haha iv just orderd more T's lol I DONT THINK YA CAN STOP ITS TOOOOOOOO HARD lolI just received 3 a sp mozambique and a c.darlingi and in the same week i just order 4 c. brachycephalus. Man someone help meeeeee!:evil:
I went from 1 to over 30 in under a year . Its ridiculous.I've caught it too. I just bought 2 a. versi., b. boehmi, b. vagans today at the reptile show. I now have 10, I just got my first one 2 months ago. I got it bad.
Ok you win. If my fiance hadn't lost her job. Id have a few ceratogyrus meridionalis slings and some marshalli. Hope i spelled that right.16 t's in two weeks, got at least 4 comming this week, and I still have an itch.
Well i have a fiance and my brother used to live with me. So there is no hope lol.Funny. People are having the opposite problem I'm having. What is this word "limit" I keep hearing? It doesn't compute!! :wall::?
I have a solution for your problem...get a girlfriend or let a family member live with you you'll know will set a ...shiver.....limit!!![]()