Help! Dog farts!


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
OMG, MizM, you are so right! Boy can the kids scream....they can REALLY bring out the worst in me ;P
Fortunately both my parrots were sexed, so I know for sure they are girls. I would NOT want to handle a sexually mature Amazon who's in the mood ;)
....or any other "large" parrot for that matter. My friend once asked me to help her get some blood from her Scarlett Macaw so she could find out whether "Bella" was indeed a girl. "Bella" wasn't quite interested in having a stranger hold her in a towel, while my friend clipped a toe fact...she (??) was quite mad and let me get a taste of her beak once it was over :eek: Turned out "Bella" was a "Bellissimo"..... ;)

Dorkus, what you read is quite correct. But I don't want to generalize all parrots. It's the hardest thing in the world NOT TO pamper and cuddle a newly acquired baby parrot all the time, because they will most likely want all this attention to continue ALL THE TIME. Some parrots like more attention than others, but Eclectus certainly do quite well entertaining themselves, and having 2 of them is even going to help more. They may not be as attached to you as they are toward each other, but then again, it all depends on how you raise them and how you interact with them.

Oh wait....MizM....YES, I am soooo hooked on T's's not even funny. And even though this comment probably doesn't even belong in your thread here, I'm still gonna tell you that I wish you could have seen my face when I saw all them pics with you holding all them tarantulas. :eek: :eek: :eek:
WOW!!!! I am NOT that brave...nor that experienced to try that. Especially the "trance" pics....OMG!!!! You must have nerves of steel. Just last week I took my Chilean Rose out for the first time, and attempted the "handling". She walked from hand to hand....and now remember, this was the FIRST TIME EVER that I had a tarantula on me. As she was walking from hand to hand, she got faster and faster, as did my heart rate. Once she was back in her home, I rushed downstairs to have a "drink" and a "smoke". :D My nerves were shot.

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
I was to lazy to read through all the posts, so I might be repeating what someone else already said but one of my moms friends said the vet told her to give her dog yogart? I am not sure if my mom tried this on her dog? but I will ask her , them let you know. Don't laugh just repeating what I heard :)

Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
NOOOOOOOOOOOO DAIRY. That has been tried, no offense dude. Dairy will give your dog a new kind of smelly fart that you will just love. :} :} :} NOT.
But you never know, you can try it if you want, but you have been warned.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
your Mizm theres not ONE theres 8 confirmed and another 11 being checked into!!

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
No offense taken. I will ask my mom if she tried it, she has a 12yr old dag that has this problem.