Ha this made me laugh


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
i was the wierd kid at my school, alwase bringing in wolf spiders to show-and-tell and the teachers would be like "do you know your son brought a poisinous spider to school?" wich i had it for about 3 years i belive... it even had babies but ne way i found out the local 4-h had an entomology club and i jhoined that 5 years ago and now not only am i the wierd kid with 12 diffrent wierd pets (and growing) but now i am the wierd kid with friend almost wierder than him... our leader is sooo fun lol he quite knoledgeable lol and he's collected all over the world... but the only prob is he's not into Ts like i am lol he's hot a rosie and had some hentzi's and emps but he's more of the insect guy lol

i suggest that if you kid is wierd or if your wierd go find your local ento lcub and join!... besides who else can get you into see some of the museam collections at the smithsonian and the one up in philly (i forget what it's called) and get you into shows at pennstate and the whitaker center lol i bet i was the first kid there to bring a giant centipede :D lol and the girls still dig me... btw im homeschooled


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I like being known as the weird kid. And all the other kids at school know that if I see them kill a spider or the like that I'll beat their ass. Lol not really but you get my point.
And like bear foot said, it's always cool when your the person that others come to for questions about that stuff. I love it :)
exactly:clap: that's me "bugman" everywhere i am if someone knows me(it could be at the gym,work,just plain anywhere and they know me,the'll come up to me and say" pete the bugman what is this thing?" sometimes their freaking out,other times they are just courious,i just pick up whatever it is,as long as it's not venomous(i use a stick) and move it to somewhere safe,sure they all say "how can you love those things" i just say "i was born loving them,and i'll die loving them" :worship:


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
Hmmmmm....could there be an underground movement of Emo kids - with better educations? Let's hope so!:clap:
My daughter's first public school suspension came about after she (in 2nd grade, no less) beat up a boy for crushing and stomping the praying mantises that were all over the wall outside the school...(I picked her up and took her out for ice cream)!
The second (6th grade - and only other) came after she kicked butt on some boy after he pushed down this little girl w/Downe's syndrome and smashed her glasses...:evil: (more ice cream)
Since then she's given many demonstrations with the T's and roaches - to the autistic classes in the elementary school...NOW she's known not only as the "weird bug kid" - but also the one who'll regulate your ass if you're MEAN! Kinda funny once you see how little she is. She looks 9 or 10, not 13 1/2.....{D
We certainly don't condone fighting; but would have done the same in her place. Her character is sound.;)

I'd trust a creepy, home schooled kid over the public school CREEPS any day.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

* I think she meant that if you request one and want to pay your own shipping - she'd send one for free*
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Old Timer
Jul 15, 2007
jbrdswifey- I love that story, lol. Your daughter sounds like a pretty cool girl


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
You've got one amazing daughter there, Rochelle!! My Aunt has Downe's Syndrome. I don't see how anyone could be so heartless to push them around or make fun of them. That really makes me mad :evil: They obviously have a mental disability, and usually many physical disabilities that follow. Other people don't seem to realize that those with Downe's Syndrome are no different than they are. Your daughter did a wonderful job standing up for her!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

I'm officially known in my small town as "spider woman" :rolleyes: It's so funny though the way people talk, word gets around at my job that I keep tarantulas, and pretty soon I have total strangers coming up to me asking, "How are your spiders??" {D Generally the second question to follow is (spoken with authentic excitement), "Are they poisonous!?" I'm like, "Oh, they're fine, thanks - no, they're not poisonous. They're venomous!" ;)


Black Widow88

Old Timer
Jun 8, 2007
LOL! I had a similar experience in school. Mind you I was always the weird one in my class because of my liking of insects and spiders. I would always look forward to going out to recess and looking for bugs. I would show them to any one who would look at them........

........from 20 feet way! LOL :D It never really bothered me that much but there were times where it did....I just got revenge by sneaking in some cell spiders and every thing will be fine..... ;P :D Multiple times I've been caught taking insects to school.

More then once I took water bugs.....:eek:

Black Widow88


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
Generally the second question to follow is (spoken with authentic excitement), "Are they poisonous!?" I'm like, "Oh, they're fine, thanks - no, they're not poisonous. They're venomous!" ;)
{D oh my gosh, i read that and nearly fell out of my chair laughing!!! {D i say that ALL THE TIME!! no, not poisonous, but they're venomous!! i've even got the rest of my family saying it! hahaha:D

Black Widow88

Old Timer
Jun 8, 2007
LMAO! I do that all the time! But I never got any one in my family saying it because my mom especially would stay away from any kind of spider. {D

Black Widow88


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
I like being known as the weird kid
Good for you Rainflower, along with everyone else who agrees.

I guess weird is one way to discribe me, but it is not a term I encourage. I strive to be the only member of my own social circle. Not only am I known for my zoo at home, but I'm also in theatre instead of sports, take multiple art classes, listen to "hippie" music and hang with just about every crowd in school. I'm sure to some "wierd" is an understatement, but it doesn't matter, cause I am exactly what I want to be; and individual. :) ~ Rex


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
{D oh my gosh, i read that and nearly fell out of my chair laughing!!! {D i say that ALL THE TIME!! no, not poisonous, but they're venomous!! i've even got the rest of my family saying it! hahaha:D

When I'm trying to answer someone, I try not to laugh because it's generally older people and seniors asking me that question. They truly don't know and they're inquiring because they do want to know, but it is still funny when I hear it, no matter who it's from :D I wish I could get some of my family members to say that! My mom and dad know what's what generally, but my brother deems them as "poisonous". I'm like, "Pay attention, dummy: poison is secreted, venom is injected!!" {D


Black Widow88

Old Timer
Jun 8, 2007
My mom and dad know what's what generally, but my brother deems them as "poisonous". I'm like, "Pay attention, dummy: poison is secreted, venom is injected!!" {D

LMAO! {D So true! {D That one was priceless! XD

Black Widow88


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
Well, alas I was just the weird kid growing up.. always loved animals and had snails in my pockets at the age of two, was the "snake wrangler", or my aspirations to be Steve Irwin throughout my childhood, but was never really bothered about it.. people just thought I was weird without that.!! sigh.. oh well, normal is so boring and overrated.. I just wish kids these days would leave each other alone and learn to appreciate and embrace differences in all people and species of the Earth.,.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
I just wish kids these days would leave each other alone and learn to appreciate and embrace differences in all people and species of the Earth.,.
Amen to that brother! ~ Rex

Bear Foot Inc

Old Timer
Nov 8, 2006
Man i have to agree with all of ya! Hope we all can meet at Acon!!

I have that happen today just like Sarah said, a girl at church asked me some question about my spiders, and then right away it was, "are they poisonous" my usual answer was to say no, and then after they start to half walk away, "but they are venomous" {D I then had to spend a few minutes explaining the difference between poison and venom:rolleyes:

BTW i love this:
I'd trust a creepy, home schooled kid over the public school CREEPS any day.


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
Its kinda sad, I don't think I am known as creepy person since i had to sell my deadly poisinious tarantulas and scorps, I guess I am back to being normal or something:embarrassed:


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
LMAO! {D So true! {D That one was priceless! XD

Black Widow88
Well, I've explained it countless times but it still doesn't register. If someone's going to be plain ignorant about it, then they're gonna get a little attitude! {D

Man i have to agree with all of ya! Hope we all can meet at Acon!!

I have that happen today just like Sarah said, a girl at church asked me some question about my spiders, and then right away it was, "are they poisonous" my usual answer was to say no, and then after they start to half walk away, "but they are venomous" {D
It's funny, there were a lot of people asking me questions about my tarantulas when I first started going, and then one Sunday it was like everybody just kind of took turns asking me how they all were doing :D It's really awesome, I've even had a few self-proclaimed arachnophobes asking me about them. It doesn't usually help when I bring in an exuvium or two and they happen to see one, but it keeps the conversations interesting!

Its kinda sad, I don't think I am known as creepy person since i had to sell my deadly poisinious tarantulas and scorps, I guess I am back to being normal or something:embarrassed:
Hey man, once you've had T's you'll never go back! So technically, you're no longer normal and you never will be :D Welcome to the club!



Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
Thanks Sarah, I take that as a compliment:p

Gee man, that is too bad, horrible in fact! Hope you can get some more!
yeah, hopefully I will get some more sometime, I had like 18 before, but I don't know if I will have that many next time hah.
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Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
Thanks Sarah, I take that as a compliment:p
Hey, no problem, I'm just pointing out the obvious! :D

Besides, for once I'd love for someone to just try and define the word "normal" {D



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Besides, for once I'd love for someone to just try and define the word "normal"
Normal isn't Normal, Abnormal is Normal :D ~ Rex