Haplocosmia himalayana care?


Feb 11, 2013
I've got a mature female. I have kept her at around mid 70s during the day it drops to around 70 to high 60s at night... Gave her a couple options for a hide and she has webbed a lot! I've noticed she roams a lot at night (Could be i'm not feeding enough?). Climbing and all of that... I'm going to add branches or something more vertical. Aggressive feeder! I mist and feed once a week...I've noticed nothing wrong. There seems to be no info on the care of this species.


Arachno Pimp
Dec 31, 2013
Ditto,I have an AF,very hard to find the care for them.I usually like to do more research before buying something like this,but she came as part of a collection.I'm keeping her at 75 during the day,gave her a waterdish,but I don't flood it.She has her cage pretty webbed up.Sorry I couldn't be of more help,but we're kind of figuring out as we go.Mine is supposedly gravid,but we will have to see on that.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2011
I n

I need to reopen this thread.

1.) does anyone have any recen/new info on this species?

2.)Pet hole?

3.)Venom level?

4.)Growth rate ?
1.) The care posted above is pretty spot on, aside from misting. They'd do well with a water dish and occasionally moistened corner. Keep a bit on the cooler side.

2.) It's a burrower, but mine wander at night and web/rearrange things. I don't think it's hunger.

3.) Strong. It's an OW (old world) so it's not something to be bit by. I'd seriously recommend some more experience before considering getting one. They're pretty quick for a heavy bodied terrestrial.

4.) The few I've had are growing slower than most of my baboons and Chilobrachys. Much, much faster than my Pelinobius.


Mar 5, 2013
1.) The care posted above is pretty spot on, aside from misting. They'd do well with a water dish and occasionally moistened corner. Keep a bit on the cooler side.

2.) It's a burrower, but mine wander at night and web/rearrange things. I don't think it's hunger.

3.) Strong. It's an OW (old world) so it's not something to be bit by. I'd seriously recommend some more experience before considering getting one. They're pretty quick for a heavy bodied terrestrial.

4.) The few I've had are growing slower than most of my baboons and Chilobrachys. Much, much faster than my Pelinobius.
Thank you kindly all info is appreciated!!


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2011
Females get 4+" DLS
Males mature anywhere between 2-4"


May 6, 2019
I have had one since it was a sling. Has molted twice, and was eating frequently until around six weeks ago. Webbed a bit to make a funnel hide and was seen a lot hanging around the opening. DSC_0134.JPG

A bit frantic, and very fast, will run to the hide immediately if they miss a prey item when pouncing, or sense movement from me. ezgif.com-video-to-gif (2).gif

I didn't see them for around two weeks but then I noticed them deep in a burrow on the opposite side of the enclosure. This was interesting as they had appeared to have abandoned the hide. Had abandoned the burrow the following day (not sure how long they were in the burrow) and now it has been another month with no sign of movement. I top up a small cap with water once a week. I noticed a healthy sized abdomen on the last feed so no worries.
So, the point of this post is "Give them options" as mine has displayed terrestrial and burrowing tendencies.


Old Timer
Oct 2, 2004
I've got a mature female. I have kept her at around mid 70s during the day it drops to around 70 to high 60s at night... Gave her a couple options for a hide and she has webbed a lot! I've noticed she roams a lot at night (Could be i'm not feeding enough?). Climbing and all of that... I'm going to add branches or something more vertical. Aggressive feeder! I mist and feed once a week...I've noticed nothing wrong. There seems to be no info on the care of this species.
Roaming CAN be a sign of stress. Indirectly summoned by a setup that it doesnt like. Or the terrarium is to large for it. One way i have had sucess in is rehoused it into something smaller if i frlt the tank was to big for the spider, ad more substrate can be a positive thing too! Even active spiders are active to some degree. How is your set up looking. Can you upload a picture?


Apr 25, 2017
I've had mine for less then 6 months. I've given it deep substrate to maintain a cooler temperature ... it has NEVER attempted to burrow. Acts like a terrestrial heavy webber. Relatively docile

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Hello ;

I go back to this subject because I have just acquired mine and I would like to know the humidity rate to have for its maintenance.

A thousand thanks in advance, very cordially ..
No tarantula has a humidity rate. Any t can be kept at any ambient humidity...these arent reptiles.

Its just a matter of dry sub or damp sub. Partially damp or a damp area should be the way to go with this species. When it dries, add water.