Got my Emperor baby..:)


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
Hi all..:)

Got my Emperor baby today, 1 inch, dark-purplish, and this is what I did substrate wise;

I have used a mix of 75% coconut bark with jungle-mix 25% and I use a Pet Pal second smallest and at one end I put a small cheramic pot, I dugged it down so it formed a half-moon shaped cave and I didn't put it all the way to wall, i.e. so there was a little space between the pot and the wall so the hole in the bottom of the pot work like "back-door".

Well,, the scorp'ling went thruu the hole and stayed between the pot and the wall. The hole of the pot is below surface level so to speak, so the scorp'ling is kinda "underground", but still totally visible from the outside and the scorp'ling still get the benefit of the moist soil around the pot.

I found a smaller cricket and I dropped it in and the cricket ran into the cave and I saw how the scorp'ling reacted to that there was movement and she started to move back into the cave from the hole and wham!!! the cricket was "no-more". :D

That pot will work like a food trap for the scorp'ling.

Now it's just to keep the moist up and I do use my humidifier since I have my Avics in there as well and when the humidifier is on the humidity rises 10 - 15% easy in the room within an hour, beside the misting in the cage.

Finally a question; How is the growth rate for an 1 inch emperor during the first year? Is it also dependent on feeding rate and so on??:)

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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Temperature and food intake are probably the biggest factors. Scorps kept in the 80's will grow faster than those in the 70's. Young scorpions will eat loads and their abdomens will become very distended. When they molt, however, they will be dramatically bigger! Because of this, they seem to grow in leaps! Generally, it takes 2-3 years to reach maturity.



Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002


Thanx,that is good to know.

It's allways a lot ???-marks in the beginning especially for one that's a complete rookie like me, when it comes to scorp'lings:?

Today the scorp'ling kinda burrowed inside the pot and looked funny with only one claw sticking up in one of the corners of cave-shelter...:)
