sort of synchronized power surge of extra hormone that the t's needs in order to survive. there are so many things to consider. like how old is the t, what is the season where they are from and so on and so forth.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by mdfic
there are so many things to consider. like how old is the t, what is the season where they are from and so on and so forth.
You can consider them, but it won't get you very far. It is very, very unlikely that there is anything more than it's a foreign protein designed to irritate (they don't call them urticating hairs for nothing) and any foreign protein has the potential to induce allergic reactions.

I've been sensitive since I was about 13 and it's just been getting worse from there. This goes across species, across ages, across seasons. NW T + me = swelling and itching and, with enough exposure, hives.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Well, it's been a week since the exposure, and my hands still itch, especially when the affected areas are exposed to warmth or pressure. I've GOT to get some surgical gloves to keep on hand, especially since I'm expanding my collection now....

edit: typos galore... :rolleyes:
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