You have one too?Glad I found this thread; I have a female Phiddipus somethingorotherus that has made a beautiful egg sac right above my bathroom vanity. She is guarding it ferociously. Not sure what I'm going to do when it hatches out though! Let loose a cloud of fruit flies?Very cool spiders.
Sorry it took me so long to respond - I was away on holidays for 2 1/2 weeks, then came home to a crashed computer - just back online now with a new hard drive. Pain!
News though....... the babies have now hatched! I had her and hereggs babysat by an entomologist while I was away..... the babies hatched the day I got back home again! They are still hanging out within the inner layer of the eggsac, but I can see them running around in there. Mother stopped guarding them once they had hatched..... I didn't know if she would die, or what would happen..... well, she sure hasn't died - far from it. She's eating like a pig..... in the last 2 days, she has eaten 10 flies, 5 moths, 3 leafhoppers and 3 skippers.... still going strong! She visited the babies for a bit today.... went in there for a couple minutes and came out - not sure what she was up to. But....... I have a real strong feeling that she is fattening up in order to lay more eggs...... aaaaa!
I have 2 little homes ready to keep 2 babies.... will let the rest go outside on my virginia creeper vine, where there are millions of tiny variety of leafhoppers awaiting being eaten by some baby spiders.
Maybe you could move the eggsac outside once they hatch..... they stay inside there after hatching for about a week or so, living on their yolks from their eggs (they don't eat yet). I've been doing some research and talking to a very nice entomologist.
Let us know what happens with yours!! Any pics? Is she guarding the eggs still? Apparently, they guard them, but may die before they hatch, or may live till after they hatch, or may even lay more eggs after they hatch since they store the sperm from the male they met previously and fertilize them themselves whenever they want.