Hottentotta Trilineatus


Old Timer
May 8, 2003
:? Hi! I am new to this forum. I' am considering adding some of these to my collection, and have som questions:
Do you have any tips on keeping this species? How big are they? Are they communal?


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2003
H. trilineatus will commonly reach 1.5-2 inches and are not communal, but can be kept in small numbers, even in a small enclosure. I keep mine on small pebbles (gravel). If I recall correctly, there is a pic on the Scorpion Files which shows this scorpion's native habitat, so you can get a good, educated standard for enclosure from that. They enjoy dry habitats (I keep them at 70% with a slight variation of 5% humidity each way). They like a lot of warmth and seem to enjoy hiding almost all the time. Experience is a must, as it is NOT a beginner scorpion. They are FAST and can be on the more potent side of venom content, as well as the fact that they are commonly misidentified! H. polystictus and H. hottentotta are the two it is commonly misidentified with. I currently keep all three of the species in which I named and the different species cannot be kept together! Noticeable traits of them are, H. trilineatus appears to have more than three stripes on it's mesosoma and it's mesosoma appears almost black quite often. H. polystictus has three stripes which occasionally blend to appear the same or similar to trilineatus on it's mesosoma (appearing black sometimes as well) and H. hottentotta has two stripes on it's mesosoma. The name trilineatus has been debated as will be again in the future because the polystictus actually has the characteristics that the tri's name inspires and vise versa. They are commonly confused and I, as well, may be incorrect, though the taxonomical guide I have found describes them this way.

edw. :?
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Old Timer
May 8, 2003
I'll look at the pics on Scorpion files then, and try to create something similar. I think i am experienced enough, only been keeping scorps for 6 months but read a lot before that. I now have 8 scorps and 3 T's, and they are probably not more aggressive than my 2 V. Spinigerus. Besides i'm always very careful when dealing with the scorps, not even been close to being stinged.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2003
The species are about comparable in aggressiveness, but I do believe Hottentottas to be a bit faster and they are also apparently quite a bit more potent. I have read sting reports of Hottentotta scorpions in the past and they weren't the happy ones like "My arm went numb for an hour, then I felt fine." They were more like the sting reports usually heard of from scorpions such as some of the more potent Centruroides scorpions. Just be wary. They may not inject a huge quantity of venom, but they don't really need to. I have never been stung by this species, so I can't tell you from personal experience. You can always check the stings forum here, but I don't believe there are any posts given to any species of this genus. When I find the link that had the sting descriptions, I'll post it.

edw. =D


May 27, 2022
The species are about comparable in aggressiveness, but I do believe Hottentottas to be a bit faster and they are also apparently quite a bit more potent. I have read sting reports of Hottentotta scorpions in the past and they weren't the happy ones like "My arm went numb for an hour, then I felt fine." They were more like the sting reports usually heard of from scorpions such as some of the more potent Centruroides scorpions. Just be wary. They may not inject a huge quantity of venom, but they don't really need to. I have never been stung by this species, so I can't tell you from personal experience. You can always check the stings forum here, but I don't believe there are any posts given to any species of this genus. When I find the link that had the sting descriptions, I'll post it.

edw. =D
Hey I have a question, why is mine H.Trillineatus ok being together? Their are two of them and live in harmony and I do believe they are able to live communally as long as they are fed properly, they often like to hide in the same hide too.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
Hey I have a question, why is mine H.Trillineatus ok being together? Their are two of them and live in harmony and I do believe they are able to live communally as long as they are fed properly, they often like to hide in the same hide too.
Bruh, this post is from almost 20 years ago. You realize that right. Did you notice where it said 2003? Holy crap do you expect this person to be checking up on their thread 20 years later?


May 27, 2022
Bruh, this post is from almost 20 years ago. You realize that right. Did you notice where it said 2003? Holy crap do you expect this person to be checking up on their thread 20 years later?
Why did I see 2019? No idea and how did you find me? No idea lol…anyways do you know the answer?