HELP!!!! my avic avic looks epileptic


Old Timer
Oct 2, 2002
The Spastic Dance of Death

Unfortunately, I have also had experience with the "Spastic, Ataxic dance of Death" as I've labled it. Following are my observations:

Subject I
Wild Caught (F) Rosea

Had T in a 10 g aquarium w/ peat substrate.
Humidity 75%
Variety of food: crix, anole, frog, fish
Became symptomatic for ataxia 12/02/01 (roughly 1 year after purchase)
Died without aid 02/02/02
Disection revealed no distinguishable organ systems ( visceral soup). Microscopy revealed no traces of nematodes, ameboe or other recognizeable foriegn agents.

After careful consideration, I believe she died as a result of my spraying Bengal Roach spray in the kitchen. She was my first T and I had no idea she could become affected when housed in another room.

Subject II
WC (F) Nhandu carapoensis
Same basic care as above.
Same symptoms
Same results upon disection and microscopy.

Discoveded Neighbors had sprayed during the time she started exibiting symptoms.

Subject III
WC Haplopelma lividum (F)
Moved all T's to safe room in an attempt to isolate them from any pesticides.
10 gal. aquarium with peat substrate
Humidity about 85%
Temps around 80F
My first indication that all was not well was that she abandoned her burrow and would not return. Next she began fasting, then the ataxia set in. She lived about 6 weeks after she became symptomatic. Disection and microscopy revealed nothing abnormal.

Subject IV
WC Aviculaia avicularia (F)
I rescued her from a pet store in hopes of saving her. She was already ataxic when obtained and died 3 weeks later despite following all the ICU precautions. Microscopy and disection appeared normal as in subject III.

* I found no external or internal parasites on specimens.
* All were purchased from the same dealer who used the same importer.
* All were wild caught, adult females.
* first 3 lived about 6 weeks from the onset of symtoms.
* All fasted and were not observed even attempting to catch prey.
*Subjects I & II were exposed to pesticides and had similar results upon disection (soupy interna)
* Subjects III & IV had similar disections, with distinguishable organs.

Just some thoughts on the subject. I would be very interested to hear other's reports.

Kelly O

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
The problem with a lot of Over-The-Counter "home pesticides" iw that they are airborne. RAID, et. al. warn you to open a dor or only use in well-ventilated areas. We have Orkin come every two months to our house, simply because of previous earwig and ant infestations... they use a CONTACT ONLY poison in the house, and my inverts have never been affected. I make sure they do not treat the room my inverts are in, just because I'm paranoid, but they have never shown any ill effects... and I've got a couple of plings that would be especially susceptible to it.

Bottom line is, airborne is a killer, I would think.

Ace Man

Mar 13, 2003
Updated update

Hi guys

There's always been a water dish in the tank although I haven't seen her drink from it yet (and it's not like I sit there watching her 24/7!!)
The thing about the spray is nothing's been sprayed within the vicinity of her at all so I don't think that's the problem.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Didn't someone just say the had had contact with the Schultzs'? I think forwarding this string to them might be a good idea, I'm sure they have expierenced this in their way-more-years-than-us handling Ts. It sounds like it has happened to many of you and I would very much like to know what it is beore it happens to one of my Ts!