how do you know when a female is mature?


Oct 26, 2010
How do you know when a female spider is mature enough to breed? I have a 4.5 inch avicularia metallica(im pretty sure is female.. if someone would confirm on the sexing id thread i would really appreciate it :) ) I know they are supposed to get larger but i read on the breeding reports that a person breed a5 inch female avic metallica. So how exactly do you tell if a female is mature enough to mate and produce a sac. Can females breed before reaching full size?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
General rule of thumb is once they are 60% of their adult size, but I personally prefer to wait until they are at least 75%.

Hopefully this will help as well:

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I hope this is helpful to everyone.



Oct 26, 2010
Thank you xhedex very helpful! I would have never thought they could breed at such a small size amazing! Are there potential health risk at breeding at 60%? I did try the search function but a ton of unrelated stuff came up. Maybe I just was not using the words I needed?:wall:


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2007
I like to check the females spermathecae for signs of darkening. As a female begins to mature each successive molt you will notice darkening and hardening of the spermathecae. Under microscope, immature spermathecae are relatively clear (sometimes so clear you cannot even see them, you have to use an implement such as a pin) to "lift" them so they are visible. As a female begins to age, the spermathecae will begin to develope small, reddish dots and each molt the dots will increase. I personally will attempt a mating when about 50% of the spermathecae is covered in the dots. At full sexual maturity the entire spermathecae will be darkened.