chela and fingers are too short for that. If they would belong to that species, those would be two females, btw. I also think they belong to another Heterometrus sp. Which one? I don't know....I could ID it, but I would have to slam it under the microscope, and that's not gonna happen
Yeah they can only be guesses. My guess was cyanus because, to me, the chela have a particular look. The granulation looks unique on them to me, kind of a rough marble look to the granulation, like an old pebble driveway, hard to put into words, that together with the shape of the chela. Also I'm assuming the pics I've looked at have the right ID. It's crazy out there with bad ID's all over the web! A more reliable source I think: I think a big problem is people wanting to be right and making comments stated as facts, wanting to be right but not really knowing for sure so they label it and won't change it because of pride and ego. But what else is new about us humans lol.
thx, for all your help...i was thinking the same: longimanus or cyaneus. Are there any other differentces betwen this two sp., like size, attitude? Two of mine are very agressive, always raising their claws in the air and making hissing sound. Now they are a little bit smaller than full grown p. imperator. Female is much smaller than male, but i think that is because she isnt fully grown yet. I tried to breed them, but they started to fight so i seperated them for now....
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