How to convince parents to let me buy a tarantula?


Jul 4, 2011
Well, I just graduated highschool and I have always liked spiders, but now that I found arachnoboards, I really do have a strong desire to buy one!

When I enroll in college, I will be staying at home and not dorming- so that means I need to convince my parents to let me get a tarantula.

My mother isnt a big fan of spiders, let alone any insect, but I already showed her the plexiglass cages with locks on the sides, so she wont need to fear the tarantula escaping...

She also says that with college, I will be too busy and wont have time to take care of the tarantula...

... Are tarantulas REALLY that high maintainence?

What else can I say to convince my mother into letting me get a tarantula?


Feb 17, 2011
Well, I just graduated highschool and I have always liked spiders, but now that I found arachnoboards, I really do have a strong desire to buy one!

When I enroll in college, I will be staying at home and not dorming- so that means I need to convince my parents to let me get a tarantula.

My mother isnt a big fan of spiders, let alone any insect, but I already showed her the plexiglass cages with locks on the sides, so she wont need to fear the tarantula escaping...

She also says that with college, I will be too busy and wont have time to take care of the tarantula...

... Are tarantulas REALLY that high maintainence?

What else can I say to convince my mother into letting me get a tarantula?
Im also in my second year of college....and I have over 90 T's lol. They are basically no upkeep at all.


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2011
Dude we are going through the same exact thing - I liked the idea of getting a t but after arachnoboards - probably read every post on every topic here - no joke I got hooked, I am about to buy my first 5 slings - a versicolor - super cute so Im hoping it sways my moms phobia, 2 c. Fasciatum, b.vagans, and a p. Irminia. Dont get ow ts as your first - you dont want to give the opposition any ammo. say you have researched them extensively, they are fascinating animals - intriguied you for years, there just like fish except even less maintenence, more unique, thier webbing is soothimg ect ect. Also emphasize thier harmlessness unless your getting a pokie or a baboon because most people thing tarantulas are dangerous. Get a relatively docile, colorful, non potent t and youll be fine!

Collin Clary

Old Timer
Jul 3, 2011
Emphasize that their harmless, only need to be fed every two weeks (even though some can go over a year without food), and most have a fairly long lifespan. And about your mom saying that you wont have the time :rolleyes: (if you don't have time to care for a tarantula, you wouldnt have time to breathe!) I suggest you get the book "The Tarantula Keepers Guide" it will answer most of your questions. Good luck on getting your fist tarantula.


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2011
Dude we are going through the same exact thing - I liked the idea of getting a t but after arachnoboards - probably read every post on every topic here - no joke I got hooked, I am about to buy my first 5 slings - a versicolor - super cute so Im hoping it sways my moms phobia, 2 c. Fasciatum, b.vagans, and a p. Irminia. Dont get ow ts as your first - you dont want to give the opposition any ammo. say you have researched them extensively, they are fascinating animals - intriguied you for years, there just like fish except even less maintenence, more unique, thier webbing is soothimg ect ect. Also emphasize thier harmlessness unless your getting a pokie or a baboon because most people thing tarantulas are dangerous. Get a relatively docile, colorful, non potent t and youll be fine!
my p. irminia would as soon eat my face as a cricket doesn't mean i like it any less {D its only a lil ole 1.5 in sling and i've already gotten teh threats pose when i clean the poo that its flung all over the walls

Dr Pepper 8D

Jun 2, 2011
If you are purchasing via local pet store, take her with you. The folks there will more than likely help put her at ease, and answer her questions well...they've seen it all before...
My mum refused to let me get a snake until we visited the pet store, now she's in love with the thing, want as bearded dragon now too!

Good luck!


May 29, 2011
They aren't high maintanence at all.

Try and compromise with her somehow. I just had to do that with my boyfriend. We live together and I currently have 2 T's and wanted a 3rd..We compromised that I had to get a sling, and it had to be a docile one which grows slow. Sounds complicated but it keeps us both happy :). I get my T, he gets his security.

mr bug guy

Jul 9, 2011
my mom was the same untill she saw me hold the tarantula im pretty sure if your parents see u holding one they calm down alittile


Jul 11, 2011
You could do what i did and just buy a sling. they'll see such a small spider they wont think anything of it then by the time it grows up they'll be so used to it it wont even matter.


Jul 4, 2011
The biggest point that my mother has is that she thinks that I need to focus on my studies, and that a tarantula would be too distracting.

I only want 1 tarantula (for now) cus I know that if i get too many, then it WILL become distracting.

But I need more detail on how tarantulas are very low maintainence! I love the responses but most are just saying " T's are low maintainence" but not really explaining how or why! :(


Jun 13, 2011
If you were to get a G rosea....Feed once a week (unless it's fasting) fill the water dish when it gets low. change the substrate once in a blue moon unless there is a problem. :rolleyes: they are easier than fish....

Tell your mom that the presence of such a calm soothing creature will encourage you to excel in your studies and boost any science grades you get.

oh and do some sucking up


Apr 27, 2011
... Are tarantulas REALLY that high maintainence?
Tarantula maintainence
2 Crix a week
Make sure water bowl is clean
Check T for mites
Mist cage

Thats kinda it
Also make sure that you buy for a good dealer, and not a pet store.


Old Timer
Apr 2, 2011
Tarantulas as Pets

- only cost 22 cents per week to feed (2 crickets - price at PetsMart)
- you can make an enclosure for practically no cost or free
- you only have to clean the cage once every 6 months
- they don't smell
- they don't make noise
- you don't have to let them in and out several times daily to go potty
- you don't have to pick up the poop or clean a litter box
- they take up hardly any space
- you can leave for several days at a time and they don't care
- you won't have any vet bills

- hmmmmmmm


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Let her have a look at these threads. ;)

Tarantulas are very, very, VERY low maintenance ('re not looking into getting Theraphosa, right?). I have 15 and there are many more on here who have a whole lot more and still have a life. Feeding is not expensive and you don't need anything fancy for the cage.

Get some books and other research materials on tarantulas and maybe she'll see that you are serious and responsible about possibly owning one. She just may be concerned that you'll get bored or neglect it later and will need someone else to care for the animal (her).

I got a few tarantula guides because they interested me whether or not I was going to be allowed to have them or not and I wanted to prepare myself for some before moving out. My mom asked me about the books and asked if they were really something I was interested in (and made it clear they would be mine and only my responsibility. Like I didn't know. LOL!)

Sorry if this was long-winded.:eek:


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002

If you use sphagnum peatmoss, the substrate is antimicrobial.

Spider silk is antimicrobial.

If you get bitten, tarantula venom is antimicrobial AND hypoallergenic

There's no smell, no noise, verrry infrequent cleaning. They don't shed fur. They won't give anyone allergies. They are easy to feed, water and house.

The bite of any North or South American tarantula is utterly 100% HARMLESS!!!!!

Old World tarantulas (those from Australia, Africa, Asia etc.) can have painful and unpleasant bites, but as far as recorded medical history shows, there has NEVER been a human death from ANY tarantula ANYWHERE in the world from ANY species EVER!

Sooo...they're compact, silent, odorless, harmless, low-care and non-allergenic. What better attributes could you possibly want in a pet?


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
...They don't shed fur. They won't give anyone allergies...
They don't shed fur, but MOST New World tarantulas do have urticating bristles that many keepers have developed allergies to. Probably no need to bring this up in your conversation at this point, though.


Old Timer
May 8, 2010
My best recommendation is to wait just a little. Make a deal that if you get good grades she will allow you to get one. Really work on those grades and show her you can do it. Keep doing your research, and be fully prepared when you do get a tarantula.
Maintenance is VERY insignificant as the others have said. My larger juvies are literally less than 5 minutes per week.
As somebody who snuck many pets in as a kid, I highly recommend NOT taking that route. Some responsibility, and respect is what is required. Even offer to do some extra stuff around the house if she will let you. I really wish you the best of luck.


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2011
Yeah I snuck my versi sling and ended up in a huge fight with my parents. No sneaking in!