This is a huge burgandy I picked up from Anastasia I named her oprah
I was changing her water and just had to share her with u guys. Just look at her she's gita be up their atleast 10 or 11.
That's why I love Anastasia she's all quality
Yea I have a male like that whenever I see him start to get that beat up look 4 or 5 monts later pow molt. But her she never refuses food. Roaches tremble when her name is spoken but yea she's special. Hey fran did u ever get the one u have been looking for
Yea I know had bought a 1.5 from paul in oct. It actually turned out to be a female she's almost three already they grow fast. But she's adorable has an unbleavable appetite she eats upto a week before a molt. But I couldnt find any thing bigger tha a sling now their every where on all the sites lol
---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------
The burgandys where everywhere at the time I was looking for the blondi so just picked up the 2 males. and finally ended up getting female from Anastasia. And stuck with the blondi sling for the moment working on completing some other pairs that I wanted
Wow, Shes deffinitely a beauty, there deff. my favorite T. Check out my Goliath on general section, She seems to luv the deep burrow and always moist dirt.
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