How often do you feed your Ts?

David Burns

Old Timer
Jul 18, 2003
I raise my own crix. So I feed every T ( 50 or so) every day. The slings get fed maybe twice a day. They get fat and go into premolt for quite a while, then after a few days I start feeding again. I also raise mice for the big guys and mealworms for variety.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2004
all I have right now is Avic versi slings, so I pretty much keep crix available for them at all times. They'll eat til they don't want to anymore, take a break for a couple of days, then eat some more. From what I've been told here on the arachnoboards that Avicularia spp won't eat til they burst, so I don't worry about it at all.

They usually stop eating for about 2 wks before they moult, but I just had one stop eating for a week, then take down a crick yesterday, so I don't know what she's doing.


Old Timer
Jan 14, 2003
since i have been on a busy schedule i have been feeding,every 2 weeks which tomorrow all my adults juvies and sllings get fed instead of 1 time a week but before that even more,but they all have water sorce all the time :)


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2004
It would be infinitely more moral to feed your T to a mouse.
Sorry but there is nothing moral about nature. Im sorry that you feel connected to cute fuzzy little mice but there is nothing wrong with feeding them to a T. Your views are biased towards mammals, as if they are worth more then T's. This is a common perception, since we are mammals. The truth is your view is ignorant of science, and outdated.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2003
I feed my juvenile and adult S.American terrestrials every week or two or three or four. I'm pretty random about it, and quantity varies hugely according to what feeders I have in the house and how hungry the Ts look. I have no concern about Ts "getting fat" and I've never had an individual that looked dangerously bloated. None of my Ts have sufficient headroom in the tanks to sustain fall damage anyway. I'm always pleased to see a T take a feeder, since it indicates that they are happy and healthy.

BTW, I'm going to be laughing all day about the "infinitely more moral" thing.
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Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I feed mine exactly like Wendy (Socrates) feeds hers. I have had slings and juveniles that I bought at a Reptile show that ate like they were starved at first when I brought them home. The guy there only feeds all his spiders 1 cricket every Thurs. so some had abdomens almost too small to see. I'm sure it is because they had so many to feed along with lots of reptiles. Only the little G. rosea slings look like ticks. They came to me well fed by Wade.



Old Timer
Jun 30, 2004
Tranz said:
Furthermore, it is my opinion that people who feed mice to their T's are sophisticated (and intellectually rationalizing) versions of little boys who like to pull wings off of flies. Mice are capable of sentient perception and affection - T's are not. It would be infinitely more moral to feed your T to a mouse.
Not sure I agree with the 'boys who like to pull wings off of flies' comparison but in general I find this an interesting perspective.

From what I gather the venom of Ts is most potent to rodents and as such you can't argue with nature - they must be 'designed' that way for a reason, you could also argue that the mouse would suffer less than any other animal because the venom is faster acting...but live rodents have teeth and I would be concerned for my spider!

Here in the UK it's illegal to feed live rodents to Tarantulas anyway. But I definitely don't think I could, in good conscience, feed a defrosted pinkie mouse to any of my tarantulas...freezing a baby mouse dependant on it's mother, vacuum packing it, defrosting it and then waving it in front of a T doesn't sound too close to nature for my liking...BUT this is ONLY my opinion.