Harmful mites? What can I do about them?


Sep 7, 2024
My ven sun tiger has had these mites since I brought it home, and I was hoping they were grain mites and were no problem but they seem to really irritate the tarantula and I tried removing with putting rotting fruit in but none of them went onto it, and they don't sound like the descriptions of grain mites. They always are clumbed on the back of the T, sometimes on other spots and can see them moving around at times. Pictures attached.



Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Those are NOT grain mites. Those pain in the rear arachnids attach onto the soft parts of the exoskeleton. You find them usually on wild caught animals- which for irminia is crazy as the genus is easy to breed.

They feed off Ts here, not fruit.

Never had to deal, search the forum some people had to deal with them
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Start with the fact the mites are hardier than the T. Then add the infant mites are microscopic so removal of the visible mites will need to be repeated. Essentially the same treatment as removing ticks, another member of parasitiforms. is required. Also quarantine the animal as the eggs may go through a gestation cycle off the host.
One person at the university suggested applying a very thin oil to the body of the adult mite may cause them to suffocate eventually. Could take days and may need to be reapplied. Use an insulin syringe and needle. Magnification, steady hands and a very cooperative patient a definite plus. This method works with ticks and assures they won't leave embedded mouth parts. They release from the host and back out.
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Sep 7, 2024
Start with the fact the mites are hardier than the T. Then add the infant mites are microscopic so removal of the visible mites will need to be repeated. Essentially the same treatment as removing ticks, another member of parasitiforms. is required. Also quarantine the animal as the eggs may go through a gestation cycle off the host.
One person at the university suggested applying a very thin oil to the body of the adult mite may cause them to suffocate eventually. Could take days and may need to be reapplied. Use an insulin syringe and needle. Magnification, steady hands and a very cooperative patient a definite plus. This method works with ticks and assures they won't leave embedded mouth parts. They release from the host and back out.
How would I even do that ? Can't handle the tarantula could I ?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
How would I even do that ? Can't handle the tarantula could I ?
Exactly: "Hey, you! Please roll over on your back and stay very still for an hour."
And extreme care must be taken to avoid getting the oil near the book lungs. Instant slow death. I'll leave it to T experts to devise means to do such an operation. Anybody can keep a T. Oiling mites on one would prove an outstanding expert and candidate for neuro-surgeon.
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
You can handle it.

transfer from catch cup to a small sized container, drilled with holes.

from that you will be able to poke through the holes at the mites. There seems to be concensus on alcohol being used.

i posted about these a while back. There is a certain word that could also be applied here. Where mites use the tarantula to travel when enclosure is not suitable for them.

At the point you are at, i would get tarantula is smallest cup possible that has holes, and i would use a qtip with alcohol. I will try to find my old threads.

i will also get you link to daves little beastie handling an asian with phorids.

dont panic. One step at a time. This tarantula needs to be kept away from others. And it will need a fresh enclosure.

@stumacher also had this recently, i think. Thats where i posted my info.


Sep 7, 2024
You can handle it.

transfer from catch cup to a small sized container, drilled with holes.

from that you will be able to poke through the holes at the mites. There seems to be concensus on alcohol being used.

i posted about these a while back. There is a certain word that could also be applied here. Where mites use the tarantula to travel when enclosure is not suitable for them.

At the point you are at, i would get tarantula is smallest cup possible that has holes, and i would use a qtip with alcohol. I will try to find my old threads.

i will also get you link to daves little beastie handling an asian with phorids.

dont panic. One step at a time. This tarantula needs to be kept away from others. And it will need a fresh enclosure.

@stumacher also had this recently, i think. Thats where i posted my info.
This is all really great thank you. I am going to try the wet oats and maybe mushroom to see if they will relocate.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
This is all really great thank you. I am going to try the wet oats and maybe mushroom to see if they will relocate.
At this point, what else can you do?

Just prioritize quarantine: put this enclosure away from others. In another enclosure too! And use different tools.


Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
This is all really great thank you. I am going to try the wet oats and maybe mushroom to see if they will relocate.
Keep Arachnoboards updated on Psalmopoeus irminias condition.
Any luck ridding Sun Tiger of parasites?
All The Best.

Edit - (Seperate container of) Baking Soda just add Water for Anesthesia.
Thanks, AphonopelmaTX
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Staff member
May 7, 2004
This is the best instructional guide to removing mites I have come across. Fortunately, I haven’t had the need to try it myself yet.



Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
This is the best instructional guide to removing mites I have come across. Fortunately, I haven’t had the need to try it myself yet.

Thanks. I had not come upon this yet! And boy did i research. I love this!

i would love to do this job!!! Profesh mite remover!

Dr Kevin W

Jun 1, 2022
I seem to recall some keepers using predatory mites to control mites in invertebrate collections. These feed on other mites and thrips. I have never tried this but understand they don’t seem to impact the invertebrates. I would research the possible species to use Very carefully.

I had an outbreak of mites on some beetle larvae and they can spread surprisingly fast so if you keep other inverts I would suggest moving the infected enclosure to another room. You could also use mite paper to line shelving around the enclosure. People use that to control mites spreading in drosophila cultures.


Sep 7, 2024
I am new to this. My Suntiger also has mites just like yours! Did you ever remedy the situation?
Sadly my T ended up dieing after a molt. I could never get the mites to leave for Oats, rotten fruit, or mushrooms. My plan was to get the molt out of the case ASAP after the molt to remove most of the mites, which I did, but then he just died. My best guess is the mites burrowed into it or something with the soft flesh.

Keep Arachnoboards updated on Psalmopoeus irminias condition.
Any luck ridding Sun Tiger of parasites?
All The Best.

Edit - (Seperate container of) Baking Soda just add Water for Anesthesia.
Thanks, AphonopelmaTX
I just posted an update to another reply.


Jan 19, 2025
Sadly my T ended up dieing after a molt. I could never get the mites to leave for Oats, rotten fruit, or mushrooms. My plan was to get the molt out of the case ASAP after the molt to remove most of the mites, which I did, but then he just died. My best guess is the mites burrowed into it or something with the soft flesh.
Ugh, this makes my heart hurt. I've been reading and watching everything possible to try and help her. I think I'm going to take her out of her enclosure and put her in a temporary dry one and clean EVERYTHING. Leave her with just a water dish and minimal substrate. I feel so lost.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2019
Ugh, this makes my heart hurt. I've been reading and watching everything possible to try and help her. I think I'm going to take her out of her enclosure and put her in a temporary dry one and clean EVERYTHING. Leave her with just a water dish and minimal substrate. I feel so lost.
Do you have an exotic vet nearby? They can actually use anesthetic gas safely on tarantulas and remove the mites. There are some newer topical treatments too, although I'm not sure exactly what they are. There's a book that lists options that a vet may have access to : The Exotic Animal Formulary.

Sauga Bound

Nov 30, 2024
I just posted an update to another reply.
Sadly my T ended up dieing after a molt. I could never get the mites to leave for Oats, rotten fruit, or mushrooms. My plan was to get the molt out of the case ASAP after the molt to remove most of the mites, which I did, but then he just died. My best guess is the mites burrowed into it or something with the soft flesh.

I’m so sorry to hear that your T lost the battle to the mites. That’s a hard loss, and I hope you don’t experience these little buggers ever again. In the video, the presenter mentioned a suspicion that crickets purchased from pet stores can sometimes transmit these nasty parasites. What do you think about that hypothesis?

Do you have an exotic vet nearby? They can actually use anesthetic gas safely on tarantulas and remove the mites. There are some newer topical treatments too, although I'm not sure exactly what they are. There's a book that lists options that a vet may have access to : The Exotic Animal Formulary.
I think dry ice can be used by “amateur” T anesthetists and surgeons to anesthetize T’s for more involved care that may be difficult while they are awake.

It’s the safest and most effective way to put a T out so you can work on it without it squirming, stressing, kicking hairs, or trying to bite. I thankfully haven’t yet - and hopefully never will - have to do this procedure on one of my T’s, but if you google “tarantula anesthesia,” you will find useful information, including posts from this website with instructions.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Sadly my T ended up dieing after a molt. I could never get the mites to leave for Oats, rotten fruit, or mushrooms. My plan was to get the molt out of the case ASAP after the molt to remove most of the mites, which I did, but then he just died. My best guess is the mites burrowed into it or something with the soft flesh.
Sorry you lost your irminia. I absolutely hate mites I'm sure everyone else does too. I've dealt with grain mite infestations but not parasitic ones, what a nightmare.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
I am new to this. My Suntiger also has mites just like yours! Did you ever remedy the situation?
your tarantula is still small and young. I would not wait and get it in a tiny catch cup with holes. You can then attempt to remove them one by one.

there are a few links in this thread that will provide you with tips on how to do this.

the longer you wait, the longer they have to breed and spread.

personaly, id make a new enclosure, so once you have removed the mites, you tranfser it into something clean.

Then you clean and disinfect old enclosure, and make it new again. So if more mites still show up (because of eggs), youll have a new enclosure ready and the cycle will keep going.


Jan 19, 2025
Do you have an exotic vet nearby? They can actually use anesthetic gas safely on tarantulas and remove the mites. There are some newer topical treatments too, although I'm not sure exactly what they are. There's a book that lists options that a vet may have access to : The Exotic Animal Formulary.
Unfortunately I do not have anyone that could help me. I did find a site that gives step by step instructions on how to do it with baking soda. (We put a few of our pet rats down at home) So my husband is very confident that he may be able to do this! As a last resort of course.