Good luck on the GBB. Hopefully she'll come around now that she's being kept in a proper environment.
My bachelor's is in physics and I started my PhD work in astrophysics (but didn't finish my thesis), so I've always been a person who needs proof to believe something. I need to understand how things work. That "Dr." Emoto thing about the water molecules is one of the most utterly ridiculous things I've ever heard. I would love to see his 'proof' and his methods and how they were tested. It would be good for a laugh, anyway...
My bachelor's is in physics and I started my PhD work in astrophysics (but didn't finish my thesis), so I've always been a person who needs proof to believe something. I need to understand how things work. That "Dr." Emoto thing about the water molecules is one of the most utterly ridiculous things I've ever heard. I would love to see his 'proof' and his methods and how they were tested. It would be good for a laugh, anyway...