I was thinking of doing that with one of my stirmi's molts, but that thing is completely covered in urticating hairs. It looks like she dusted her molt mat with every hair she had and then rolled in it a couple of times before she actually molted! I put the molt in a deli cup and closed it up - seriously thinking of encasing the entire cup in wax and marking it with a bio-hazard sticker, just in case!I mounted an exo from my big female T stirmi, Precious. Spent about 4 hours working with it to get it just right; the mount turned out beautiful. The bad part? I did not wear gloves. I can assure you I will NEVER make that mistake again. My hands were on fire fire for well over 24 hours, and itched like mad for 3 days after the burning sibsided. There was no relief either. I tried many remedies, and nothing worked.