How do you make a P. Metallica communal?


Aug 9, 2012
'Communal' conjures images of animals working together for the common good, which seems like a stretch with tarantulas. I think some live in proximity to each other in the wild, sometimes due to a shortage of suitable locations for a retreat, but that they aren't actually working together, and likewise would do quite well on their own.
That's what i should have said, about the working together part (almost non existing with T's) although alot of female spiders do look after the slings even give thair life as first feeding to them, but communal does also mean being colse to one another (without sharing space/food) etc, I guess as mortals we have many definitions on communal living, T's only have a few, tolerate being close/because of size of the enclosure have to do so and enough to feed on so won't argue with neighbors, guess there's also others.