How Do You Keep Crickets?


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
I've been buying a dozen small brown crickets and putting them in a tamale jar with air holes punched in the top. I put a small slice of banana in, which they love. I try to change it often, but when I forget, it ferments, and the alcohol kills the crickets. Not an altogether unpleasant way to go.

How do you keep a few crickets without them dying, and how do you make sure they have enough food and water, which is ultimately better for the spider?
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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
I keep my crickets in large plastic containers with snap on lids. I have lots of little holes drilled in the lids (I don't use a drill, just a really sharp exacto knife - stick in the point, twirl it a few times and presto, nice hole, no melted plastic on a drill bit :) ) I use egg flats as places for them to climb. As food I use puppy chow that has been ground up in a blender - it is full of all sorts of vitamens and minerals, they love it. I give them leafs of Romaine lettuce as a water source and additional food. Occassionally I will give them peeled sliced apples as well. I have never used cricket bites or cricket waterers. I regularly raise my pinheads to adults with this setup and I have recently started raising my own pinheads by placing a shallow dish of tamped down moist peat moss in with adults for a week then I move it to it's own plastic tote and in about 10 to 15 days I have more pinheads.
The biggest key to success is proper venelation and KEEP THEM CLEAN - I can't stress the cleaning enough. If you don't keep them clean not only will they stink like h*** but they will die off quickly.



Old Timer
Sep 30, 2002
Originally posted by Gail
If you don't keep them clean not only will they stink like h*** but they will die off quickly.
And she ain't just whistlin Dixie! LOL When I had lizards I used to put them in a coffee can with half a potato in it.....MY GOD did that thing stink!


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
i do about the same as Gail, except... my lizards eat all my small crickets way faster than they can possibly breed! lol.... oh well....
i guess i need to get a few of these setups going....