

Old Timer
Nov 28, 2005
Hello, My Board Name is Dr_hemlock2, I am one of the contributors to the Arachnorecord program and its upcoming evolution to a web based service. I am responsible for one thing right now it is setting up the database structure. Although I can probably do this myself I would rather put it before the very people that might be using it. I think it is very important that I stay very close to the actual user’s responses that I have gathered from previous requests and I am sure Leon will agree that this is one of the reasons for the change to web-based services. It has been mentioned that many of the dealers have established ways of managing their stock and this is fine as this is not a financial program for dealers in the first place. It is for those people that wish to maintain even the most rudimentary sort of list of what they have and whatever data that they wish to track. Some people like less detail some like more like me. We will address these issues as they come up. The lack of time to enter data into this type of service I think is just a matter of time management and the getting used to a new system which we hope will be an easy transition. So here is my request for data please include what you would least want in the database as well as the amount of detail you would want as this will vary depending on level of knowledge. Please respond as this is a project of love for the hobby not a profit type situation so if you would contribute it would only make it a more user friendly type project.
Thanks in advance


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Can you cite some examples of what you mean by data? I only as this because when you say "think of what data you would not want to include, or least want" I draw a blank. Aside from being really particular about specifics, I am a bit confused as to what you mean by "data". Does this mean, species, how many of what species you keep, feeding schedules, molt dates, breeding dates, MM dates? Maybe a way to print nice labels with that info as well?


Old Timer
Nov 28, 2005
answer to question

i should have been more clear i guess i know there are databases out there that are very detailed for regular insects like BRAHMS and this gets intot he scientific realm of data entry, phylum. species, scientific nomenclature (name), local name etc.
i can make this database as detailed as a scientific database with your input
or i can make it as simple as you need it i just need some numbers and answers as to where this is to go as this is very important to get it right the first time.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Thanks for your reply, for me I am going to have to mill that over......:D There are so many possibilities. {D


Old Timer
Nov 28, 2005
good idea

Thinking about it is very good as this is what i wanted from the start as the need for different types of data and amounts or data is imperative to certain people like me. i am more interested in breaking it down into very small parts, measurements, breeding records, molt records, on-hand etc. observations notes etc. i need this data to better evaluate what should be included in the database structure as this will be tailored by the user i hope to include this ability to make it to where you get what you ask for.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Ok then with that said me personally, I record the following,
- Date bought and who from
- What Genus and species is the T I just bought
- Molt dates
- Last accepted feeding / next feeding date or feeding schedule.
- There should be somewhere to record when a T decides to refuse food for a long period of time. Say a Rosea refuses food for 7 months then eats for one then refuses again for 4, just so you can keep track of your Ts eating habits.
- I have been tinkering with molt records to make a timeline graph that lets people see how the time grows in-between molts.
- Male maturing dates.
- When the first sperm web is produced, or thought to have been produced.
- Number of possible sperm webs seen. (Kind of a spin off of the above line.)
- When and how many times you mate or witness insertions with pairings of your Ts, and the date mated/ or attempts made. Successful or not.
- When a sac is produced.
- How long it's left with the mother.
- How long between known stages. IE, eggs with legs, 1st instar, 2nd instar.
- How many offspring are produced in a single sac.
- How many survive.
- Sex ratio of the sac if you chose to keep many of the offspring.
- Life span of a T. Just an area to keep track of maybe birthdays. Or acquired date anniversaries.
- The only other thing I can think of I an area that is for just notes on any given T. Things you see, active days, inactive days, complicated molts, twitches, drool, anything worth noting I guess.