How much would you pay?


Nov 12, 2016
Hello, if you were going to buy a habitat for any one of your pets, whether it's a T, scorpion or maybe a ant colony or something like that. What is the most you would pay for one. Say it is just this gorgeous habitat, and just looks amazing and you have to got to have it. Where would you draw the line? Personally myself, i would have to draw the line at $500. How about you?


Tarantula Guy
Old Timer
Nov 30, 2005
Depends on how flush I am at the time....For a T that hides all the time 25. For a nice display T, maybe 80. Large colony attempt 200, but I would be making it.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
Just like @Venom1080 , $100 is more or less where I draw the line. I can make my own enclosures and use nice, cheap enclosures. However, I love the T's. So long as it's clear and looks ok, then I mostly spend $30-50 on Hobby Lobby Displays at most :D No offense, but I could buy amazing T's like T. psychedelicus and even a Xenesthis species subadult with $500 ;)


Dec 25, 2014
A lot. I need to replace the waterdish I use for my T's with ones made of alabaster and Carrara marble :troll:


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
500$ is the container framing made of solid gold? I could see people dropping that on snake container for 5 ft snakes, or dart frog setups. But setting up a T container is not that intensive or expensive, if someone drops 500$ they are getting robbed with open eyes.


Nov 12, 2016
500$ is the container framing made of solid gold? I could see people dropping that on snake container for 5 ft snakes, or dart frog setups. But setting up a T container is not that intensive or expensive, if someone drops 500$ they are getting robbed with open eyes.
I would pay that much if, it could be made the way i like it. I mean like a 5-10 gallon tank with water and a island in the middle.Fish swimming around on the bottom and whatever i chose to put on the island crawling around on the top. You would have to see it the way I have it pictured. :D All crazy, and natural looking. However you would want to be careful of what you are putting on that island.


Jan 28, 2017
Depends on the tank and size of T

If a sling, next to nothing as Deli cups are easy to come across from take away places as they use them for sauces.

Anything Bigger like Juvie etc £100

Only good thing is the main Aracnid shop in Britain sells its Arboreal and Terrestrial tanks for around £20 - £30


Jan 26, 2017
$100-ish. I'm pretty fond of Jamie's Tarantulas adult enclosure. I picked up a couple ExoTerra enclosures that I'm going to modify & pretty up for a few more Ts. I love observing the little guys and I want it to look like a slice of nature on display. Decorating/constructing enclosures is a ton of fun. (I'm hardly good at it, but getting better!)

If I kept scores I imagine they would be in deli cups, but as a display creature I'm having a ton of fun learning about them, learning from them, and providing for their needs in a way that is as pleasing to observe as they are.


Oct 14, 2016
I'm big on doing more for less. If I spent $100 on an enclosure I'd expect it to look like a $500 enclosure. Its tougher in this hobby than most though because You haveto use products safe for the animals. No Home Depot plants, no reused materials, etc.

I guess $10" would probably be the max I'd pay, and I'd expect to be able to pick ul enough materials for a large display communal with maybe a waterfall and other cool stuff. I tend to set my sights pretty high...

Tanner Dzula

Feb 29, 2016
For Me it all depends.
For a T? depending on the species,

For a basic new world that doesnt hold specific Setiments to me? maybe 20-30$

for a rare species, or for a T that holds a lot of Setimental value to me (IE: My B. Albo. First T i ever owned, first confirmed Female T, First breeded, and something ill mostly likely have for atlest the next 10+ years) maybe 50-100$. and thats maybe to get some specific type of planets from that specific T's Natural habitat or just for a very unique style setup specficially for show.

Now in general though? my limit could be in the High hundreds.
some animals you can truly get crazy and extravegent with, like Centipedes and possibly dart frogs(who you can really get truly unique and amazing with the set up)
or like my current Enclosure project im doing, for my Bark Scorpions(im already ~75$ and still working on it)

the reason for the scorpions being, that they are a very good communal species, and living in Arizona, i have the ability to gather large amounts of wild caught of various sizes for the species.

And being a Desert species, it allows a lot fo creativeity with the set up, with different types of cacti, Natural Stones(and of course the exhibitors clay to hold it all together), plants and even other native species that have been seen to co-habitate with them. even with all that, the most expencive thing ive payed for was an extra set of heat bulbs to keep the temps up in the enclosure.

i normally dont spend anything more then 10-20$(unless stated above being rare/A good show species/havning extra ordinary setiemnts) but when it comes to communal set ups, theres just so much that could be done!


Jan 15, 2017
Geez! You draw the line at $500? I believe an enclosure shouldn't cost more than the animal inside of it:dead:

I built my 7x4 foot monitor enclosure for less than $500. And that includes all the wood, all the hardware, custom-cut glass panels, marine topside coat, polyesther resin, two basking lamps with fixtures, one ceramic heat emitter with fixture, shelving brackets, power strip, timer, 8 gallon cement mixing tub (for water), and temp gauges.

Ready-made pet enclosures are always way overpriced.

If you want to make a fantastic enclosure for Ts, wait until Petco does their $1 per gallon aquarium sale and get a 5 or 10 gallon. Then go to OSH and pick up a $5 acrylic cutter, $10 worth of hardware (screws and little hinges), and a $25 sheet of acrylic. For $45-50, you can have an enclosure that looks like a million bucks:)


Jan 16, 2017
I want my critters to have cool enclosures, but I too am "frugal". Thankfully my BF has gifted me all of my enclosures (I'm kind of spoiled), but if I were to buy my own I think $100 would be max for me, unless it was for a snake, in that case I would dump my bank account to have a huge and amazing tank.


Sep 26, 2016
I refuse to pay more for the enclosure than the animal that will inhabit it. I use a plethora of tubs to house most all my herps and T's. Deli cups reign supreme for slings. The only animal I have that uses an enclosure over 100$ is my BTS and that's because i'm to lazy to build my own lol. All of my arboreal geckos that were housed in exo terra's are now in plain tubs....they have absolutely thrived after I moved them.


Dec 4, 2016
I've seen some absolutely gorgeous custom rainforest type enclosures with waterfalls etc for tropical frogs. I'd pay good money for something like that. But for the scorpions I keep, an expensive enclosure would be a waste of money and space.

Tanner Dzula

Feb 29, 2016
i guess its all a matter of preference.
like i said i wouldn't spend anywhere near 500 for a T (with a few exceptions, if i got my hands on a MF or Breeding pair of like Xenethisis blue's or something)
but many animals it could be understand able to spend a lot on a set up.

Even Excluding Most large reptiles(monitors, snakes, Tegu's, Salt water fish, ETC ETC) that require large enclosures, there are many reptiles that could call for a nice enclosure, simply for the fact that they may cost a fortune by themselves.

PLUS i think people are forgetting, that sometimes the enclosure and presentation are more of the Aim then the Actual animal going in itself.
IE: Dart Frogs. i Know a good number in people who will go All out on a dart Frog Enclosure. Rare Mosses grown, custom native plants ordered in, very complex waterfall/water Systems set up, multiple layers of life in a Fully self thriving eco system of insects and such.
they will spend hundreds, to then throw in a few frogs they picked up for 25$ each at the local reptile shop. because sometimes, for them the whole Ecosystem/vivarium itself is more worth it then the actual animal in it.

and what if 500$ is not even a Quarter of what your animal is actually worth? haha

depending on where you get animals from, there are some that can range wildly up to 2k depending on the area ( purple paradox breeder Bearded dragons, Satanic Leaf tail Gecko's, Rare monitors, Rare Python morphs, Yellow Lip chameleons ETC)

Its one thing to put a 40$ T in a tub(which believe me, other then 2 of my t's, They are all in Plastic Tubs/containers/ETC, thankfully i have a Container store near by i frequent) But to say, hey, throw a breeding pair of Reptiles you just spent 1,799.99 on in a 4$ tub isn't something everybody is going to do.

i for one don't see the point of spending hundreds or even thousands on an Animal, to put it in a cheap 4$ box.
thats like taking the time to spend 95,000 on awesome sports car, but coming home to park it in your run down Garage with a leaky roof and a stick holding it open.

at the end of the day its all Every persons opinion, but it wouldn't really judge somebody else who might be willing to spend more for an animal that may also cost a lot more lmao.

and also, i doubt even you could make a enclosure like these for under 500$

