Holy crap, Bigfoot and Chupacabra proof?


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
I don't know, when I was a teenager my husbands step-father found footprints in the woods. We all went out to look at them, they were not human or bear. They were HUGE. He tried to do a plaster or paris mould of them, but they didn't turn out.

Then another time, my husband and I (still teenagers) were up late one night, and the window was open. We heard the weirdest noise that I've ever heard in my life. I still remember how scared that noise made me feel. It was definitely animal, but not anything I've ever heard before, or him. He wanted to go outside and check it out, I wouldn't let him.

Not saying it was bigfoot, but we still don't know what caused either of those things.


Old Timer
Dec 7, 2006
the Bigfoot turns out to be a rubber Halloween costume.

heard it a few minutes ago.

but there is a high possibility of bigfoot being a living creature. my belief is that in areas that are large, its possible to overlook new creatures (like in the amazon, or siberia) anywhere thats populated by few people compared to the rest of the world. so it may not exist in the us, but in other, less populated areas.

that said if you think about it it could exist and just be overlooked. a non believe could see something and deny that he/she did, or someone could see bigfoot and think its just something else that just "seems" to be a bigfoot due to the size or shape or something.

science is 99.9% truth and 1% possibility.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008

just in case it's misunderstood, my post wasn't to contradict yours, I've also heard serious reports of large furry creatures (theoretically they were werewolves in Wisconsin) by serious people.
We don't have werewolves, we have serial killers.


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2008
Yea, shoot. I am game :).
a) There are 6.5 billion people on the earths land masses. If there was a big foot, there would have to be 'big feet'. You would need a fairly large breeding group to sustain the population. and with six and a half billion people on earth, some one would have found some hard evidence.
b) not enough food to support a fairly large group that is necessary to sustain the population
c) There are no fossil records of 'great apes' in the Americas, so if it is here, how would it get here?
d) where are the bodies? I mean, these things have to die, right?
e) Have you ever heard of a silent monkey? Ape? Orangutan? They are all very noisy creatures.

I think that there are plenty of undiscovered animals on this earth, but any megafauna would have to be under the oceans.
Not enough food on land or in freshwater lakes. So that knocks 'Nessie', werewolves and vampires out of the box too.

Just my opinion, and I will gladly eat my words when I see one in a zoo.
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Old Timer
Jul 15, 2008
Not long ago there was a "mysterious creature" roaming around in some part of the US. People had video of it and thought it might be a hyena or some unknown animal. It was big news for several days. They finally figured out it was just a fox with mange :p
See, a hyena is a possibility, plenty of people have illegal animals, and these animals could get out.
lol, I remember that story too... it was hilarious!



Old Timer
May 2, 2005
a) There are 6.5 billion people on the earths land masses. If there was a big foot, there would have to be 'big feet'. You would need a fairly large breeding group to sustain the population. and with six and a half billion people on earth, some one would have found some hard evidence.
b) not enough food to support a fairly large group that is necessary to sustain the population
c) There are no fossil records of 'great apes' in the Americas, so if it is here, how would it get here?
d) where are the bodies? I mean, these things have to die, right?
e) Have you ever heard of a silent monkey? Ape? Orangutan? They are all very noisy creatures.

I think that there are plenty of undiscovered animals on this earth, but any megafauna would have to be under the oceans.
Not enough food on land or in freshwater lakes. So that knocks 'Nessie', werewolves and vampires out of the box too.

Just my opinion, and I will gladly eat my words when I see one in a zoo.
This is all speculative but

A: They have found evidence of a population. The casts of foot prints when made into a graph as a function of length and width make a bell curve, which would follow any natural population (i.e. a mean size of animals with very few large and small individuals). Another interesting thing about the casts are the presence of dermal ridges that all have similar characteristics unique only to sasquatch tracks.

B: Trust me, the Pacific Northwest has plenty of food to sustain a population of any large omnivore.

C: There are none found here, but finding fossils of any animal found in an area that has always had rodents is difficult at best. Even Gigantopithecus blackei has only been described from molar and jaw remains, probably because they were too tough for the rodents to chew through. And while we don't have fossil records, we have other records from Native Americans that there have been apes, or ape like creatures, as long as they've been here.

D: Ever found a dead bear? And they are pretty populace in areas. Dead animals don't last long in the forest. A few years ago I was in Alaska doing research with Fish and Wildlife and we came across a recently killed juvenile male bear. By hour 72 it was pretty much bone. The group up there two weeks after us said nothing was left except a stain in the grass.

E: Actually, most monkeys don't make a whole lot of noise. I only work with a small sampling of primates, but most don't make noise constantly. Especially secretive animals like gorillas. But there have been recordings taken in the Northwest and Ohio of all places that are described by animal vocalization experts as "primate like" and unknown to recording catalogs.

Basically, there is proof that they may be a small number of non-human primates living in pockets in various places over the globe. Whether or not you believe is another story. There is a great show on Discovery called "Science meets Sasquatch" that does go over pretty much all of the bases I covered. I do believe in the hairy guy. There have been too many eye witness reports by non crack pots and the evidence I have mulled over indicates something other than a couple of yokels from Georgia with a monkey suit.
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Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
a) There are 6.5 billion people on the earths land masses. If there was a big foot, there would have to be 'big feet'. You would need a fairly large breeding group to sustain the population. and with six and a half billion people on earth, some one would have found some hard evidence.
b) not enough food to support a fairly large group that is necessary to sustain the population
c) There are no fossil records of 'great apes' in the Americas, so if it is here, how would it get here?
d) where are the bodies? I mean, these things have to die, right?
e) Have you ever heard of a silent monkey? Ape? Orangutan? They are all very noisy creatures.
1. Not neccessarily. There are many secluded places that man probably has never explored even in America. They could also be like Gilas in underground habits.
2. There is more than enough food to support a Big Foot. There's enough for Grizzlies and those are bigger than Big Feet are claimed to be.
3. I don't believe that you can trace even a few animals in fossil records. I don't believe we "know" 1% of the dinosaurs that were here before us.
4. If you follow a Gila theory than they would be under us. If they were above ground than they more than likely would have been scavenged.
5. If they were underground than that would be too much of a barrier to hear through. If they were solitary creatures than we wouldn't hear them.

The most anyone can offer is a theory. There are plenty of reasons we would never scientifically come across one. I would really love to believe that the thousands of people that claimed that they saw one were telling the truth. I'm not sure, Nate-87 made some great points.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
D: Ever found a dead bear? And they are pretty populace in areas. Dead animals don't last long in the forest. A few years ago I was in Alaska doing research with Fish and Wildlife and we came across a recently killed juvenile male bear. By hour 72 it was pretty much bone. The group up there two weeks after us said nothing was left except a stain in the grass.
Cool. I haven't found one. What kind was it? Grizzly, Brown or Black?


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2008

I have never personally found a dead bear, but a bet you alot of people have.
Do you realize how big of a breeding group there would have to be?
Are these animals OCD? we have never found ANY evidence that is unarguably real.
If they are as intelligent as people claim they are, they would have tools, the would have 'nests' and chances are they would also communicate.
They would definitely have some sort of territorial behavior, and I guarantee that we have invaded on their territories once or twice.
plus, all the civilians, cryptozoologists, farmers, hunters and former militants who have put effort into finding these animals would have found SOMETHING.

They found footprints?
Have you seen Jurassic park or any other movie for that matter? Hell, have you been to any toy store or hobby shop? All of the tools needed to create a footprint are out there. It is extremely easy to find information on the internet.
There are plenty of people out there with a ton of talent, and free time. Hell, I have no artistic talent and I could make a mock foot and stomp it into the ground.

All I am saying is it is highly unlikely That it STILL exists. It could HAVE existed many years ago, before all this crap started.

The chances of discovering a new species of terrestrial megafauna, is slim to none.
Aquatic? definitely.
Subterranean? maybe, but I don't think it will be what we are expecting.



Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Cool. I haven't found one. What kind was it? Grizzly, Brown or Black?
Brown. It was pretty gnarly. Two males had fought earlier in the day and the loser went off in the direction we found the corpse in. It was probably sleeping there and the loser vented his frustrations on the younger male by ripping off its left arm, biting it in half and then tearing out part of the rib cage.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Brown. It was pretty gnarly. Two males had fought earlier in the day and the loser went off in the direction we found the corpse in. It was probably sleeping there and the loser vented his frustrations on the younger male by ripping off its left arm, biting it in half and then tearing out part of the rib cage.
EWWW!!! Makes you wonder how teddy bears rose to popularity.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
And to nate:

If you can make a track that can fool an FBI footprint analyst, then you should just go for it ;).


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
And to nate:

If you can make a track that can fool an FBI footprint analyst, then you should just go for it ;).
True ,there are mathematical equations to discovering what made a foot print.

Height, weight, length of foot ,width of foot and stride/distance, it would be my thought that most hoaxers dont figure this out before pranking


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2008
And to nate:

If you can make a track that can fool an FBI footprint analyst, then you should just go for it ;).
it's weird that when I look for information around that... I see nothing. let alone anything substantial. they analyzed hair, and they said it didn't come from any known animal. didn't specify if it was natural or synthetic...it's weird how people edit the facts to make their views seem more plausible...:?

is this the FBI agent you are referring to?



Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
it's weird that when I look for information around that... I see nothing substantial. they analyzed hair, and they said it didn't come from any known animal. didn't specify if it was natural or synthetic...it's weird how people edit the facts to make their views seem more plausible...:?

is this the FBI agent you are referring to?

Are you trying to start a fight with a mod?


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Can't I voice my opinion? If an authority figure can't deal with a differing view or opinion... then they shouldn't be an authority figure.

I'm just saying your opinion was like a theory or just an opinion a little while ago. Now you're going around toting your opinion like some huge fact. You're probably thinking the believers are idiots by now.
My opinion,


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
everybody play nice ,this is a discussion