H. lividum Handling??


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2007
Omg.. I never said go ahead and do it.. not even encouraging it. How is it encouraging it? Jeez. Let's not point the finger here people... Yes. Stick your finger in a pissed off rattlesnakes face. That's encouraging and ignorant. Where did I say It? People get pictures holding their tarantulas when they have the complete capability of getting bitten all the same. No difference sooooooo back off. That's all I have to say on the matter.. no I don't advise it. You'd be stupid too.


Aug 25, 2011
hey man it's fine, I have a tiny bit of common sense so I doubt I will Ever Hold her, even if I did hold her I woudlnt get it on camera. As I would be emberassed to show my crap scared face..hahaha. there are tarantulas that are easier to hold so why hold a super defensive lividum? I learned throug this thread,that this is a particular species where you an just admire it from a distance..


Aug 30, 2011
1) They aren't aggressive.
2) Species name isn't capitalized.
3) You're in this hobby for the wrong reason.
Who are you to say what the hobby isn't about? Anyways, I wouldn't really handle a tarantula but you might want to do more research & really just observe how the people on youtube do it. & don't listen to the people that say put your hand in the hole or directly towards them. That's a horrible idea & not the way to handle them. Take a look at this youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/piggy237#p/u/4/8fqIr6Zn9tI

Dr Acula

Old Timer
Dec 22, 2010
I've held mine before. Almost ran up into my sleeve but aside from speed, didn't show signs of aggression.
note- I was changing the substrate and had the opportunity. I know how she reacts because I've handled her before and made sure she was out of her familiar territory before even attempting handling. Since your's has thrown up displays, I wouldn't suggest it. I don't even nudge her if she's on my hand or arm.
A good tip for handling (especially fast arboreals)that I've found helpful, not saying to try this now, is if you have no other option but to nudge the T (i.e., you have a tarantula almost at your armpit) and you KNOW it'll dart, do NOT nudge. If you're not already near the ground, get down LOW, SLOWWLYY place your hand around your sleeve, blocking off any areas for the T to dart through, and slowly maneuver your arm in different angles to make the T want to climb. Then, hopefully, it'll either crawl back down, or crawl onto your hand for you to place back into it's enclosure.
Just a tip in case you find yourself in that situation.


Apr 9, 2011
Look, I haven't been bitten by any of my T's, (thank god.) and I never want to be. But I do know that if something seems stupid, don't do it. I may never have been bitten, but I guarantee I have experienced more pain than you ever will, and when that happens to you, you learn to avoid doing stupid stuff.... like holding an H.lividum.... They are EXTREMELY defensive, and super fast. And BTW, a P.murinus is much more defensive than a cobalt in my opinion. ( you mentioned at the beginning of this thread that you were choosing between the two. ) So please take my advice, and avoid doing something this stupid.... In the end you'll probably end up killing him/her if it run's too quickly up your arm and you fling her off, or if she bites you and you drop her.. Not to mention if you couldn't get a hold of her, no one in your house would help you get her off... So please do you AND your T a favor, and don't hold him/her.... Its just plain stupid..
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Apr 9, 2011
They're not aggressive...
Yea you're right, my bad man. I always say aggressive, when I mean defensive :/ that's embarrassing...

---------- Post added 08-30-2011 at 07:50 PM ----------

I edited it ;) haha. Oh and Joe, I was wondering, were your communal P.regalis so gentle and slow-ish just because there so used to physical contact from one another growing up? Because I know mine sure as heck isn't that slow or gentle when it comes to cage maintenance lol


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2009
There are some T's you can hold and some I wouldnt hold. That one I wouldnt hold you have a good chance of get two fangs in you. but if you want to try more balls for you.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Quote Originally Posted by xhexdx View Post
1) They aren't aggressive.
2) Species name isn't capitalized.
3) You're in this hobby for the wrong reason.
Who are you to say what the hobby isn't about?
He is an experienced tarantula keeper with the best interests of the hobby, hobbyists and the individual tarantulas in mind.

just observe how the people on youtube do it.
Comparing the handling of a B. albiceps to handling a H. lividum is like comparing raisins and watermelons.
While there are some good videos on YouTube, not all incidents depicted there are recommended or even intelligent.