Sure,Dumb title you'd think, but has anyone seen or have background on these pics? Listed as nigriventer and they sure look like it to me
How many Phoneutria spp. have you seen personal and up close? How many have YOU handled to dare to make such statements?
Pot and kettle statements to me.In respect of the peace of the community i won´t tell you what i think about guys like you
He was just asking a question, and a reasonable one at that. Why drive people away from the forum and the hobby with a holier-than-thou attitude like this? Nice work, "big" friend.Small friend,
what I have to ask or not is of course not your business.
Check my avatar, check my posts and you´ll recognize why i dare to ask.
Techuser has posted that pictures some time ago in another board and told the according story.
Techuser is a member of this board, too, and if he feels like it i´m pretty sure he will recount it.
How many Phoneutria spp. have you seen personal and up close? How many have YOU handled to dare to make such statements?
I breed P. keyserlingi, P. nigriventer and P. reidyi.
I have handled P. boliviensis and P. reidyi. - What have YOU done to make any comments about Phoneutria behaviour or characters?
Nothing, my small friend.
In respect of the peace of the community i won´t tell you what i think about guys like you.
Those are "just" spiders. - Living beings that demand respect - like any other living being.
If you respect them and if you are "knowledgeable" you may be able to do "things" with them that other (not knowledgeable) people may take for impossible.
Stay safe.
In respect of the peace of the community i won´t tell you what i think about guys like you.
James, there are a lot off people handling their Latrodectus sp.Do you have to ask? You can surely infer that I am referring to the fact that they are aggressive and extremely venemous?
Am talking about not advising to...To quote the ubiquitous Jack Sparrow: It's all about "what a man can do, and what a man can't do."
If you have the ability to safely handle this, fine. If you don't, then don't--but do NOT assume from your own lack of ability that someone else can't do it. You are assuming, so far, that the risk is identical to all keepers. It is not.
Knowledge gives you an edge. Some people are uncomfortable handling rosies--but that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't. Some people handle Haplos or pokies--and can do so safely. One should never assume the abilities that enable or prohibit this kind of activity are the same with all keepers.
What must be kept in mind is dynamic risk assessment. Each keeper must analyze the safety of an action, relative to their own personal ability. One must be responsible and rational, weighing consequences and risks. If, for a given keeper, their competence reduces the risk to an acceptable level, then for THEM it is safe enough. For someone with less ability, the same action might not be safe.
If you don't feel comfortable with handling your Phoneutria sp., then fine--don't. But don't rail at others who have more ability / experience than you do.
point made but i still agree that the issue could have been addressed in a more appropriate bash someone for a very logical point of view is ridiculous and would have made me mad as well ,as a keeper of inverts for over 20 years i also agree that posting pics of handling venomous or potentially dangerous species on a public forum is just plain dumb...nothing like a copy cat(with less experience)to give this hobby more of a hassle.
definitely don't like the holier than thou posts.
still not impressed
This has nothing to do with pride and everything to do with the reputation of the spiders in question.I guess he has been beaten up and rejected as a child, and now he is bashing newbies to make himself proud...or close to that scenario...dude, you suck hard
Come on people! What did he do wrong? All he did was use the word aggressive.... that is it! The responses in this thread are a perfect example of what we should be avoiding and what drives people away. God, I've been here a long time and have seen some serious arguments but this out lash makes even me not want to come back....and this is my favorite part of the forum!Do you have to ask? You can surely infer that I am referring to the fact that they are aggressive and extremely venemous?
Amen brother:worship:Come on people! What did he do wrong? All he did was use the word aggressive.... that is it! The responses in this thread are a perfect example of what we should be avoiding and what drives people away. God, I've been here a long time and have seen some serious arguments but this out lash makes even me not want to come back....and this is my favorite part of the forum!
Cool your jets everyone.....all he did was use the word aggressive, a tiny misconception and truly not the worst rumor about spiders....and you all flip out.
This has nothing to do with pride and everything to do with the reputation of the spiders in question.
You are just as ignorant as you percieve Stefan because you clearly have no knowledge of Stefan's accomplishments with this species.
As for the personal attack...that really is uncalled for. I could just as easily claim the same about you, only say that your savior complex made it neccessary for you to stick up for every idiot who stumbled across your path.
I think this may be the only time I'll ever say this...but I refer you to Venom's post. He explained it perfectly. I handle Poecilotheria ssp. for photography purposes...and if some hotshot who clearly had no experience with defensive species tried to imitate me, I'd respond with a post similar to Stefan's.
It's not about being knowledgeable and having's about reputation and saftey.
Des Moines, Iowa is considering lifting the ban on scorpions. If some idiot decides to buy a Leirus quinquestriatus and is found dead after a handling session, what do you think will happen to my invert collection and everything I've worked for in my local area?[/QUOTE
First, I weren't against the fact that someone being enough experimented and knowledgeable would be able to handle some kind of dangerous spiders in a safe manner. There's no doubt about that. I do know that Stefan is a very experimented hobbyist, in fact I've read some of his posts with pleasure and he truly disappointed me now, because while he claims it is foolish to question someone's ability to deal with phoneutria sp., I think the way he answered in a condescendant and arrogant tone makes my bitchy retort relevant because imo there is nothing more reprimable than this in such a forum who needs hobbyists for support...While experience gives you an edge, this doesn't mean you're greater and have the right to treat newbies like dirt bags. And concerning your assertion about the legislation in your state Cheshire, I think this is far fetched and have a poor link from the original topic, its just all about respect...
Taking a cliche potshot someone's upbringing is completely relevant to what situation, exactly?I think the way he answered in a condescendant and arrogant tone makes my bitchy retort relevant because imo there is nothing more reprimable than this in such a forum who needs hobbyists for support...While experience gives you an edge, this doesn't mean you're greater and have the right to treat newbies like dirt bags. And concerning your assertion about the legislation in your state Cheshire, I think this is far fetched and have a poor link from the original topic, its just all about respect.