Here she is!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
This is my new dog, Junebug!!! <3 I can't take her home yet unfortunately, I don't know when I will beable to because we have another dog and she still shedding the parvo virus, I guess they shed it for 2-3 weeks after getting it, but I also know the doctors don't want her there that long, not sure when I'm going to do as far as that goes. :/

Anyway, here she is! Taken with my phone so poor quality...



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Oh totally! I wasn't sure what her personality was going to be like because she was just so sick, but now that she's feeling better, when I went to visit her today her personality was starting to shine through! <3 She's a little hyper, which with probably build, lol and she's a total lover. When you call her name she trots over and sits in front of you, looking up with that cute little face.

Gosh, I just wish I could take her home!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Well, she was able to come home this morning! I'm super happy and I think she is too!!! Introductions went pretty well for the most part though she was a little jumpy around Sly, our Collie/greyhound. She was pretty nervous as she explored around the house, and she didn't know what to make of our birds, though she gets along with our cat Harley so far, not sure about how she's going to be with Trixters, for the most part Trixters hates dogs and only tolerates Sly.

She seemed to calm down, even cheer up when I brought her into my room where she's hanging out now. She also has this constant need to be next to or on me which is adorable. Right now she's lying next to my computer chair! <3

I need to work with her jumping though, especially since she's bonked me in the face a couple times jumping up to give me a kiss.

Right now, unfortunately, though I heard it will go away on its own, along with just getting over parvo she's also going through a false pregnancy right now.