i bet he's using a Nikon D70 DSLR ;Pdanread said:what camera are you using?
@ Steven: Hahaha how did you figure that one out eh mate? Spoiler! ;P ;P ;Pdanread said:Those are defintely the best macro photos i've seen of scolopendra. If you don't mind me asking, what camera are you using? Is that the full screen shot in the last photo, or have you enlarged the cental portion of a photo you took? My camera has got a good macro, but i dont think i can get that close, the lense blocks out all the light once you get so close.
Incubu5 said:What camera are you using?Hi Incubu5,
I'm using a Olympus C-5050z, its a pretty good camera, 5mp, and the macro is ok. I don't have an external flash, so i have to rely on natural light to get good macro pics. I would like to invest in a bit more kit at some point, such as an external or ring flash. It's a bit annoying being limited to waiting for a sunny day to get good photos, especially if you live in the UK!
Thanks for the info! Pede identification is still difficult for a relative newbie like me. I heard that S.morsitans is also widely distributed and has many different colour forms too? Also, how big would it likely reach? I guess not anywhere near subspinipes, but I'm just curious. Thanks againMantidAssassins said:Your third pic, the greenish one from Tanzania is almost certainly S.morsitans. The antenna segmentation and the dent in the last tergite are visible enough in that photo to be relatively sure.
Good luck on your next hatchout!
the "dent" in the last tergite isn't that typical for morsitans :? is it ?that's just an easier species to pick out because of the dent on the terminal tergite.
Hey,danread said:Hi Incubu5,
I'm using a Olympus C-5050z, its a pretty good camera, 5mp, and the macro is ok. I don't have an external flash, so i have to rely on natural light to get good macro pics. I would like to invest in a bit more kit at some point, such as an external or ring flash. It's a bit annoying being limited to waiting for a sunny day to get good photos, especially if you live in the UK!
gongyles said:the "dent" in the last tergite isn't that typical for morsitans :? is it ?
i've seen several other scolopendromorphs with that "dent",... who aren't even in the scolopendra-genus!
yeah right,...MantidAssassins said:Check back on the previous post, it also has to do with the antennae. I also took into account the prefemora, collection location, etc.
I haven't seen other centipedes with a dent like that but I'm sure there are some. Do you have a photo? Hemiscolopendra and certain Scolopendra have a ring furrow, doesn't mean you'll confuse H.marginata with S.gigantea.
I'll assume you are just taking things out of context to be annoying.
Either way, yours is a moot point since that photo is S.morsitans.
Still, post photos of the genera you speak of if you got em... go ahead and post you never took any pics and killed the pedes if that's your alternate explanation.
:?that photo is S.morsitans
gongyles said:mmmm,.... there are several keys to ID you simply can't see on that picture.
like the underside of the prefemora, tarsalsporn (the spines underneath the leggs,... don't now the Englisch version), coxopleurenforsatz (the part underneath the last tergite.) etc...
and i'll do a search on pictures of the specie with "dents" in the last tergite.
MantidAssassins,MantidAssassins said:I'll assume you are just taking things out of context to be annoying.
i'm using Attems book Scolopendromorpha to ID,...MantidAssassins said:You might sound smart to someone who owns no books but your points are NOT based on the description of that species, the surface to check on the preforma is the dorsal, not ventral, your second and third references aren't at all specific to that species (the answer being sternite).
How is your photo search coming along??? If you're not 'full of it' you should have something by now.
If you're going to continue to post in English you should make a tiny bit of effort to get the spelling right for the animals--especially as you are so quick to critique others.gongyles said:and in case you haven't noticed i'm not Englisch speaking,...