help feed hungry kitties. it's free to you!


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I hope the button gets we need more cats running loose.
*bows to you* good man :D don't get me wrong I like cats but there's too damn many of them. There's ONE nice cat in my neighbourhood, the rest breed everywhere, wreck my garden and one got in and ate my finches.

Maybe if people stopped their cats breeding all over the place we wouldn't need to feed them. It may be different in other places but in Northern Ireland it's a pest. One nice little house cat is good. An army of mangey, howly, scratchy, flighty, unpleasant theives is not.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
You guys do realize that this is feeding abandoned cats in shelters and such, not giving food to people who breed cats to encourage them, right? I'm a little baffled by a few posts where people are all "we don't need any more cats!" Obviously not, which is why it is good to support shelters, because they're the ones spaying, neutering, frankly euthanizing a whole lot, offering cheap clinics, discouraging free-roaming, and managing feral colonies. Heck one of our shelters will do kitty abortions and spay your cat in the process if it is early enough along. Not supporting shelters doesn't equal more cats dying, it equals more cats getthing abandoned, becoming feral, and destroying our native wildlife.

((Though as a side note, I'm so happy to find a forum where people largely share my view that domesticated cats are a destructive invasive species and we need way, way less of them. I get my head bitten off for that point of view nearly everywhere else I go.))


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
no no I know what your saying and agree with you. I'm just trying to stir phil up a little. I have nothing against him but I just love his creative replies.

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
no no I know what your saying and agree with you. I'm just trying to stir phil up a little. I have nothing against him but I just love his creative replies.

thank you young lady :worship: :worship: and you can stir me up any time :eek: ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ---- phil {D :razz:


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
Actually, Phil , everytime you click on the link a rabid kitten dies!!!


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I dont know if it applies for everyone, but for shelters by me every cat/dog adopted MUST be fixed before adoption as to not encourage any more breeding. You also get reembersed the money you used to get them fixed.

Also if you adopt a stray cat it would be awesome if they could give you a discount for getting it fixed, I mean not many people adopt strays if you think about it so you should be rewarded for doing so by getting discount spay/neuter, dont you think?

That doesnt exist here but it should, the cost of spay/neuter is also what deters people from getting their animals fixed. AND the myth/s like after being fixed they become fat and lazy which isnt true at all or that an animal fixed goes crazy which is also false.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2007
I dont know if it applies for everyone, but for shelters by me every cat/dog adopted MUST be fixed before adoption as to not encourage any more breeding. You also get reembersed the money you used to get them fixed.
They do that here too, though it's not like you're getting it free since they just include the extra in the adoption price and you get back the extra portion they have when you bring in proof of the pet being fixed. It's more like paying a deposit on soda cans in states that do that, and then getting your deposit back.

Also if you adopt a stray cat it would be awesome if they could give you a discount for getting it fixed, I mean not many people adopt strays if you think about it so you should be rewarded for doing so by getting discount spay/neuter, dont you think?
Well, if you assume they were going to get a cat/dog anyway then the question just becomes which one would you rather kill. I think strays, who are more feral and generally poorer pets than others would be the first choice of which ones to kill so I don't see a point in rewarding people for "saving" them.

That doesnt exist here but it should, the cost of spay/neuter is also what deters people from getting their animals fixed. AND the myth/s like after being fixed they become fat and lazy which isnt true at all or that an animal fixed goes crazy which is also false.
Honestly, if someone can't afford the $50 operation I don't think they're financially able to support the pet anyway and would rather see it killed than live in subpar conditions.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I hope the button gets we need more cats running loose.
If it makes you feel any better, if every single person who's replied so far (including me...but I haven't clicked for reasons I'm about to discuss) actually clicked the button...this thread would have donated $4.90 so far.

It's been up for a that's an average of 14 cents per day.

You see, it helps to research the charity you're donating to...even if it's one click of a mouse per day.

The site that owns this 'click to donate' site is not a non profit group...they're a for profit corporation.

Most of these sites only get money if someone clicks on a sponsor link. I find it doubtful that they actually get any money from those clicks. If they do, it's not more than ten cents per click*.

Furthermore, the company that owns this website does not publicly report exactly how much they give to charity, nor do they report how much their top employees earn. For all we know, nobody here's donated a single cent to the cause...merely lined some greedy bastard's pocket.

Let's assume this stays constant...this thread stays up for a year and nobody loses interest in it and people keep clicking.

Two clicks per day on average, ten cents per click. That's $73.00...assuming they're not just keeping all the ad revenue.

Well, I donate food every once and awhile to shelters. I help tarantulas find homes. I donate about $100 per year to the SPCA...usually to spay/neuter an animal. All this is done during the summer months, when I'm earning about $500 per week. I do more good by myself in less than 6 months than this thread will even if it stays up for a year. Or two (I estimate I donate roughly $150 per year).

If you truly want to help animals out, you need to go slightly out of your way to do so. The only things who have been helped so far are the owners of this site...people who are no better than your common scam artist.

I really hope one of you can prove me wrong in order to justify this site's existance.

Wikipedia said seven, but I've asked some owners of businesses off boards who have sponsors for their websites and that's what they told me

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
we all got our opinions and thats a good thing but i do not put the ££ or $$ first in my life ---- phil


Nov 18, 2007
I clicked. And Phil, you keep doing what your doing. I support you all the way.:D
I don't think its a scam to fill someones pocket. Even if it was, I would click anyway because I'm making someone happy.:) :) :)

and go Phil!!!!:D :D :D :D


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
Thats wierd.....

I going to youtube to watch faces of death cat videos....
That is just really sad :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I cant believe how many people dont Like cats they are wonderful animals that must be fed just like any thing else. How would you like it if there was a click to feed u button and no one fed u:embarrassed: