Got my dream spider today!! (Hadronyche spp)


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I guess you didnt know: we have tornadoes in quebec now. I drove through a storm that birthed one. Last year was crazy stupid… i do not even know how i made it through. Me and all those people crossing the bridge when we did. The footage is something from The movies.

it happened twice in a year. And this year, we already had our first. This world is changing.

welcome to the dream.
I didn't know but my son has probably watched it on utube he is constantly flicking between tornadoes and washing machines of all things 😆 they are always on the tv .

Yes it is, at a rapid rate. I hate to think what it will be like when my son is my age. Suppose we will find out soon enough 🤷🏻‍♀️.