How many T's

When you first got into Tarantulas, how many did you get on your first T purchase?

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Sep 11, 2005
First was a G. rosea in 1992. Have 26 now with 2 more on their way. My 10 year old Grand daughter is now collecting with me. She has 3. Her first was a L. parahybana full grown female. Gift from her dad.


Arachnobaron of Pennsylvania
Old Timer
Oct 15, 2009
My first shipment was a 1/4" A. hentzi. Then once I had realized how small 1/4" tarantula really was, I ordered a 2" L.P. and a .75" B. smithi the very next week.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
My first shipment was a 1/4" A. hentzi. Then once I had realized how small 1/4" tarantula really was, I ordered a 2" L.P. and a .75" B. smithi the very next week.
Lol yeah, I was a bit surprised just how small my youngest daughter's 1/4" A. hentzi was when I got it. It is so small, I feel like I am feeding the pinhead cricket when I put it in the A. Hentzi's cage. Like the crickets going to eat the T. After getting it, I set my limit on smallest size to 1/2". 1/4" is just too small for me to want to care for.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2009
I'm starting off with two: P. irminia and H. maculata. I just got them a week ago. ^_^


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009
I started with a G. rosea in Sep. 2009...and I thought I was happy.
In Nov. I got 4 slings: B. smithi, B. boehmei, G. pulchra, and N. chromatus...and I thought I was satisfied.
In Dec. I got 3 more: C. cyeanopubescens, P. murinus, and N. chromatus...and I thought I was done.
This Saturday I'm picking up a C. darlingi, E. cyanognathus, and a B. vagans...and I think that's it :D


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
The problem with this poll is that my number keeps changing from week to week, lol.

My ex husband had a Rosie for several years when we moved in together. We picked up a Cyclosternum sp. (cobalt redrump) and a P. lugardi at a LPS. The Rosie died and he was distraught. We ordered a T. blondi and GBB sling and it was all downhill from there, lol. We had around 100 personal spiders and had a few breedings.

We split, he took the spiders because his living situation was more spider friendly. Fast forward 4 years and I'm back! I'm starting slowly and I keep telling myself I'm going to be selective and not end up with dozens of spiders, but I already have 4 since Christmas.

I got back into it when I started dating my now BF. On our second date, I mentioned I used to keep spiders. He let me go on and on, asking all kinds of questions before he let me know he had 30!! It kind of tripped a switch in my head and I jumped right back into it. He's more than doubled his collection since then too. It's nice to have someone to share my weirdness with, lol. He's also gotten me every spider on my wishlist, the ones that are available anyway. SCORE!!!


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2009
After reading the replies so far I really feel like I have a moderation problem. Just stepped back into the hobby after getting out in the early 90's (Budget was much different then). Did not have versicolor money back then, seen a deal in July and bought 200 of them. So that would be my version of jumping in the deep end ( By the end of the month I'll have over 600 T's). {D

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
The problem with this poll is that my number keeps changing from week to week, lol.
That's why I only asked what people started with. It is only natural for people to keep getting more and more. I know I sure don't plan on stopping with the 3 (2 belong to my two kids) I started with. Was thinking of going to the expo tomorrow to get either a Avicularia Avicularia, Brachypelma Vagans, Cyclosternum Fasciatum, or Psalmopoeus Cambridgei. Just not sure I want to go or just wait until next month when I have more money, which will widen my selection a lot more.

P.S. That's pretty funny about your new BF. I am also glad my girl doesn't mind my pets. She likes the 5 T's we have and she liked all the snakes we have had. She even had me buy her a albino Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta once.
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