Grrrrrrrrr...I hate mites...


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Ok i really hate mites....blood suckin leaches is all they are..ok I noticed mites on my Burmese Python so i cleaned his cage and used some mite guard...I hope this works and tonight I think I will soak him in some luke warm water...



Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Yeah, I found dome mites in my Ball's cage the other night, did a thorough cleaning and it looks ok. What sort of long term problems can they cause? I know about pretty much every herp disease and illness and whatever, but the passages on mites are too long to read:}

But ive never heard of an animal that could survive Chlorox so I hope im OK. :8o


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
well to begin with mites are blood suckers so they can suck the life out of your snake...but another thing if the mites get in the sensory or sinuses they can cause internal infections and to this day I believe thats what killed my first Ball Python..If I were you I would get some preventitive mite strips or something of the nature cause mites cause too many problems



Old Timer
Mar 22, 2003
Actually, I wouldn't use the mite strips. I've heard of the chemical agents in those causing neurological disorders in snakes. My male Hog Island boa was in the kitchen at an old apartment when they went ahead and bug-bombed the kitchen without notifying me ahead of time. He basically didn't have full control of his muscles. While being handled, he would frequently twist himself and tie his tail in a knot, in a sense. When I put him down, he would throw his body in loops, and had difficulty crawling in a straight line. However, after a lot of soaks, and a couple sheds, he has made a lot of improvement. He is eating again, but, he does have minor muscular coordination problems from time to time. He can crawl normally, but he does twist every now and then while being handled.

What I've used is a spray called Sawyer's Tick Spray. You get it from Wal-Mart in the hunting section for $4 a can. It works very well, I've used it for years with zero problems. It is the exact same thing as Provent-a-mite, but is $15 cheaper. Both brands were made by the same manufacturer. They have the same patent number, and the same ingredients, including the active ingredient, which is 5% Permetherin. The only difference is that the different companies put different labels on the cans, and Provent-a-mite hiked up the price to $20 a can. This has always worked great for me. I've never had to do monthly "maintenance" sprays as suggested.

Obviously, you will want to be careful in using any chemicals for insect eradication around your invert pets. I would recommend treating the cage in a room away from where you keep the inverts with the door closed. I would also keep the treated cage and the inverts in separate rooms for a bare minimum of 2 weeks (which is how long the chemicals work for), just to be on the safe side. Maybe someone who has more experience in keeping inverts and herps simultaneously can add more input on this.



Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Ok, thanks. I'll check it out. My ball is kept in an entirely different room, so I should have no problems. Where do you reccomend spraying it?


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2003
You can spray it in the room it's in, just as long as it's well-ventilated. Just make sure there's nothing in the room that could be hurt by the spray. I have used the spray when other snakes were present in the room in separate cages with no problems. If you have a place where you can spray the cage outside, go for it. You will also want to use paper towels as a substrate for a few weeks to make the mites more visible. You will probably see dead mites on the paper towel and in the water bowl. It's kind of obvious they're dead, as they're kind of not moving. ;) After two weeks, if there isn't any sign of live mites anywhere, you can go ahead and add the regular substrate. As a precaution, I would spray the substrate and let it ventilate for a few hours before adding it to the cage.



Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
ok. Does this stuff prevent mites in invert cages at all?


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
My personal choice for mite prevention and erradication is Sevin dust. This stuff has been used for decades by snake breeders and it works like a charm. Also a bit of it sprinkled in the tank under the substrate will prevent the beasties from ever getting established.



Old Timer
Mar 22, 2003
I'm sure it would prevent mites. The only downside is that it would probably prevent your tarantulas and scorpions. That's why I say to make sure your invert pets are not in the same room, because I'm sure it affects them.

I have used Sevin Dust, and I rather like it. It has worked well for me. However, it can be a tad messy.



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002

Sounds like you are doing a great job, Bry, with treating the mites with the Sawyers stuff. And your Boa..........that is definant clinical signs of toxic poisoning from mite strips. Organo phosphates are just wicked. I do not know why anybody still uses that stuff, as it is too dangerous.I am really impressed with your supportive treatment for the Boa, sounds like you are doing a great job, and good luck in the future. Now Phil............I have great respect for you, but that seven dust is just dangerous!!

I know it has been around along time, but this stuff is just a dangerous carcinogen. There is much better treatments out there, that are much safer. I heard hobbyists in Europe are using frontline spray for fleas. I have heard it works great from many exp. vets., but have not used this, so will not vouch for it's safety or effectiveness. But what I do know of is Ivomec, (Ivermectin). Why more people do not know of it, I just cannot figure out. I have researched it heavily 10 years ago, and got the info. from the old book, (Understanding Reptile Parasites, by Roger Klingenberg,D.V.M.) I have heard of numerous exp. vets using this stuff, and it has always been successful, and safe. Not one reported death or side effect. Dosage is 1/2 cc., per quart of water, in a normal spray bottle. This is the liquid form of Ivomec. ONE application is effective in every case I have seen. Spray the cage, bedding, and even the snake, just don't overdo it, and pour it down the nostrils, or anything. Just lightly spray and cover them, and let it dry. I have treated many different Pythons and Boas with this treatment, and it works better than anything in my exp.

Just do not use it on T's, or anywhere near their substrate. And Chelonions(Turtles), and rainbow boas are purported to not tolerate this chemical. It crosses the blood to brain barrier in turtles. But, with the other species, I have NEVER heard of 1 bad reaction. I used it 8 years ago on my Blood Pythons, and they are doing great today. Some misguided vets still use ivomec in the injectable form, but this is not effective, as mites have to feed to be killed, and you have to use it in much higher doses than the spray, and it's internally injected, so it is not safe. Ask Immortal Sin, she used the spray, and I think she found it quite effective for her Boa.
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Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Ok what I got from a friend is this:

now it says all natural and to sprinkle on the bottom of the what I did is move my snake into the kitchen away from inverts and crickets and did all of that...Now I will check on her the question will be:when can I clean that stuff out and move her back in the reptile room?It dont say on the bottle but sapposedly you can goto and get the 3 step plan but I cant seem to find it...



Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Both myself and other folks who keep both Ts and snakes have used sevin dust with no ill effects whatsoever and yes it is in the same room. Granted I don't open the bag in the room due to my fan running but as long as it is in the snake tanks and not the T tanks there will be no probs. It is a dust and is not going to go airborne unless you fling it around with little to no care.

And as far as it harming snakes as a few folks believe within the herp world or rather the potential to harm them. Hogwash Many snake gurus with far more experience and years of breeding than myself use it and have done so for a long long time.

The bottom line is that any mite preventative will kill a Tarantula as that is simply what the stuff does. The reason I choose the sevin dust is not only the cheap price as well as effectiveness beyond anything else but it does not come in a spray form which to me seems far more likely to go where it is not wanted.

Now for the truly paranoid there is an alternative that is as harmless as it gets olive oil. Not nearly as effective though and it requires re dosing as it doesn't prevent it only kills them.



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
I have to disagree Phil.

It ( sevendust), is just an atiquated treatment, and it is PROVEN dangerous. It is a carcinogen in low doses, a cancer causing agent. There is so much medical research to back this up, and when an animal dies from *unknown causes* years later, people tend to think the death just happened. Just because experienced herpers do this, does not mean it is right. Most of these people do not even know what this chemical is, and just pass down these old remedies, like an old wives tale. I have heard of exp. zoo people using this as well, 30 years ago. They thought it was safe to shake the snake in a bag with the dust to elim. the mites! They did this with w.c. green tree pythons , by the way, among others. There is plenty of info out there, plenty of gardeners who us this stuff in a greenhouse, according to instruc., and they saw no dust either. But they did end up with debilitating nerve damage and lung ailments, to name just a few. As for the olive oil, of course it might work in some cases. And I am sure you know, if you have to treat the head, the place mites love to go when you treat a snake, if you treat the rostral scales, there is a danger of inhaling the oil, and it has caused plenty of cases of pneumonia over the years in snakes, because these paranoid keepers thought this stuff is safe as well. I mean , Ivomec has even been used to treat head lice on kids, safely. I still stand by, with research in hand, that it is one of the best mite treatments.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the subject however there have been no deaths or problems associated with the use of sevin dust in snakes regardless of your personal beliefs.

I know for a fact that many of the big names in the biz have used the stuff in excess of 20 years and do not have snakes dropping dead for unknown reasons let alone from the sevin dust. Unknown reasons by the way are just that unknown and have no more reason to be blamed on this than on any of the other vast amounts of things that can potentialy go wrong.

Bottom line is this if you choose not to use it then by all means don't but at the same time don't be down on a method that is more tried and true than the new stuff on the market when in truth plenty of other methods are equally as toxic. The point is that regardless of the method used it must be used properly.

And on the topic of oil causing respiratory probs sure it can if you bathe the head in it but this is not the way it is supposed to be used.



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by Phillip
You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the subject however there have been no deaths or problems associated with the use of sevin dust in snakes regardless of your personal beliefs.

I know for a fact that many of the big names in the biz have used the stuff in excess of 20 years and do not have snakes dropping dead for unknown reasons let alone from the sevin dust.

I see your point Phillip, but this is not a new treatment, as it has been around for over 20 years. But it is hardly true to say something like sevendust is tried and true, when everyone involved knows it is not used according to it's intended application. Great breeders they may be, but bio-chemists or veterinaries they are not. I am merely a experienced hobbyist, who knows people who do the research in this area. There is always better and new ways to do things, and people should do their research before they just resort to some ancient technique, that is obviously lacking in safety.It's not just my opinion, and a couple of sources of the info. are Roger Klingenberg, D.V.M., Scott Stahl, D.V.M. , and John Rossi , D.V.M. M.A. All these guys are pioneers in the field of reptile med. treatments. I would never denigrate someones idea of a safe treatment.............I just think it is a good practice to keep up with new info., and not just rely on old stuff, which in some cases is obsolete. Some breeders I know have a degree in biology, but none are as capable as the mentioned vets. to recommend a safe and effective treatment. And the oil treatment...............I think you know, I meant that for the in-experienced, it HAS caused problems when they tried to apply it to the nostril area, not by soaking in it. I mean..........any animal is much more sensitive to thick oil in the lungs, than a water based treatment. And............there has been deaths in humans, so how could you "prove that there has not been deaths with seven dust? " Just because something does not die, does not mean it is ideal for it or has no adverse affect. Again, breeders are not qualified to make this assumption. I hope you are as tired of this subject as I am.:)


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
I believe you are missing the point I am making here.

Granted sevin dust ( with an i not an e :) ) does indeed contain some pretty potent stuff but so do all the other mite treatments around. It however has the advantage of being more effective than nearly anything on the market short of the old roach spray that can barely be found and would certainly be as harmful if not more harmful used around inverts. To call the statement about it being tried and true false is absurd as anyone who has been keeping snakes for any length of time has surely heard of this method. The Loves, Applegate, Hollister, Vandenvetter, and a list far longer than I wish to type have all used it with no ill effects for many many moons if you wish to drop names. These people have played key roles in pioneering snake husbandry as well and they know their stuff just as well as Stahl and the vet crew do.

Now this is not to put down the vet point of view but merely to put it into perspective. While reptile medicine certainly has gotten better over the years it is still far from an exact science with the proof of that being how many snakes still fail to recover from routine surgery. Granted many do fine after vet care but just as many do not. Simply having a vets degree doesn't really hold much water in a field such as herp keeping where even the best vets are light years behind dog and cat docs or even bird docs for that matter. Also to say breeders aren't as qualified to decide whats safe is again absurd. Let us not forget that keepers and breeders have far more experience with what does and doesn't work on reptiles simply due to more time spent with them. While there were folks keeping and breeding herps 30 years ago and longer there were not any herp vets around. Research and learning is not done exclusively by those with diplomas but rather by those in the field with hands on experience.

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Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002

Originally posted by Phillip
Let us not forget that keepers and breeders have far more experience with what does and doesn't work on reptiles simply due to more time spent with them. While there were folks keeping and breeding herps 30 years ago and longer there were not any herp vets around. Research and learning is not done exclusively by those with diplomas but rather by those in the field with hands on experience.

I see your point Phillip, but I think you miss mine. I totally agree about the knowledge about the breeders, as I know many as well, and did not drop their names. But............If I did not "name drop" as you say, about the research, you would have surely come up with, where do you get your info.?, or, how do you know? It's better to have quality research than not, to back up a claim, otherwise it is just pure conjecture, and anecdotal. And while breeders are very good at what they do, and obviously a small number are pioneers in their field of knowledge, most do not have the background and education to surmise this is bad, or this is good. As you know..............more people are interested in making money, than funding research, hence the lack of research in reptiles and arachnids. The funding is VERY hard to come by. And while some breeds are difficult to breed, it's not rocket science for the most part. 98% of snakes breed very easy, even when they are half dead. People think they are brilliant because of this, when the snakes are just doing what they do. It is obvious, that you do not have to have a diploma to be exp. or great at your field or endeavor. But..............I believe that people should read the inserts to these chemicals, in all cases, before they make a decision. We all have to make our own choices, and in some cases things are found to be effective that were not intended for said purpose. I just think people should think long and hard, before resorting to something which is not approved in any stretch of the imagination for application to ANY living organism. Read the info. That is the reason that reptile treatment is still in the dark ages, because people do not choose to spend their 30 years of snake keeping reading research, instead worrying about getting 5 more eggs from the next clutch. Maybe if they worked with the vets a little more, and shared their data, they could enlighten them. As for the misspelling, I was kinda in a hurry, and I like the band called "Seven Dust", so that was where that came from. If you wish to be a proof reader on here, you will be here 24/7. In closing, use what you wish, what works for you, and hopefully it is safe and effective for your snakes. If it is, I am happy for you. But I choose not to ignore the data which states Sevindust is a proven carcinogen ( Cancer causing agent) , not approved or PROVEN to be safe for any organism. While Ivermectin HAS been proven safe and effective for certain organisms. The evidence is irrefutable.
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Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Wasn't trying to proof read ya as if I had there would have been far more corrections. :)

And the proof lies in the fact that sevin dust has been used succesfully for decades with no ill effects. You don't need studies and research when hands on use provide the proof. I am not missing your point but merely pointing out the other side of the coin is all.



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002

Are we in spelling contest now? If we are, I like my chances!:D I see the other side of the coin, but I think BOTH sides should get equal credence, that is all. There is a BIG difference between anecdotal info., and irrefutable factual research. Cigarettes don't cause cancer either, right? There is science........and there is hearsay, take your pick.:)
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