Hello all. I was doing some research on Tarantulas and found this site. I'm thinking about buying a baby one, but I don't have a clue what kind it is. Pet store salesperson said it's a birdeater. (Because it has a dark butt) :? I am thinking about getting into this because I've always been fascinated with spiders and have always wanted one. I can't ask the breeder what kind it is because apparently he went to jail for one reason or another and all of his (2000+) spiders were siezed. So the pet store has about 10 itty-bitty Tarantulas in little film cases for $6. So my questions are...When will I be able to positively identify it, and how? What kind of care do they need when they start getting too big for the film case? Is the substrate they are in right now going to be fine when they get a little older? How can I tell if it's a female or male? What are the temperature requirements? Do they vary by species of Tarantula or are they pretty much the same? Can I keep it outdoors? (<--Wife doesn't want a spider in the house...I can keep it in my garage, though) I'm sure I have more questions, but I can't think of any right now. I will be getting a book about Tarantulas if I pick this one up, but I want to do some research and find out if this would be a good idea or not first. I don't plan on handling it, just watching it. I do understand that raising a spiderling is a big responsibility and that it is probably recommended to get a more mature spider to start with, but this is what I want. The spiders they have in the store range from $45-$120. I don't want to spend that much money on a spider. If anyone has any advice on this that would be great. Thank you in advance.