Haplopelma lividum + Nematodes


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Ok well it's confirmed, my newly molted and mated WC Haplopelma lividum has nematodes. There are 1mm worms coming from every direction on her mouth parts...............

So I remember there being someone on the board that wanted to study this sort of thing and was having Ts with them sent to him. I don't remember who that was. Anyone know?

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Ok well it's confirmed, my newly molted and mated WC Haplopelma lividum has nematodes. There are 1mm worms coming from every direction on her mouth parts...............

So I remember there being someone on the board that wanted to study this sort of thing and was having Ts with them sent to him. I don't remember who that was. Anyone know?

Ohhh, thats all bad Ryan. I feel for you. Good thing you seperated her from the rest of the collection when you did.

Would you be able to get any pics of this?


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I was trying to, my camera sucks to bad, I did seperate like 6 worms and put them in a vial. I am curious to see if they are going to turn into anything.
They are coming out of her thats how many there are though, so if I dont find the guy that was studying this, then I guess Ill have to freeze her.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
I was trying to, my camera sucks to bad, I did seperate like 6 worms and put them in a vial. I am curious to see if they are going to turn into anything.
They are coming out of her thats how many there are though, so if I dont find the guy that was studying this, then I guess Ill have to freeze her.
Ah, here I'll ship you my camera, and then you can take the pics and ship it back to me.:eek:

Dang, thats like a T keepers worst nightmare. I was curious, are nematodes transferable, or dangerous to people?


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Not to people not that I know of. But they can get from T to T if they are housed close together.

Its really weird looking. Actually it maybe is a parasite, these worms might be to big to be nematodes.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Not to people not that I know of. But they can get from T to T if they are housed close together.

Its really weird looking. Actually it maybe is a parasite, these worms might be to big to be nematodes.

Ya I know they can transfer from T to T. I'm gonna do some research tomorrow and see what I find out, unless of course someone comes to this thread and answers this for me. "hint hint"

How big are nematodes on average? Man, you neeeeeeddd to get a pic, wait google will do the trick.


Old Timer
Mar 9, 2007
Sorry to hear about your T talkelate. On google there I found some adds for buying nematodes as garden pest controls. Imagine your neighbor using that, and then catching a cricket from the yard for your T... that would suck.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
You may want to contact Dr. Zuum and a university. This is from another thread
I might have missed it, but if you still have the sample, PLEASE put it in rubbing alchohol or 70% ethanol so that they might be ID'd.

I've tried off and on over the years to get a sample (thanks schlyne!!!) and have access to scopes and parasitologists...

Just a thought.

Dr.Zuum posted a cure here, but it involves some chemistry, but at this point, no risks. Here is HIS quoted protocol:

Originally posted in 12 06 2003,formula normal
and dmso variant created and tested and used in treatments in 2000.
The chemicals are easy to find and obtain.And im only relating my
experience in developing it and use of it.

The dosages were calculated using 100
uninfected test subjects of various species
at 2.5 to 3.5 inches,LDL
was established with those test subjects.
Also im not seeking
laurels or validaton i could care less about that.
Besides its not like anyone that uses something from my
work that proves sucessful for them as well is going to give credit
to me a non Phd anyway.lol
Im doing it for the T and as a test of my proficiency and skill,
in dealing with invertebrates.

I have to say this if the T or other invert is in bad shape,i mean
at deaths door then the medication is
going to kill it.But if its still strong or at
least mobile it should work, various formulas
were tried a lot of Ts died to get one that didnt kill right off the
The following formula
worked best for nematodes and thier associated bacteria.
26 infected Ts were given it 17 lived no sign of
nematodes afterward.

I dont consider this treatment perfect but it is a ongoing cure,as
T's that were infected by me on purpose are alive and no longer
The formula below kills them within 5 to 13 days depending on the
seriousness of the infection early treatment is best.

polymyxin b 1/2gram

neomycin sulfate 1/2 gram

maracyn II 1/4 gram

oxylinic acid 10 microgram

I found out in my earlier uses of this with parasite treatment in
centipedes that i was using way too much big time over kill.

Mix with 4 oz distilled water. Store in fridge will
keep 15 days to 1 month depending on sterility during mixing and
temp before maracyn goes bad.Use light proof bottle with eyedropper.

Dosing, the following are various methods of dosing
depending on the Ts condition.

If eating, withhold food and water 24 to 48 hrs
depending on your Ts schedule or eating habit.
This is just to start,waterdish can be maintained in cage.The
effect of the maracyn 2 is increased appetite.

method 1
10 cc syringe, 1cc per cricket total of 2 crix
or 2cc for one big large crix or roach feeder inject it into them
then feed.

method 2
1 round drop equals 1 cc standard eyedropper,
using a deli cup(the 4 or 5 inch tall ones you know potato salad
fill with paper towel to within 1 inch and a quarter of the rim,
(this is general,youre trying to match the filling
to leave just enough room for the T) once done
place over T slide lid sideways gently allowing
the T to step up onto it. Place lid in position T
will be immobilized upside down when you turn
the cup up.Have a small hole precut in the lid
about 1 inch from the rim, turn lid to
positon hole over mouth administer 1 to 2
drops over a period as it drinks it up.
(ldl is 12 to 15 drops)

Method 3 involves direct injection but
im not going to give it. I
gave a guy a method for getting
a stuck sling out of a moult and
he ended up tearing it apart.
I still feel bad about that.
My manual dexterity is well above
average,and my hands dont shake,
ive done procedures from zooanthellae grafts
in coral,to resecting fish intestines.
Thats not something everybody
can duplicate so rather than have
somebody attempt and botch it forget
it direct injection takes more
than just husbandry skills no,
disrespect intended.

Method 4 involves dmso And i dont think dmso is a good idea for the
general public to use.
Even though its readily available.Use 1 tablespoon of pure dmso
pharmaceutical grade the other solvent grade horse crap has too many
impurities in it and they will hinder the drugs its piggybacking
took more than 1 B.smithi to find that out.

Give once in the morning once at night,can be sprayed directly on T
or used with any of the above methods.
for no less than 1 to 5 days,check for infestation
If clear discontinue use, during treatment also give
fresh water between doses.Whether returned to tank or kept