They are great people. They even delt with my "Can I see....oh maybe not" "Oooh, maybe one of" "hold these while I go talk to my mom"Ah ha!!! I knew it!!! Out of my 11 T's, 9 came from Terry and Justin are great people, and I would wholeheartedly go through them again. The first time I dealt with them, they sent me the wrong T, and a DOA. All it took was one email, and they about bent over backwards to fix it. They showed such professionalism, that the last time I ordered T's I didn't even think twice about who to go with. They had everything I wanted, and the $15 shipping is hard to beat in these tough economic times.
Thanks. Ya, she's a beaut. I should have started with a slingYou have gotten yourself some very beutiful T's there, especially the P.murinus, mine is only a sling and tackles pinheads like a NFL linebacker. Can hardly wait till mine is as big as yours. Congrats:clap:
Thanks.nice pickups!
love OBTs!fast and furious.
nice corn snake!