My California Ebony (Aphonopelma eutylenum) has done well with no supplimental heating requirements, or misting and she had excavated a nifty little burrow until I accidentally demolished half of it.
Cithirascius crawshayi; the "king baboon tarantula"
They are very hardy, deep burrowers, but you won't see them outside of their burrows much.
The Ceratogyrus sp. are also hardy burrowers, along with most Aphonopelma sp. and you will see them a little more frequently.
Haplopelmas are great burrowers. Hysterocrates gigas is a burrowing machine. My Cyclosternum fasciatum is a pretty bust digger as well. Good luck with your choice.
I would suggest C. crawshayi, and any of the Haplopelma species. I see someone suggested a B. vagans, I have one and it has no burrowing tendencies whatsoever. It has been in my care for about 2 years now and seems content on hiding under a coconut shell rather than burrowing. Also, any of the Hysterocrates species
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