I got the mean one....


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
So i went to the omaha reptile breeders expo today and picked up a few tarantulas. I only got two of the ones intended because they didn't have one (sold out right before I got there) and the other one was just TO small, it was a A. versi and I just couldn't bring myself to get it seeing how fragile they are.

so what I got:

1 1.5" P. regalis
1 2" T. gigas
1 2" P. cambridgei


a mature female P. murinus. Yes thats right. :D I paid for half of my sisters new snake so my mom let me get an OBT!!! I know I'm nuts for getting it as an adult, but I had the extra cage, and she was pretty cheap, so I had to. Wish me luck, they changed her into a new deli cup and she's MEAN!!!

Now I just gotta figure out how to get her in with out getting bit! :eek:

and my sister got a baby blizzard corn snake!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
don't worry I will. I'm getting everyone rehoused right now. :D I had to make some modifications to a enclosure, it was set up for an avic, i have to change it to be appropriate for a psalm.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009

Yet another convert to the Dark Side of the fast and the furious!!!!! I knew you were going to get an OBT eventually, although you're pretty nuts for getting an adult!!! All the T's you got are pretty fast, have a good amount of venom, and are easily set-off. Have fun unpacking those things. ;P

Our Pokies are the same size too, though mine is going to molt here pretty soon. Too bad you didn't go for the versicolor, though. So pretty, and so gentle....ummm...well....most of the time, LOL. My versi actually bit me yesterday.....I never thought that would have happened!!! :eek: Considering that I checked in on all my OWs, and rehoused my OBT before trying to get a measurement of my versi, getting tagged by an Avic was the last thing on my mind.

Mega-congrats, woman!!!!! Post us up some pics!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I know, I'm nuts. {D I'm kind of regretting it, I was like "hey I've got that extra medium arboreal cage, and even though they're not arboreal, they'll pretty much web everything up. I don't have a small enclosure....bah, I'll get an adult" :D but now that I got it home its like How am I going to get her in...:confused: It's just not set up to set a delicup on there.

I finally got all the others into their enclosures, it wasn't because they were fast or anything, just STUBBORN!!! Good gracious {D. I need to get a bigger encloure for the P. camb though. And the T. gigas attacked the chopstick!!!! {D {D {D

I did want the versi but it was only 1/2 which was much smaller than I'd imagined. so I'll likely get one down the road, one a bit larger.

Pics are on the way!!! First I gotta figure out how to rehouse my mean girl. :D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I know, I'm nuts. {D I'm kind of regretting it, I was like "hey I've got that extra medium arboreal cage, and even though they're not arboreal, they'll pretty much web everything up. I don't have a small enclosure....bah, I'll get an adult" :D but now that I got it home its like How am I going to get her in...:confused: It's just not set up to set a delicup on there.

I finally got all the others into their enclosures, it wasn't because they were fast or anything, just STUBBORN!!! Good gracious {D. I need to get a bigger encloure for the P. camb though. And the T. gigas attacked the chopstick!!!! {D {D {D

I did want the versi but it was only 1/2 which was much smaller than I'd imagined. so I'll likely get one down the road, one a bit larger.

Pics are on the way!!! First I gotta figure out how to rehouse my mean girl. :D
OW arboreals (Psalmos and Tapis too) can be obtuse SOBs. {D OBTs are semi-arboreal, even though they're listed as terrestrial....I rehoused mine from a terrestrial setup to an arboreal one, and Arachmed the Orange Baboon Terrorist just loves it!!!

If you don't feel comfortable transferring in an open-room setting, you could use the bathtub. Just get the lid off, unwrap (if it's not already in the open), and carefully place the cup on it's side in the new enclosure. The demoness will come out on her own....or you could slightly put the lid on the new home, and prod her out. I usually do my transfers in my living room, which is a pretty big open space with few places to hide. However, I rehoused my OBT in my bedroom this time around, and had no problems capturing, transferring, and rehousing the little b@$t@rd.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I think Psalms and taps are new world arboreal acctually. But ya, they were both very stubborn, the psalm just didn't want to move and the tap just kept running away. {D and the pokie kept turning around. LOL.

I absolutely adore OBT webbing ability so I'll always have her in an arboreal cage. If the one she's in doesn't work out I'm thinking of getting the large arboreal cage with top opening lid. that way I can give her more dirt to burrow and plenty of space to web.

I finally figured something out, at first I just opened the deli cup and put it in. than I realized she might not beable to, or want to, crawl out with the paper towel there so I removed that. I'm hoping she'll crawl out of the deli cup on her own. It was really a matter of figuring out how ro fit the deli cup in.

Pics are coming in a second!!! I'm just got to upload them to photobucket.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
all my new ones standing in a row:

T. gigas

p. cambridgei

P. regalis

and P. murinus :D

She's in her enclosure now too and the deli cup is out, and no one got bit. yay!

although my dad did just blow up on me. >> Its worth it though, I love my new Ts.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Sweet pics!!!! God, that OBT is gorgeous!!! And I can't get over how fuzzy that T. gigas is....too cute!! The vial on the right looks like the vials Tarantula Inc sent half of my arboreals in, so I'd venture to guess you got a T from them at the expo. :p

I think Psalms and taps are new world arboreal acctually. But ya, they were both very stubborn, the psalm just didn't want to move and the tap just kept running away. {D and the pokie kept turning around. LOL.
HeHe....Yeah, that's why I made note of those two genera seperate from the lumped group of OW arboreals. Tapis and Psalmos are NWs, but do not possess urticating hairs. Although they maintain the speed and temperament (and apparently stubbornness) of OWs, they have slightly less potent venom. Alot of hobbyists (myself included) treat and/or think of them as OWs, though.

I absolutely adore OBT webbing ability so I'll always have her in an arboreal cage. If the one she's in doesn't work out I'm thinking of getting the large arboreal cage with top opening lid. that way I can give her more dirt to burrow and plenty of space to web.
I agree...I love webbing T's. You could also modify a 5-gallon tank to make a front-loading "Burrowing-Arboreal" setup too....ala RobC!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Isn't she! :drool: I'm so happy I got her. I can't wait for her to settle in and start to web. :D

I know, I couldn't believe how adorable the tap was. :D and the P. camb is incredibly fuzzy as well :D. I realized I misread your original post :p I thought you were listing taps and psalms as OW. Sorry about that.

I tried doing the modifying thing but it was very fustrating and in the end the glue didn't hold. and it ended up falling apart. :eek: Although I finally found a pet store that sells exo terras so I might look into those.

and ya, I got them all form tarantulas inc. :D
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Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I forgot to post the blizzard corn :D

this is Leviathan.

check out the skull pattern on his head. :eek:



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Ohhh I am SO JEALOUS you got a T. gigas! They are #1 on my "Do Want!" list right now.. and I can't get ahold of any!

That's awesome that you got an OBT! But you are brave, brave BRAVE for getting an adult female lol


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
congrats! your new additions are so beautiful! I'm a bit jealous, lol. I am really itching to get more Ts.

I love the OBT:)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Ohhh I am SO JEALOUS you got a T. gigas! They are #1 on my "Do Want!" list right now.. and I can't get ahold of any!

That's awesome that you got an OBT! But you are brave, brave BRAVE for getting an adult female lol
Ya, after someone suggested it to me, I really started to fall in love with this species. they're awesome. :drool: Tarantulas ic. has some 2" ones for pretty cheap. They're who I got mine from. (acctually all my new babies were from tarantulas inc.)

Ya, I'll probably regret it sooner or later but she is soooooo worth it, she's gorgeous.

congrats! your new additions are so beautiful! I'm a bit jealous, lol. I am really itching to get more Ts.

I love the OBT:)
Thanks. I'm sure you'll get more someday. This is unfortunately where I have to stop because my dad freaked out on me and said no more. >> (Until I can sneak in a GBB anyways, once I get one of those, my collection will be complete. :drool: (for now anyways {D ))

She is a beautiful girl isn't she? :D she's already started webbing up her enclosure.


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2008
OBT Aggessiveness!!!

You've got a beautiful P. cam! I lost my juvie female, and now I have a juvie male w/o a partner:( The OBT is lovely and looks like my big girl, who I would say is more defensive than aggro. I just rehoused my 3 juvies and things weren't so bad, but when I rehoused my 2 juvie P. chordatus it was all out war! Those things are demons{D and possess speed out of this world. I was almost bitten about 9 times between the 2 of them! I find OBT's to be more laid back with a mild threat display here and there. If you want an all out striker, you need to see P. chordatus in killer mode.


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
Looking forward to the curiousity post where you handled the obt..itll happen believe me. once out their not too bad,just fast


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
You've got a beautiful P. cam! I lost my juvie female, and now I have a juvie male w/o a partner:( The OBT is lovely and looks like my big girl, who I would say is more defensive than aggro. I just rehoused my 3 juvies and things weren't so bad, but when I rehoused my 2 juvie P. chordatus it was all out war! Those things are demons{D and possess speed out of this world. I was almost bitten about 9 times between the 2 of them! I find OBT's to be more laid back with a mild threat display here and there. If you want an all out striker, you need to see P. chordatus in killer mode.
Thanks, a beautiful spider indeed. :D but I got a glimpse of his underside and I think he's male. :eek: I'm sorry you lost your girl, that sucks! Very defensive though!!! Even threatened a drop of water when it hit him. {D {D {D

She is quite lovely. :D And I totally agree, they're defensive. I mean she didn't come charging from her corner web when I opened her tank. The only time I saw her throw a threat was when the guy I got her from was chanding the substrate in her deli cup to a paper towel, than she freaked. {D

P. chordatus huh? I'm good with the evil ones i got thanks. ;)

Looking forward to the curiousity post where you handled the obt..itll happen believe me. once out their not too bad,just fast
I'm not really interested in holding her, I not really big on holding them. {D Plus I do not want to get bit by her.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Tarantulas ic. has some 2" ones for pretty cheap. They're who I got mine from. (acctually all my new babies were from tarantulas inc.)
Ah ha!!! I knew it!!! Out of my 11 T's, 9 came from www.tarantulainc.com. Terry and Justin are great people, and I would wholeheartedly go through them again. The first time I dealt with them, they sent me the wrong T, and a DOA. All it took was one email, and they about bent over backwards to fix it. They showed such professionalism, that the last time I ordered T's I didn't even think twice about who to go with. They had everything I wanted, and the $15 shipping is hard to beat in these tough economic times.