How Do You Handle People Who Ignore the Advice They Asked For?


Apr 11, 2017
Sad :( A lot of people in my area dump dogs and cats, so anytime we see a garbage bag out in the desert, we check it out. I just wish people could understand that even though they are pets, some animals aren't domesticated like a cat or dog, and if you want to keep them, you need to give them an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat.
I know what you mean, I check out boxes and bags sitting on the side of the road. People can be so heartless, I can't imagine just throwing a living animal away like it was so much garbage. :(


Apr 11, 2017
Here in Italy sadly happens that babies are found in the trash can, as well.
Happens in the US also, even though there are programs that will accept newborns with no questions asked and get them the care they need to try to prevent such things. It's no wonder I prefer the company of my inverts to people.


Feb 18, 2017
Awee. Cute geese. And yea, i offered a local girl tarantula advice, and i know it was good because the species she asked about is the species I've kept the longest. A few days after answering her request for help, where i told her to stop handling her tarantula while it settles in (the poor thing was super stressed), she posts pictures of the spider on a video game controller while she is playing. So the spider is up in the air on a smooth plastic surface where either party could get easily spooked. I told her not to handle that thing if she wanted it to settle in.
Ugh...she sounds like she got one just to be "Edgy"...there's no other reason for her to do a photoshoot with the poor thing, especially after you asked her not to. Honestly, I try to relate with their side of things to win them over. I also direct them to sites (like this one) where they will be bombarded with information that they can't ignore. That poor spider. =/