I killed my T- but on the upside...


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
P. metalica hands down. I'm on the prowl for a couple of these. And as for the others... I can't see what makes the S. calceatum so popular. For me its hard to just pick any. I have to be able to see them so I look for T's that can be visable almost everyday.
From the list you provided I would say the X. immanis.

And stopping at 15 is only for now. You will get frustrated at the limitation eventually and want to add. I'm up to around 20:D (got some more)
Hi Steve, i did the exact same deal with my wife 2 years ago, but instead of 15 i now own 56 and in the snake department 6 instead of 3. Just smuggled them in one by one and made sure when i sold some, she would be told about it. It works, maybe she knows i broke the deal, but then she has given up by now and accepted;-) Remember to to tell her when you sell, and then buy 3, she doesnt notice;-)

ps; X. immanis is not a burrower, but terreastrial. Does hide alot though.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2008
My ex tried limiting what I could keep to the scorpion I brought home against her will, a ball python and 2 box turtles that I, again, brought home against her will - we parted 4yrs ago this January 7th and I don't miss her one bit after 4yrs of hardship by her side.

At any rate, back to you being whipped. P. miranda and A. versicolor are my suggestions from the list you made.

x Mr Awesome x

Old Timer
Jul 15, 2009
You guys just don't understand. I'm extreme. I play halo for like 16 hours straight and play guitar like 4-6 hours a day and do everything to death. I can understand her wanting me to display some restraint. Trust me though, my 15 enclosures will all have a Sly Stallone, a Steven Seagal, JCVD, Arnold, Dolph, Bronson, Jesse Ventura, or a Bruce Willis in them. In other words, they're all going to be totally bad455. Happy Face!!!!



Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
You guys just don't understand. I'm extreme. I play halo for like 16 hours straight and play guitar like 4-6 hours a day and do everything to death. I can understand her wanting me to display some restraint. Trust me though, my 15 enclosures will all have a Sly Stallone, a Steven Seagal, JCVD, Arnold, Dolph, Bronson, Jesse Ventura, or a Bruce Willis in them. In other words, they're all going to be totally bad455. Happy Face!!!!


Hopefully you DON'T get a Stallone-ish tarantula... could you imagine that??
...Some Rambo T escaping and going all one-tarantula-army, tying a bandana to it's carapace and landing on you at night with some little spider-version of an M60 machine gun?


x Mr Awesome x

Old Timer
Jul 15, 2009
Hopefully you DON'T get a Stallone-ish tarantula... could you imagine that??
...Some Rambo T escaping and going all one-tarantula-army, tying a bandana to it's carapace and landing on you at night with some little spider-version of an M60 machine gun?

I would pay top dollar for the tarantula you describe.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Now this is truly funny!!!

I would pay top dollar for the tarantula you describe.

Do you know how happy I'd be to find an actually aggressive T??? Next to that, though, the S. calceatum is your best bet for extreme Theraphosid husbandry. I think TNB has like 9 of them or something.....most are refugees from his failed communal project.

Keep in mind, they steadily grow into their oh, so lovely personalities starting at 2", so you can't get too comfortable with it as a sling. Even then, you will have your moments of, "OMG, I can't belive this thing is going to get worse!!!"