i am not giving up...will buy some new spiders soon.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Ive had insanely bad luck with my spiders ive bought here in the USA since my move over here. I put it down to bad luck and not bad care, yesterdays death made me decide to buy a few more animals, something that i know to be generally vigorous and easy.

Heres whats happened in last 5 years. Bought the following animals in 2005 and tells briefly what happened and when.

2x blondi spiderlings: a year into ownership i fed them a batch of shop bought crickets, within days both had 'white mouth paste' and died.

2x blondi juveniles: both got same mouth paste when fed the same cricket batch as the spiderlings but after keeping dry and watered on tissue paper recovered! one moulted and lost fangs..died through no food. one grew to good sized individual but in 3rd year got something like dyskinetic syndrome and was dead within a week.

3x megaphobema robustum spiderlings: grew well into 2 young adult females, one died suddely in december 2010 and dissecting revealed weird hard chitin like granules in clumps in abdomen! immature male moulted yesterday feb 2011 (still immature on emergence) but when found had either had ill formed/ruptured chelicera or a damn roach that was hidden buried had found him and nibbled him as he was emerging...(ok,that was bad on my part but its difficult to locate those critters if not eaten, and i had no idea that guy was due to moult). 3rd one a nice young adult female, still alive, though small, 6 inches.

4x king baboon spiderlings: all grew well, 2 are now large juvenile females, i also had 2 mature out as males, one dies of old age and the other got a dyskinetic like illness, i froze him then found a long worm like and tough (ie not a fragile organ like consistency) object inside, im assuming its a parasite that opportunistically got in him.

2x phormictopus cancerides spidelings, seem to be inbred? after 5 years one is only 1 3/4 inches across and the other no more than 3, ive never known these spiders to grow so slowly.

Ive kept spiders for 25 years and never had issues like this in the first 20!

anyway im not to be deterred, im going to hunt down a lasiodora parahybana, a curly hair, or something that i know should grow fast and live well...I now feed on roaches to avoid 'white paste' from crickets and im going to be extra vigilent this year regarding my dogs anti tick treatment, i was using frontline and that stuff kills ticks easy, so no doubt the hairs floating round the house arent good news for spiders!

so out of 13 spiders bought i now have 5 including the 2 'runts', not very impresive!!

anyway, kinda venting, but determined.
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Dec 10, 2010
DKS is %99 caused by flea treatment and nematodes are caused by crickets. Stay away from those and all will be fine. I have lost a nice P.spec.machalla to nematodes so I share your pain. S.lateralis for little ones and B.dubia for the bigger monsters, roaches are the best.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
DKS is %99 caused by flea treatment and nematodes are caused by crickets. Stay away from those and all will be fine. I have lost a nice P.spec.machalla to nematodes so I share your pain. S.lateralis for little ones and B.dubia for the bigger monsters, roaches are the best.
it would be interesting to see if owners of spiders who have had DKS also tend to have dogs (cats) with flea treatments. it probably doesnt help either that our local city likes to spray for mosquitoes along the streets either....anecdotally ive seen field crickets spinning around on their backs after application, its all very annoying. this year im not going to use tick treatment on the dogs, im just going to be extra careful and stick to paths and not scrub when i walk them.


May 6, 2010
just wondering yall r sayin that flea medicine is bad for T's but I have to keep it on my dog so I dont have fleas all in the house so whats the best option..also my dog sleeps in my room which my T's are also in so maybe I will move my T's.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
just wondering yall r sayin that flea medicine is bad for T's but I have to keep it on my dog so I dont have fleas all in the house so whats the best option..also my dog sleeps in my room which my T's are also in so maybe I will move my T's.
i mainly use a treatment to be rid of ticks (i hate fidinging those things now and again crawling on the bed! there are a lot in our area)but they can at least be manually removed, ive never had flea problems even though i only use treatment spring/summer. Another idea is to prevent the dogs going into the spider room but still its possible that floating hair/dander could carry the toxin to the spiders tanks.


Dec 10, 2010
We have a huge problem with dangerous ticks that carry infectious bacteria here in Switzerland. People here go to ER for ticks. But after I read about DKS, I trashed all the meds. I will remove the nasties manually.


Feb 6, 2011
Can my spiders really get a nematode or other instestinal parasite from storebought crickets?


Dec 10, 2010
Can my spiders really get a nematode or other instestinal parasite from storebought crickets?
Well mine did, from a store that is supposed to have very clean crickets and locusts.

Non climbing roaches are great, they don't smell like crickets, they don't make noise like crickets and are very low maintenance. I have two small colonies that feeds everything.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Well mine did, from a store that is supposed to have very clean crickets and locusts.

Non climbing roaches are great, they don't smell like crickets, they don't make noise like crickets and are very low maintenance. I have two small colonies that feeds everything.
a bit off thread but ive had a colony of orange heads now for 4 years, last year i didnt heat them enough and now have only large nymphs and adults, ie no babies were produced last year (they are currently heated!) but in order to feed smaller spiders i simply kill a roach and cut into a few pieces and pop a piece in with smaller spiders, they take the pieces without any problem. Its a good way of feeding several small spiders with 1 roach rather than feeding with say 4 smaller ones, esp if you have fewer babies at a given time to replenish the stock.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
2x blondi spiderlings: a year into ownership i fed them a batch of shop bought crickets, within days both had 'white mouth paste' and died.

2x blondi juveniles: both got same mouth paste when fed the same cricket batch as the spiderlings but after keeping dry and watered on tissue paper recovered! one moulted and lost fangs..died through no food.
Buy online feeders if you can. Roaches probably would be better. Can't tell you what to do about nematodes and yeast infections but looks like you handled that treatment OK.

If you ever get one that looses fangs again, you can mash up crickets or whatever feeder into a soup and treat the tarantula like you would a dehydrated one (in container with small amount of fluid tipped slightly to the T's mouth. Keep booklungs dry!)

one grew to good sized individual but in 3rd year got something like dyskinetic syndrome and was dead within a week.
Remove ticks manually or for fleas, keep dogs/cats out of T room if they are treated. The flea and tick pills can cause the pets health problems down the line.
3x megaphobema robustum spiderlings: grew well into 2 young adult females, one died suddely in december 2010 and dissecting revealed weird hard chitin like granules in clumps in abdomen!
Without a pic I could only guess she was badly backed up. Usually tarantulas filter their liquid food quite well so I'd be shocked if it was chitin but who knows. Still a lot we don't know about spider illness.

immature male moulted yesterday feb 2011 (still immature on emergence) but when found had either had ill formed/ruptured chelicera or a damn roach that was hidden buried had found him and nibbled him as he was emerging...(ok,that was bad on my part but its difficult to locate those critters if not eaten, and i had no idea that guy was due to moult). 3rd one a nice young adult female, still alive, though small, 6 inches.
If I have any hint that the tarantula might be in premolt or hasn't hardened but don't know for sure, I just give them prekilled. If they're hungry they'll take it. If not, just remove the next evening.

4x king baboon spiderlings: all grew well, 2 are now large juvenile females, i also had 2 mature out as males, one dies of old age and the other got a dyskinetic like illness, i froze him then found a long worm like and tough (ie not a fragile organ like consistency) object inside, im assuming its a parasite that opportunistically got in him.
That's the bummer-side of a male. If it was a worm, could be a horsehair worm. Some have gotten into earwigs, crickets and spiders. Probably unclean crickets.

2x phormictopus cancerides spidelings, seem to be inbred? after 5 years one is only 1 3/4 inches across and the other no more than 3, ive never known these spiders to grow so slowly.

Ive kept spiders for 25 years and never had issues like this in the first 20!

anyway im not to be deterred, im going to hunt down a lasiodora parahybana, a curly hair, or something that i know should grow fast and live well...I now feed on roaches to avoid 'white paste' from crickets and im going to be extra vigilent this year regarding my dogs anti tick treatment, i was using frontline and that stuff kills ticks easy, so no doubt the hairs floating round the house arent good news for spiders!

so out of 13 spiders bought i now have 5 including the 2 'runts', not very impresive!!

anyway, kinda venting, but determined.
I'm going to let the Phormictopus one go because I've never kept these so I have no idea of their normal size and growth rate. Good on the roaches. Prekill prey if you're questioning premolt.


Dec 10, 2010
Maybe you should clarify: that is your opinion, not a proven fact.;)
True...What I meant to say was %99 of the time, when somebody comes here about DKS related deaths, they find out that they recently treated their dogs for fleas and ticks.

Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
DKS is %99 caused by flea treatment and nematodes are caused by crickets. Stay away from those and all will be fine.
No offense intended, but it's phony statistics and claims like this that cause so many misunderstandings among tarantula keepers. First, DKS has not been clinically recognized yet, and no cause has ever been actually established. Most of the speculations I've seen are related to stress, especially shipping stress. But sometimes possible insecticide exposure is also mentioned.Most likely DKS will be eventually shown to be a general term for a variety of problems caused by several different conditions. Nematodes can indeed come from crickets, but there are other sources as well. Staying away from crickets and flea treatments will not guarantee that all will be fine.

I have no problem with someone stating that flea treatments may cause DKS and that crickets may introduce nematodes - but please avoid the false statistics and over-simplified solutions. They do not help the hobby. :(


Old Timer
Nov 1, 2010
Greeat. Now I am paranoid aabout the crickets I feed mine. They come from Petco or Petsmart and I feed them to my tarantulas after they eat flukers for awhile. Is it illegal to keep roaches in Florida?


Arachnobaron of Pennsylvania
Old Timer
Oct 15, 2009
Greeat. Now I am paranoid aabout the crickets I feed mine. They come from Petco or Petsmart and I feed them to my tarantulas after they eat flukers for awhile. Is it illegal to keep roaches in Florida?
Mostly. I think only Florida native species are allowed. Someone else might want to comment on this as I obviously am not from Florida.

Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
Greeat. Now I am paranoid aabout the crickets I feed mine. They come from Petco or Petsmart and I feed them to my tarantulas after they eat flukers for awhile.?
I feed mine primarily crickets that come from PetCo. Been doing it for years, have lots of tarantulas, scorpions and centipedes (plus a few other arachnids), and have not had any problems. Wild-caught crickets would present more of a risk. Farm-raised ones shouldn't be bad. Actually, wild-caught prey of any type (including roaches) have a higher potenial of introducing parasites.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Without a pic I could only guess she was badly backed up. Usually tarantulas filter their liquid food quite well so I'd be shocked if it was chitin but who knows. Still a lot we don't know about spider illness.


heres that material, almost has a spiky tooth like form, as if it grew, maybe a tumor??
