Getting my first OW, but serious questions.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
FYI: psalmopoeus venom is not that weak. It's quite potent as NW spiders go. Also, whoever said P. irminia was docile is pulling your chain.

It sounds to me like you have enough experience to try a Pokie/Lampro/Psalmo sling. They're pretty easy to deal with when they're tiny and you will "grow" as they do.
I can't see any where in this thread where it was said that P.irminia are docile or have a weak venom.....I must have missed something.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I can't see any where in this thread where it was said that P.irminia are docile or have a weak venom.....I must have missed something.

Psalmopoeus irminia are real one is.
These are quite fast too.
I would wait if I were you before getting one of these or any OW species :)

That was you, lol. I also noticed (this time around) that you still advised the OP against it. Someone else had suggested a P. cambridgei as an alternative to P. regalis and IMO if venom potency is a concern you're not making that significant of a tradeoff. It's like saying you need a slower car and trading your Ferrari in for a Porsche.

I think some people forget (or didn't know to begin with) that Psalmopoeus are fairly feisty as NW's go and have fairly nasty venom too. Not as bad as Poecilotheria but still pretty unpleasant from what I've read.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to start any flamey static or whatever, just wanted the OP to hear all sides.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
That was you, lol. I also noticed (this time around) that you still advised the OP against it. Someone else had suggested a P. cambridgei as an alternative to P. regalis and IMO if venom potency is a concern you're not making that significant of a tradeoff. It's like saying you need a slower car and trading your Ferrari in for a Porsche.

I think some people forget (or didn't know to begin with) that Psalmopoeus are fairly feisty as NW's go and have fairly nasty venom too. Not as bad as Poecilotheria but still pretty unpleasant from what I've read.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to start any flamey static or whatever, just wanted the OP to hear all sides.
You are right that there isn't much of a trade-off, and yes those Psalmos can get pretty spirited at times. Personally, I'd just go with the Pokie and get it over with. I love my Psalmos, but Pokies are way easier to deal with.

But to be fair to the Psalmos, they do possess a less potent venom (as I had stated earlier). I would much rather take a hit off of a 7" P. cambridgei than a 4" Pokie any freakin' day of the week, IMHO (but hopefully never IME)!!! :p

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
That was you, lol. I also noticed (this time around) that you still advised the OP against it. Someone else had suggested a P. cambridgei as an alternative to P. regalis and IMO if venom potency is a concern you're not making that significant of a tradeoff. It's like saying you need a slower car and trading your Ferrari in for a Porsche.

I think some people forget (or didn't know to begin with) that Psalmopoeus are fairly feisty as NW's go and have fairly nasty venom too. Not as bad as Poecilotheria but still pretty unpleasant from what I've read.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to start any flamey static or whatever, just wanted the OP to hear all sides.
All my T's and scorps are my "sweeties".It is just indicating affection.
How that can be mistaken for me saying they are not fiesty or venemous is beyond me.
I also advised against getting any old world or a P.irminia.
On the grand scale of things,T venom is not going to kill you either....another thing the scaremongers fail to mention.
We are not talking Sicarius,loxy's,Latrodectus or Atrax here.......
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Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
All my T's and scorps are my "sweeties".It is just indicating affection.
How that can be mistaken as me saying they are not fiesty or venemous is beyond me.
I also advised against getting any old world or a P.irminia.
On the grand scale of things,T venom is not going to kill you either....another thing the scaremongers fail to mention.
We are not talking Sicarius,loxy's,Latrodectus or Atrax here.......
You were the one constantly warning people that Haplo venom has killed people. The only scaremonger is you.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
You were the one constantly warning people that Haplo venom has killed people. The only scaremonger is you.
You like to exagerate I must say.....You really need to get your facts straight.
I said that the chinese earth tiger..... ( mistake with the scientific name) ..... was reported to have killed a young girl (that is also open to debate).That is one T.and since when does that mean all the Haplo species. ?
I take it you do know there is more than in T in the Haplo species ?
And also,keeping pokies,baboons and Halpo's is not difficult or dangerous and as long as you are careful,there is no reason to ever get tagged.I am sure you for instance would probably be fine with one of the calmer baboons,say E.pachypus for instance.I keep one and that is also a "sweetie" would be just dandy with one of those :clap:
In are the links.
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Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
No Spit, you need to get your facts straight. There have been a few reports of deaths following tarantula bites, but they are either "rumors" or the deaths were most likely caused by secondary infections. In the case of the Haplo (not Chilobrachys, again, who needs to get their facts straight. Right - YOU), it is both a "rumor" backed up by none other than the omnipotent (sarcasm) wikipedia and it does not contain any information on whether or not the child received medical treatment.

You were the one that posted multiple times warning about the potential lethal consequences of a Haplo bite and citing this most dubious of "reports". Nevermind that people have been bitten by most Haplos without effects that even come close to those of a Pokie species. Add to the fact that you are also the individual that posted the same pictures of you handling highly venomous species of arachnids multiple times.

Who was the one that ensured a poster that he had an Hmac when it was most definitely a Pterinochilus species? Who posted that Psalmopoeus irminia are sweeties and then made some BS argument that all his T's are called sweeties? Who posted multiple times telling people that they have no business being in this hobby for ridiculous reasons? Who argued with talkenlate (of all people) about Pokie communals? Who couldn't even remember the correct species he was lecturing everyone about?

All of those are you Spit, if anyone needs to get their facts straight it is you. You are an extremely hypocritical person, you post inaccurate information with absolutely no regards to the damage you may be causing. You are insulting and condescending when there is no need for it. You may have changed your name, but underneath it all you are still spit.

Sorry to take things so far off topic - spit bothers me probably more than a troll should.

Pouchedrat - I highly doubt that you'd be bitten by a pokie if you were to get one. You seem like an intelligent keeper and do more than your due diligence before acquiring any new tarantula. With those qualities, I think you'd make the necessary precautions to avoid any bite.

BUT a bite that causes fever, sweating, increased heart rate, massive muscle cramps, nausea, etc for days to weeks at a time could have potentially devastating effects on an unborn child.

In the end, it's only up to you and what you feel most comfortable with.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
How many hours did it take you to come up with that {D
Very impressed :D
It also sounds to me like a personnal attack but I'll leave it go.......
The facts I was referring to were to do with this thread.....not every post I have ever made.
Never once did I say that irminias were not venemous or fiesty....fact
I also said not to get one.....................................................fact


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
If you get bitten, then the venom is in your body as you breast feed your child, the child's DNA has a 50% chance of mutating into something like spiderman.
You say that as if it's a bad thing. {D

In all seriousness, if you really want an OW and plan on keeping it well out of reach of children I don't see a major problem. If there isn't a place to keep it out of reach I wouldn't get those just in case of a bite. Like some others have said in other T deciding posts, get one small so you grow with the T and get an idea on its speed while still young(not to mention that if you get a baby or juvenile, there will be zero chance of your T dropping an unexpected sac of hundreds of them).

Least a Haplopelma or Stromatopelma weren't your choices. {D:eek:

Just me $0.02. :)