i was googling about tarantula care, or something like that... i did several searches, and arachnoboards came up in each one. i took a look around, and saw how active the boards are, and decided to join.
i actually found it through arachnofreaks,someone on there said i should try this one.wow big time difference.haven't left since,actually on daily
Well, pretty much everytime I would do a google search or a goodsearch search, I would always end up at Arachnoboards. In addition to that, I had stumbled upon Arachnopets when I first got into tarantulas...eventually, it all led to me becoming a member here! I just figured that if there is so much valuable info in one place, I better join up!
I found this site through google. I googled Emperor Scorpion Enclosures. After searching through many sites I came across Arachnoboards. I must say that it is the best and most up to date forum I have come across. I viewed every page of the Scorpion Enclosures here. I am very impressed.
i was lookin for some information on scorpions on google,
and ended up here i think.
either that, or i was looking through other sites and it linked here.
The boards are linked in a lot of invert sites. I was looking at getting into the tarantula trade and was looking at different species to start my collection. I saw the boards linked so much that I just had to check them out. I am not disappointed!
I've googled for "Grammastola aureostriata" and found a thread about bite reports. I am a newbie and I'm scared after reading that thread
I don't have my own tarantula but I should get one these days... it will probably be Grammostola pulchra as it's good for newbies (guy which sells them told me so)... but I'm in love with Brachypelma smithi and Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens and I hope that one day I'll have both of them
I found out about Arachnoboards from John Apple. I had no idea this site existed and now I'm addicted! I have to go on here at least 4 times a day. Thanks a lot John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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