ROFL!I'm selling my body. So far not enough takers...
--the nature boy
p.s. at least PZB tips well.
How many of your 120+ T's are of the same species? Yeah........... I am getting competitive.I'm right around $1000 including supplies/feeders 120+ T's, lobster and hisser colony.
If I had to guess, $30,000-$50,000. But that is over all my time in the hobby.i payed 350.00-400.00$ on mature males a week at one point thats why i let my M Balfouri and P metallica go if you had to guess what would be a range on what you have spent i am thinking a lot with a collection like yours
WOW!! thanks for making me feel inadequate. ;P i'm sitting at about $200...If I had to guess, $30,000-$50,000. But that is over all my time in the hobby.
Well I got my first T 17 years ago, and started buying them myself a few years after that. So all that is spread out. It's not like I spent all that in one or two years.WOW!! thanks for making me feel inadequate. ;P i'm sitting at about $200...
Damn im getting there i tell myself no but i do it anywayIf I had to guess, $30,000-$50,000. But that is over all my time in the hobby.
Ditto. Least that's what I tell myself. I'm sure it's more.I still consider myself a noob to the hobby but in a year's time I alreay spent around USD1500.
I agree 100%. I don't want to even think about it.Oh good god I don't want to think about it.