- Joined
- Aug 25, 2016
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- 96
I went to a vendors market today, and a booth was selling exotic animals. I noticed a stripe knee tarantula cowering in the corner of a kritter keeper labeled 30 dollars. I talked to the owner, made friends with him (and future business partners) After admission to the place, I had 28 dollars left and managed to talk him down even though they were strictly firm prices. Someone had come in before me trying to "scrape up change" to buy it, and they had refused them. He sold it to me for 28 dollars after talking about my collection and showing I have the knowledge to care for them much better than the shady teens they had refused before lol. My mom named it Shakira after meeting her, and I'd like you all to meet Specimen 009 "Shakira" Aphonopelma Seemani! She was thirsty!

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