I've been trying to mate my Heteropoda venatorias, but nothing happens. First two times the male tried to impress the female, but she didn't respond. If he comes to close, she backs up.
Last few times they both didn't do anything. They just sit there, looking at eachother.
Male is absolutely mature, he has boxing gloves and has made a spermweb thing. The female is slightly bigger than the male.
Temperature is in the 70's, humidity slightly low at the moment at 60%.
Is my female a-sexual?:}
Last few times they both didn't do anything. They just sit there, looking at eachother.
Male is absolutely mature, he has boxing gloves and has made a spermweb thing. The female is slightly bigger than the male.
Temperature is in the 70's, humidity slightly low at the moment at 60%.
Is my female a-sexual?:}