

Old Timer
Feb 2, 2008
I don't get why you can't open your mind :confused: I use scientific names and not common names usually, yet I can see an advantage when it comes to synonymy or wrong IDs. I've been working with theraphosidae many years.
I don't see why you keep saying something that doesn't change the above. Yes scientific names are more accurate of course. There's no disccussion about that. But that doesn't change the matter of use like Acanthoscurria hobby ''musculosa'' or whatever...can be useful because actually no one knows what the real Acanthoscurria musculosa looks like!! except for Simon who has been dead for years....So an Acanthoscurria spescies appears which could be actually this one, but no one is certain because there's not enough evidence, it's good to call it by such an unscientific accurate name, because we'll know the spider in question. That is just another good example. Do you get it?



Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Well an argument can be made from changing genera and specific names also in a way.

An example is Euathlus smithi, also rat snakes from Elaphe to Pantherophis.
I know its because of cladistic systematics but gee, just when we get used to one scientific name, they change it.

Just my 2 cents:)


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
okay well since I have had quite a few people tell me my cambridgei is a hybrid or at least looked like an irminia I will post these pics of her. just over 5" legspan.

all pics were taken with a flash.


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2007
not yet. I'll try again this year though. The last egg sac she had was a dud =\


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
not yet. I'll try again this year though. The last egg sac she had was a dud =\
thanks for the reply :)

was that the sac mentioned in the thread?

and... i hate to throw fuel on an old fire... but the pics of her spermethecae looked a bit funky to me. i don't know how much natural variation there is the shape, but it looks like in the diagram pic cambridgei have two pretty distinct er "sub fingers" and your girl has blurred and much less distinct sub fingers

she is one of the prettiest specimens i have ever seen, regardless of what exactly she is!


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2007
thanks for the reply :)

was that the sac mentioned in the thread?

and... i hate to throw fuel on an old fire... but the pics of her spermethecae looked a bit funky to me. i don't know how much natural variation there is the shape, but it looks like in the diagram pic cambridgei have two pretty distinct er "sub fingers" and your girl has blurred and much less distinct sub fingers

she is one of the prettiest specimens i have ever seen, regardless of what exactly she is!
Yeah I've only done one breeding session with her and I got that egg sac out of her. When ever I get another male I'll hook her up for sure


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2008
Update regarding why hybridizing is bad...

I would advise you not try to mate her. There's no need to have hybrids in the hobby and it would only mess things up. In my opinion, cambridgei and irminia are better looking by themselves than a hybrid. What would you sell the slings as? What if those slings were mated with a irminia or a cambridgei? It would only cause problems. Just look at what happened to the Avicularia genus when people misidentified them.
Okay, yesterday I'm at the LPS buying tanks and supplies, and I stroll through the T section, as always, and... I see a brightly written sign: "Hybrid Redrump Curly hair, very rare". I almost went out of my head. Firstly, these should NEVER make it to market, secondly the attitude of any LPS is to push inventory, and make profits. The fact that they're advertising them as very rare makes the unknowing purchaser think he/she's getting something special, so they'll buy it. Thus perpetuating a bad thing.

This is the very reason why we collectively bitch about how bad this idea is. The classification of many genera is already confusing enough in nature, without our meddling. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should.:wall: :wall:


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
She's very pretty.

I could definately see hybridization happening in the psalmos species. I'd have to bet that it was a male P. irminia (they're VERY similar to male P. cambridgei) that bred with a female P. cambridgei.

Although I think this one accident is a nice one, if I'd landed in the position of possessing a hybrid, it would be a non-breeding pet.

Least we don't have to worry a lot about a hybrid male getting out and getting frisky with a neighbor's tarantula like a cat or dog..:rolleyes: {D


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
If either of you guys wants to try breeding with a P. cam male, send me a PM.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
she is a very beautiful T regardless!! I am jealous of you all that have one That is sooo next on my list!! Good luck


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
The fact that they're advertising them as very rare makes the unknowing purchaser think he/she's getting something special, so they'll buy it. Thus perpetuating a bad thing.
Well, it was correctly labeled and those ignorant people are unlikely to try to breed it. Hybridation occurs naturally and is perhaps one of the engine of evolution, but it is something that normaly rarely occurs and thus is a tiny fraction of all breedings that occur, so the problem would be if it becomes sort sort of a trend...


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2007
I really don't plan on breeding her anymore. I do love the way she looks though. :)


Old Timer
Jul 30, 2008
I felt the need to comment on this issue of let stores selling hybrids as something "cool" and making money off it. It PISSES me off to walk into a pet store and then they have these puppies that are cokapoo, labradoodle, tuggs and who knows what else. My family has bread dogs for 40 years and this is a disgrace to dog breeds. They invent "designer" dogs with cool names and sell them to idiots. They are doing the same with spiders it seems and who know's what's next.

Sorry for the rant but I can't stand seeing those dogs with those stupid names.

Nice T Bob, let her live a happy life and enjoy her for what she is.

Okay, yesterday I'm at the LPS buying tanks and supplies, and I stroll through the T section, as always, and... I see a brightly written sign: "Hybrid Redrump Curly hair, very rare". I almost went out of my head. Firstly, these should NEVER make it to market, secondly the attitude of any LPS is to push inventory, and make profits. The fact that they're advertising them as very rare makes the unknowing purchaser think he/she's getting something special, so they'll buy it. Thus perpetuating a bad thing.

This is the very reason why we collectively bitch about how bad this idea is. The classification of many genera is already confusing enough in nature, without our meddling. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should.:wall: :wall: