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Grammostola rosea


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
I'm trying to breed my G. rosea again. I am using Ronj's male. I have 2 adult female G. rosea that he will breed with.

He mated with my first female yesterday. Here are a couple of not-so-good pictures. Everything went very well. He made quite a few successful insertions.

I had to separate them after a minute or so because my female lowered her front legs over him and tried to pull him into her extended fangs. I will attach a picture of how she looked for the next several minutes following their mating. She was NOT happy! Check out the shadow of her fangs in the 3rd picture.


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Old Timer
Jul 29, 2003
2nd Try with my girl

Mating attempted at 10:20 PM 4-5-06

Male on loan from "reclusa"

I placed both enclosures side by side for ease of retreat. Lids were removed and the male moved from his enclosure toward hers. Female began a serious threat display. The male entered the enclosure and moved toward her immediately. Female made a slow charge toward the male, but was intercepted (Thank evolution for hooks!). The male lifted her and had veral good long insertions before making an attempt to retreat. He moved quickly up and out of her enclosure before becoming an after-sex snack.

Temp: 75 deg. F
RH: ambient
Lighting: bright 4' flourescent

2nd attempt today (4-6-06 4:45 PM)
Ditto from above. Two more good long insertions, but he almost didn't make it. See bite report forum for my adventure!

Temp: 68 deg. F
RH: ambient
Lighting: bright 4' flourescent

Pics from first attempt:



Old Timer
Nov 21, 2003
G. rosea, first attempt

I've had an egg sack from this female before, but she was gravid when I got her. This is my first breeding attempt. I have her about 3 years, and I raised the male from a sling.

I put the male in a small KK on it's side inside her 5 gallon enclosure. I left them that way for 2 days. After the first day I noticed the male drumming. Day 2, she's up against the KK opposite him. I guessed it was time. I opened the door to the KK and he practically flew out to her. She was receptive and they mated immediately. He got in several good insertions. Amazing! Then he jumped back and climbed up the side of the tank, where I caught him. I put him back in the KK. I'm not sure whether to attempt again in a day or two, or to retire him. I'll let their behavior guide me.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
First mating breakthrough


I paired my two a few mins ago, it seemed to go pretty well.

They starred for about 6 mins before going for it. They have did the pairing before, but this was the first time I have actually seen him go for the kill. he had the high ground on her house, and lead her up it high enough to reach her abdomain with his palps. though I never saw him insert them, he did kinda open them up a bit. who knows, maybe something happened on the right side. but if not, next time could be better.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
Grammastola rosea (Chilean RoseHair) Mating 07-31-2006 Session # 1


With conditions just right I went ahead with pairing these guys up.

Temperature: 81 Degrees F
Lighting Conditions: Dimmed
Male: TNT (Jasmine) (GRose-10)
Female: Mine (GRose-8)
Molt Records: Unknown for both

The male was placed inside of the enclosure and sat at the substrate for a few mintues.

It took him a few to find her but was like textbook when he walked around and found her. The male's twitching started the female's drumming. They both approached each other and locked his hooks into her fangs.

I saw several insertions and we'll see what the outcome is.

Breeding: Successful


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
When to separate slings

I have recently bred and had my first successful hatchout of 250 g. rosea spiderlings which are currently in their 1st instar.. I was worried about cannibalism and separated each into a ventilated salsa cup with about 1/4" of coconut fiber wetted as a substrate.. I am anxiously awaiting their change into true spiders that will feed when they hit 2nd instar, and was wondering if I am doing ok so far.. was it ok to separate them before 2nd instar, or should I hae left them as a bundle? I don't know when they molted into 1st instar, as they were like this when I opened the eggsac, but the date eggsac was opened was July 23... Any advice is appreciated and best of luck to everyone.. Nate


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
06/05/2005 - I got a nice red phase female
07/15/2006 - A good looking red phase male arrives
07/16/2006 - shark cage
08/05/2006 - 1st attempt:



Old Timer
Aug 1, 2006
Here are my notes so far on my G. rosea breeding attempt...

-Female Purchased early 2006. Last molt was on memorial day 2006 (Early August).

-Male purchased 12-13-06. Maturing molt unknown

Pre Mating Care

-Female well fed in the weeks leading up to mating

Notes on Mating


12:30pm - male purchased

1:00pm - cagesplaced side by side, no response from either spider. Will introduce tonight

8:10pm - attempted to introduce male. Female got very defensive. Male placed in a deli cup inside the females KK.

10:15pm - released male into females enclosure. Immediate drumming from male. No Response from female.

10:22pm - Male found female. slowly approaching.

10:27pm - Insertion


As soon as male touched female, she spun around and they hooked up. She never responded to his drumming. I witnessed several good insertions over a solid 2 minute period. Towards the end she seemed to be getting aggitated and started wraping her legs around him. She attacked when they seperated but he got away and I seperated them.


10:30am-i got to witness and photograph every step of the male building a sperm web. I fillied his waterdish and we began laying the first strands of webbing. Whole process took about 2 hours from construction to destruction.

This is where I stand with these 2 now. Im gonna reintroduce them tomorrow night for the final time.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
My notes on my G. rosea breeding project.

Moult records:

Female: Sometime in early November
Male: Unknown

Pairing temps: Between 70* and 75*

First pairing:


Male was eager, made his approach fairly quickly. The pairing lasted about half an hour, and some successful insertions were observed.

The day after this attempt, I gave the female a pinkie mouse to fatten her up.


Another pairing with the same male, this time the mating only lasted about 10 minutes and again, successful insertions were observed.


Today, I made the third and final pairing. The mating lasted about 30 seconds and again, successful insertions were observed.

Post mating care:

Female placed into a room that was unheated on 12/19/06. Temperature is around the high fifties to the lower sixties.

Success is undetermined at this time. Female seems to have grown a little larger since the pinkie, however it is entirely too early to tell.



Old Timer
Aug 1, 2006
Here are my notes so far on my G. rosea breeding attempt...

-Female Purchased early 2006. Last molt was on memorial day 2006 (Early August).

-Male purchased 12-13-06. Maturing molt unknown

Pre Mating Care

-Female well fed in the weeks leading up to mating

Notes on Mating


12:30pm - male purchased

1:00pm - cagesplaced side by side, no response from either spider. Will introduce tonight

8:10pm - attempted to introduce male. Female got very defensive. Male placed in a deli cup inside the females KK.

10:15pm - released male into females enclosure. Immediate drumming from male. No Response from female.

10:22pm - Male found female. slowly approaching.

10:27pm - Insertion


As soon as male touched female, she spun around and they hooked up. She never responded to his drumming. I witnessed several good insertions over a solid 2 minute period. Towards the end she seemed to be getting aggitated and started wraping her legs around him. She attacked when they seperated but he got away and I seperated them.


10:30am-i got to witness and photograph every step of the male building a sperm web. I fillied his waterdish and we began laying the first strands of webbing. Whole process took about 2 hours from construction to destruction.

This is where I stand with these 2 now. Im gonna reintroduce them tomorrow night for the final time.


The pair was reintroduced 12/19

The female ate the same night then refused food 2 days later. Tried again on the 23rd and she still refused.

Hopefully thats a good sign!

Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004
October 7th, 2006: Mated red form G. rosea female with red form male.

Mating took place at night, late spring/early summer conditions (Southern Hemisphere...South Africa). I mated them on my bed, taking them both out of their enclosures and letting them go at it out in the open, which worked just fine. I mated them probably 6-7 more times over the next 1.5 months.

December 28th, 2006: The female began webbing all over her enclosure.

January 5th, 2007 (8pm): the female began webbing in a definate 'hammock' shape in her enclosure.

January 6th, 2007 (4am-6am): the female laid eggs, and by 10am was done, having rolled the whole thing into a sac.

Will be checking the eggsac (pulling it) probably on day 30.
Will keep things updated.
here's pics:


Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004

February 1st, 2007. (DAY 26 from eggsac production)

Pulled eggsac, opened eggsac, and placed in manual incubator. Haven't counted slings, but all but 2 look like viable eggs-with-legs.



Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
Put my male/female RCF G rosea together from nov 24- dec 14.
All was very easy, with no significant events happening.

Eggsac was produced around Jan 10-16h, The sac was loose and very messy, much substrate held within the wrappings of silk.
18th, eggsac was eaten.
Although this is my 1st coupling, i currently hold the believe that she ate them due to the fact that the sac was made badly-
My theory,... She realised it was crap, and by nature she re-absorbed the eggs so the energy she put into making them, wouldnt get wasted if they wer to mold or anything

Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004

Day 40 - (40 days from eggsac production) All slings have molted into 1st instar. (Actually they started molting to 1st instar on day 39).

Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004

March 12 and March 16th(Around Day 65 and 69)- Slings molted again (2nd molt now from eggs-with-legs stage), and are now 16-19mm in legspan. All are very pink in coloration (both parents were red form), as opposed to the white'ish color that normal form babies are as slings.
Total hatchout size was 109 slings, out of about 113 eggs. Another 4 died from molt problems with the last molt.

I had the slings in 2 seperate groups. One group I kept on a high shelf, one on a low shelf only a couple feet off the ground. The temps are slightly warmer high up. The "top" group molted on March 12th. The "low" group molted March 16th.

Average daytime outdoors temperature for period between 1st instar and 2nd instar was around 25C daytime, 18C night-time.
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Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
Partially unsuccesfull ('till now)


Maitings were conducted in May. Male was introduced to each female on 2-3 occasions. Two out of the 3 females I bred molted in August. The third one looks like it may be gravid. I should mention that the male I used is now more than a year past his ultimate molt. So this may be a factor.



Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
She nailed him!!!

Hi all!
Tried once again to mate my old rosy male with one of my females. He walked directly to her. She slowly turned in his direction and then... she jumped and grabbed him. The poor little guy had no chance...
Now looking for another male!:eek:


Old Timer
May 2, 2005

Time Started: 10:40 PM EST
Temp- 72 degrees F
Lights- Dimmed

I put the male, on loan from Syndicate, into the females tank. He began drumming and walking towards her in a very decisive manner immediately. They tussled for a second but he got his hooks in and made several insertions. He basically walked in and had his way with her. She tried to grab him as he ran but I was able to get tongs under her and push her away.