Heat mat help please

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
They were 25, but one died :-/
They're already "living" in a new home, I've packed and shipped those to a local breeder. Yeah, indeed, ah ah, they (centipedes, especially the Asian ones) are quite defensive, really unpredictable, loaded with a powerful venom and escape masters, to the point that IMO OW's T's are childrens crying to their chubby pissed off Mom for a candy, if compared :angelic:
So what spider did you start with then Chris??


Dec 25, 2014
So what spider did you start with then Chris??
My first Theraphosidae was a classic: a G.rosea, back then in 1992, that turned male obviously, lol. I was a teen back then.
Today I have mostly NW considered intermediate and OW's (only Africans at the moment, had Asians prior).

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
My first Theraphosidae was a classic: a G.rosea, back then in 1992, that turned male obviously, lol. I was a teen back then.
Today I have mostly NW considered intermediate and OW's (only Africans at the moment, had Asians prior).
Don't African and Asian need Very similar requirements?? I've been thinking of getting Chile rose or curly haired ?? Once my scorpions start breeding that is


Dec 25, 2014
Don't African and Asian need Very similar requirements?? I've been thinking of getting Chile rose or curly haired ?? Once my scorpions start breeding that is
Not all the Africans Theraphosidae require the same care... you can't, for instance, keep a genus Hysterocrates on a bone dry substrate like you would with an adult genus Ceratogyrus ones. And not every Asian require a moist substrate, for that M.balfouri are Asians, but they need a dry set up :-s

Anyway, in general, Asian Theraphosidae needs a more humid environment rather than, again in general, 'Baboon' T's.


Being you I would buy directly a female (screw slings, ah ah :mooning:) G.pulchripes or a G.pulchra, they're great. Or a C.cyaneopubescens, if you don't mind a bit of speed. Or A.geniculata, frankly I don't view those as "T's not suitable for beginners" like many others here.

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
Not all the Africans Theraphosidae require the same care... you can't, for instance, keep a genus Hysterocrates on a bone dry substrate like you would with an adult genus Ceratogyrus ones. And not every Asian require a moist substrate, for that M.balfouri are Asians, but they need a dry set up :-s

Anyway, in general, Asian Theraphosidae needs a more humid environment rather than, again in general, 'Baboon' T's.


Being you I would buy directly a female (screw slings, ah ah :mooning:) G.pulchripes or a G.pulchra, they're great. Or a C.cyaneopubescens, if you don't mind a bit of speed. Or A.geniculata, frankly I don't view those as "T's not suitable for beginners" like many others here.
Aaaaaah ok I'll keep my eyes open thanks matey. What size terririum is good for a small turantula ??


Dec 25, 2014

Aaaaaah ok I'll keep my eyes open thanks matey. What size terririum is good for a small turantula ??
I work in little with slings, so those deli cups are fine just like those crickets enclosures or, for arboreals/burrowers, those "Oz - enter the number" something <-- ah ah, I don't use inches/Oz etc :angelic:

For juve/adults depends... but in general a XL KK, or a glass enclosure (like the ones available here in Europe) are perfect. My Pelinobius muticus, since she's huge, is housed in a XXL one :-s


Jan 7, 2017
Mats can be dangerous underneath the tank if your pet burrows as they become closer to the heat (I thought this was a relevant post if not please ignore :$)
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david booth

Jan 7, 2017
I work in little with slings, so those deli cups are fine just like those crickets enclosures or, for arboreals/burrowers, those "Oz - enter the number" something <-- ah ah, I don't use inches/Oz etc :angelic:

For juve/adults depends... but in general a XL KK, or a glass enclosure (like the ones available here in Europe) are perfect. My Pelinobius muticus, since she's huge, is housed in a XXL one :-s
Sweet thanks man they done need huge tanks from what I've seen/heard I've seen alot of people keep a large adult in like a 450x300

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
Mats can be dangerous underneath the tank if your pet burrows as they become closer to the heat (I thought this was a relevant post if not please ignore :$)
Yeah it is the right post dude :) I've moved them onto the back and side now
They're on the corner where theyre cuddling up lmao


Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
Hi just came across this ;) finally found a forum with other uk peeps i habe a question if u dont mind me asking on this having read some invaluable info here i,m getting a scorpion my first having had snakes reptiles n spiders for well over 30 yrs now i wondered if a 18x18x24 in exco terra would be good for an asian scorp ?? Pretty sure it would be but as scorps are new to me lol always better to double check oh n on the mat debate ive always used mats with my t,s :)) if that helps

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
Hi just came across this ;) finally found a forum with other uk peeps i habe a question if u dont mind me asking on this having read some invaluable info here i,m getting a scorpion my first having had snakes reptiles n spiders for well over 30 yrs now i wondered if a 18x18x24 in exco terra would be good for an asian scorp ?? Pretty sure it would be but as scorps are new to me lol always better to double check oh n on the mat debate ive always used mats with my t,s :)) if that helps
Congrats on getting you scorpion. Always nice to hear people from the UK involved in the hobby. That tank would be fine. Because they're burrow dwellers they don't need huge amounts of room. When hungry they're just as likely to sit at the mouth of their den and wait for something to crawl past. They do venture out at nighttime between 12 - 5. Well mine do anyway. Can you post a pic of your tank. Heat pads are fine and easy to get hold of. I found that I need two, a 21w and a 15w mat. Placed on the side. Don't place it underneath because they dig down to cool off. If you want them to have more room or you want more decor you could always rotate your tank.

Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
Congrats on getting you scorpion. Always nice to hear people from the UK involved in the hobby. That tank would be fine. Because they're burrow dwellers they don't need huge amounts of room. When hungry they're just as likely to sit at the mouth of their den and wait for something to crawl past. They do venture out at nighttime between 12 - 5. Well mine do anyway. Can you post a pic of your tank. Heat pads are fine and easy to get hold of. I found that I need two, a 21w and a 15w mat. Placed on the side. Don't place it underneath because they dig down to cool off. If you want them to have more room or you want more decor you could always rotate your tank.
I,ll post it but its in need of cleaning lmao been sat empty since my baby corns out grew it over two yrs ago its a decent size one tbh i keep crickets in one bigger as i have a gecko to ive got tons of heat mats and decor accumulated over the years at present i have 4 corns a boa and a gecko :) all spoilt i only ever use mats on the side with my t,s anyway so standard set up it sounds :) all i gotta do is steam clean said viv and set it up. Wont let me upload it Says its to big but its exo terra 45x45x60cm lol or 18x182ft in inches
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david booth

Jan 7, 2017
I,ll post it but its in need of cleaning lmao been sat empty since my baby corns out grew it over two yrs ago its a decent size one tbh i keep crickets in one bigger as i have a gecko to ive got tons of heat mats and decor accumulated over the years at present i have 4 corns a boa and a gecko :) all spoilt i only ever use mats on the side with my t,s anyway so standard set up it sounds :) all i gotta do is steam clean said viv and set it up
Yeah thats it and you ready to go. Do you use coco Brick's for the gecko ??if so that's fine for the scorpion aswell but you need alot more than you would for a tree dweller like a gecko

Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
Yeah thats it and you ready to go. Do you use coco Brick's for the gecko ??if so that's fine for the scorpion aswell but you need alot more than you would for a tree dweller like a gecko
Eco earth yes loose packed much easier lol gotta love ebay ;) my geckos not a tree dwellers shes a lepoard gecko :) added pic of her set up


Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
Btw on the lighting thing an idea for u that i use for my gecko which doesnt need heat light an exo terrs day & night led they are awsome perfect when u dont need heat

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
Btw on the lighting thing an idea for u that i use for my gecko which doesnt need heat light an exo terrs day & night led they are awsome perfect when u dont need heat
Thanks alot I'll have a look. Pets at home do EXO stuff I'm going there now lol. That's setup is really nice. The only thing you have to change for a scorp. Is add four inches of substrate and add a shallower water dish the the kind of dish you want is one that the scorp can stand up In without its belly touching the water. Just to be on the safe side. I've never kept geckos I thought they were always hiding in plants and stuff lol my bad. And also the light, scorps hate light at night time if you want to see them exploring and hunting at night you need a infared bulb or a black lighf. Absolutely no uv bulbs it suposidely blinds them. But I've never used one so I can't confirm.

Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
I,m house bound now so ebay is perfect used to work at pets at home back in 96 lol very useful place the exo light is moonlight :) so mimiks the day night cycle at a touch of a button very good at night cant use it on my scorp viv lol cos it attaches on the outside of the tank not in and tops sealed and covered wouod u recomend a night light then ? Leo geckos are nocturnal they climb a little bit but not high up :) got my lad cleaning out the viv ready for me to steam clean will get my scorp from the spider shop where i have got all my ts from over the years :) excited mow lol 51 n excited over a new scorp i need to get out more

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
I,m house bound now so ebay is perfect used to work at pets at home back in 96 lol very useful place the exo light is moonlight :) so mimiks the day night cycle at a touch of a button very good at night cant use it on my scorp viv lol cos it attaches on the outside of the tank not in and tops sealed and covered wouod u recomend a night light then ? Leo geckos are nocturnal they climb a little bit but not high up :) got my lad cleaning out the viv ready for me to steam clean will get my scorp from the spider shop where i have got all my ts from over the years :) excited mow lol 51 n excited over a new scorp i need to get out more
Lol they're dead Interesting id have hundreds of TS and scorps I love em. I never really went into night lights but I know you can get a black light for them or a deep infared light they both would be fine. One thing I would also include is some sphagnum moss or any moss to be fair it boasts humidity and also well help massively with moulting and breeding and stuff.

Bad azz angel 51

Jan 22, 2017
Ok cool yes black light it is for night not that i,m down stairs at night mind , might well get the same light at as i have for gecko if they dint need the heat from them either , got moss to always gecko needs it my corn snakes got a jungle light green very effective it is just need to get in ebay for some nice backing its got foil on at min boring lol like my sets up to look as intersting as i can any idea on that ? Cn u put a pic of ur scorp set up on for me please

david booth

Jan 7, 2017
Ok cool yes black light it is for night not that i,m down stairs at night mind , might well get the same light at as i have for gecko if they dint need the heat from them either , got moss to always gecko needs it my corn snakes got a jungle light green very effective it is just need to get in ebay for some nice backing its got foil on at min boring lol like my sets up to look as intersting as i can any idea on that ? Cn u put a pic of ur scorp set up on for me please
Yeah can do people sometimes get polystyrene sheets and carve them and paint them to look like rocks but your scorp will climb on it and of they fall of it may hurt a little.

